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Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

Kuwait now on board too.

Hopefully when Iran's fanboy Obama leaves office, a republican will take over and bring back sanctions on Iran.
Kuwait now on board too.

Hopefully when Iran's fanboy Obama leaves office, a republican will take over and bring back sanctions on Iran.
-Dream on, babe :p: USA can not bring back sanctions as it wishes.they must ask for help from P5+1.

-Next week all sanctions will be lifted and your real nightmare will come to you.I would like to see your face that day.lol

-And You are wrong, relationship with Kuweit is still fine.

-Turkey's reaction to this incident was horrible for Saudis. They blamed Saudis for political executions and said both Iran and KSA are our friends despite Iran and Turkey are on the opposite sides in all ME conflicts except of Kurd issues.

-Also as of now, Iranian top authorities such as supreme leader, president and foreign minister have not cared to give an announcement.lol

-Also since Djibouti cut tie with Iran, Iran foreign ministry has issued an ultimatum to djiboutian diplomats to find their representative country on the map in 24h.
This will have grim implications in countries that have a visible demography of the two sects that these two countries dominate. This includes all Central Asian states, Afghanistan and Pakistan, as well as countries like Bahrain, Iraq, Syria and Egypt.

Let's hope this doesn't escalate otherwise it will be an orgy of violence across the entire region.
-Dream on, babe :p: USA can not bring back sanctions as it wishes.they must ask for help from P5+1.

-Next week all sanctions will be lifted and your real nightmare will come to you.I would like to see your face that day.lol

-And You are wrong, relationship with Kuweit is still fine.

-Turkey's reaction to this incident was horrible for Saudis. They blamed Saudis for political executions and said both Iran and KSA are our friends despite Iran and Turkey are on the opposite sides in all ME conflicts except of Kurd issues.

-Also as of now, Iranian top authorities such as supreme leader, president and foreign minister have not cared to give an announcement.lol

-Also since Djibouti cut tie with Iran, Iran foreign ministry has issued an ultimatum to djiboutian diplomats to find their representative country on the map in 24h.

USA could have already brought back sanctions for your violations (missile tests)

But Hussein Obama is an Iranian tool and won't do a thing.

USA can independently implement sanctions and does not need P5+1 for permission.

I can only see more Arab states joining against Iran as time passes and more Arabs are killed by Iran.
USA could have already brought back sanctions for your violations (missile tests)

But Hussein Obama is an Iranian tool and won't do a thing.

USA can independently implement sanctions and does not need P5+1 for permission.

I can only see more Arab states joining against Iran as time passes and more Arabs are killed by Iran.

It's actually a strange paradox. The more USA warms up to Iran, the more hostile our GCC neighbors get, which makes political sense since they are paranoid about a new regional influence. So this also means that if the deal collapses (which there still is a chance), it would then mean the GCC would get less worried and they'd get friendlier with us.
It's actually a strange paradox. The more USA warms up to Iran, the more hostile our GCC neighbors get, which makes political sense since they are paranoid about a new regional influence. So this also means that if the deal collapses (which there still is a chance), it would then mean the GCC would get less worried and they'd get friendlier with us.

Perhaps, but whatever stops you killing and terrorising in the region is a good thing.
USA could have already brought back sanctions for your violations (missile tests)

But Hussein Obama is an Iranian tool and won't do a thing.

USA can independently implement sanctions and does not need P5+1 for permission.

I can only see more Arab states joining against Iran as time passes and more Arabs are killed by Iran.
Sanctions are about 8 person and 3 companies related to missile industry.thats nothing comparing to swift sanctions and others.and this sanction is also suspended.

No one cares about USA sanctions.We have no relationship with USA.all we care is sanctions from UN,EU and other international organizations such as swift.if USA sanctions us they will be the one loosing because giant american companies such as GM and Boeing will loose the competion to their european counterparts such as Airbus and european car makers.also if they sanction us independently P5+1 will no longer support them.

Also we will keep looking for our interests in Palestine,Syria,Lebanon,Iraq,Yemen....regardless of what some fat sheikhs say about us.
Perhaps, but whatever stops you killing and terrorising in the region is a good thing.

Well, obviously citizens of their own respectable countries have differening views regarding such statements, so it is hardly a useful talking point. I feel that usa, saudi, and israel have a far more damaging effect on our region, but i dont expect you to accept my viewpoint either, so let's try to discuss things which are more objective. Thanks.
Storming Saudi embassy in Tehran was organized - IRGC Commander


Storming the Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran was a “fully organized” move, the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) top commander in Tehran province, Brigadier General Mohsen Kazzemeini said.

He further rejected any involvement of the forces close to the government in the attack, saying the “believers and followers of Hezbollah ideology” did not take part in the attack, Iran’s official Mizan news agency reported Jan. 4.

Kazzemeini did not unveil further information about the group or groups which he believes were responsible for the attack.

Following execution of a prominent Shia cleric, Nimr al-Nimr by Saudi Arabia some Iranian protesters stormed Saudi embassy in Tehran on Jan. 3, smashing furniture and setting the building on fire before being dispersed by police. The Saudi consulate in the eastern city of Mashhad also was attacked.

Kazzemeini further said that storming and burning the Saudi embassy in Tehran was very wrong and “dirty” move and can not be justified anyway.

Saudi Arabia broke off diplomatic ties with Iran on Jan 3, following the attack.

The UN Security Council, in response to a Saudi letter, has strongly condemned the attacks on the embassy in Tehran and Saudi consulate in Mashhad.

The council called on Iranian authorities "to protect diplomatic and consular property and personnel, and to respect fully their international obligations in this regard".

Storming Saudi embassy in Tehran was organized - IRGC
Iran has no respect for proper diplomatic behavior. They let thugs violate embassies of countries they have dispute with, from US in 1979, UK, and now Saudi Arabia. They should be sanctioned by UN for such obnoxious behavior.
The US and UK toppled Iran's secular democracy and installed a dictator known as the "Shah" who killed thousands in demonstrations alone; the US was also responsible for shooting an Iranian passenger plane; they have every right to be angry/mad.
Lebanese singer on Twitter:

@Madali @raptor22 @like_a_boss and others

What singer? It's a random journalist with 6000 followers on Instagram. A nobody in other words. Ironically her surname "Harbi" originates from KSA.

Don't spread lies all over this forum. Yesterday you were writing outrageous lies about the Arabic alphabet and you were countered successfully for all to see.

Kuwait recalls Iran envoy over Saudi embassy attack

Flames rise from Saudi Arabia's embassy during a demonstration in Tehran January 2, 2016. (Reuters)

Staff writer, Al Arabiya News Tuesday, 5 January 2016

Kuwait recalled its ambassador to Iran on Tuesday, state news agency KUNA reported, after Gulf Arab allies Saudi Arabia and Bahrain severed relations with Tehran following attacks on Saudi missions by Iranian protesters.

"An official source at the Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry said that the ministry recalled the Ambassador of the State of Kuwait to the Islamic Republic of Iran on Tuesday morning Jan. 5 2016, against the backdrop of the attacks carried out by crowds of demonstrators," the agency reported.

The protests followed Saudi Arabia's execution of Shite preacher Nimr al-Nimr.

Bahrain decided to cut ties with Iran on Monday and gave Iranian envoys 48 hours to leave the kingdom, expressing similar sentiments to that of Saudi Arabia when it accused Tehran of interfering in the affairs of regional countries and giving safe haven to terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda.

Sudan also decided to expel Iran’s ambassador from Khartoum and denounced Iran’s interference in the region.

Meanwhile, the UAE on Monday downgraded Iran’s diplomatic representation and cut the number of envoys allowed on its soil.

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Arab League on Sunday expressed support for Saudi Arabia’s ongoing fight against “terrorism.”

The six-member regional bloc’s secretary general Abdullatif al-Zayani said that the GCC, which includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Saudi, “stands side by side” with Riyadh, holding Iran as responsible.

His remarks came after Tehran lashed out at Riyadh for the executions of 47 people, include Shiite preacher Nimr.

Early Sunday, Saudi’s embassy in Tehran and its consulate in Mashhad were attacked by Iranian protesters in reaction to Nimr’s death.

The Gulf states have long-accused Tehran of meddling in their affairs.

(With Reuters and AFP)

Last Update: Tuesday, 5 January 2016 KSA 12:25 - GMT 09:25

UNSC condemns attack on Saudi embassy in Iran

The United Nations headquarters is lit up in blue to honor the 70th anniversary of the United Nations in New York, October 23, 2015. (Reuters)

AFP, United Nations Tuesday, 5 January 2016

The U.N. Security Council on Monday strongly condemned an attack on the Saudi embassy in Tehran and its consulate in Mashhad by angry protesters.

The statement by the 15-member council made no mention of the execution of Nimr al-Nimr and called on Iran to protect diplomatic personnel and property.

Saudi Arabia cut off diplomatic ties with Iran on Sunday after protesters ransacked and set fire to the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and the consulate in Mashhad.

“The members of the Security Council condemned in the strongest terms the attacks against the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s embassy in Tehran, and its Consulate General in Mashhad in the Islamic Republic of Iran, which resulted in intrusions into the diplomatic and consular premises, causing serious damage,” said the council statement.

Expressing “deep concern” over the attacks, the council “called on the Iranian authorities to protect diplomatic and consular property and personnel, and to respect fully their international obligations in this regard.”

Council members urged the sides to “maintain dialogue and take steps to reduce tensions in the region.”

Saudi Ambassador Abdallah al-Mouallimi had earlier urged the council to “take all appropriate measures to ensure the inviolability of diplomatic facilities and the protection of all Saudi diplomats in Iran.”

Riyadh also defended the execution of 47 men including Nimr, saying in a letter to U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon that they were “granted fair and just trials without any consideration to their intellectual, racial or sectarian affiliation.”

International fears were growing that the Saudi-Iranian rift would derail peace efforts in Syria and Yemen and two U.N. envoys were dispatched to Riyadh to keep diplomatic gains afloat.

However, Mouallimi said there was not cause for concern as Saudi Arabia saw no “effect” to the break with Iran on Yemen and Syria.

“From our side, it should have no effect because we will continue to work very hard to support the peace efforts in Syria and Yemen,” Mouallimi told reporters.

Last Update: Tuesday, 5 January 2016 KSA 07:47 - GMT 04:47

Very good.
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