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Saudi Arabia Cuts Ties With Iran

3 out of 34 nations of islamic military alliance have cut diplomatic relations with iran. one has reduced diplomats.. lets wait for the rest to cutoff relations with iran!
New Alert sounded around embassies in Iran

Ok, fair enough.

Because no election in Iran under the current regime has been considered as fair by anyone outside of Iran. I don't even believe that you believe this.

I never said that anyone elected any king in KSA but only that most people support some part of their laws deriving from Islam. That is all.

Yes, they are. Everyone outside of Iran considers them equal to a king as they have the last word about everything. They are the head of state too.

Anyway since you have a problem with monarchy, do you have the same opinion about all your kings throughout history? Nobody elected them either. Only for 36 years have you been ruled by Supreme Leaders which is just another word for a religious king.

What about the 12 Imams? Are they not decided by sperm? Yes, they are. You ignored this of course.
Ouch, owned.

Still waiting that a democracy loving Shite answers this.

Your whole premise as people is submitting to a monarchy, both religiously and politically, yet you dare preach about democracy to others?

Truly delusional.
As if Iran would care!

Iran has survived and even flourished during the worst period of global sanctions led by US...Iran is a very strong on ethics, culture, self reliance and self pride..they don't need countries like Saudis which is nothing but a puppet of westerns states and earns its bread, drugs and cars through only one source i.e. oil!

Go and sniff India's stench man, or teach your own people how to use deodorants. Leave us alone with Iranians. We have been fighting for thousands of years already.
Saudi Arabia has shown itself as the most disgusting, despicable, secterian, criminal pieces of shits throughout history. They are responsible for the creation of the worst ideologies to roam this earth from Abu sayaf, Boko haram, Al Shabab, alqaeda, Daesh and many other similar terrorist organizations which emerged from the neo-ummayid/ Wahhabism/ salafist ideologies. They praise the killers and blame the victims. if hypocracy was a man, he would be saudi.

They funded alqaeda in syria in Iraq and now try to present themselves as the good guys. They suppressed the call for democracy in Bahrain while supporting "democratic Islamic" terrorists in Syria. They destroyed and transgressed against the people of Yemen simply because they wanted to live as free men, and not slaves for saudi Wahhabism.

Saudis are some of the most corrupt people on earth with a big percentage of them practicing homosexuaity, going for pleasure vacations and partying in Europe and America while calling for an "Islamic state" for others.

The funded Saddams 8 year war against Iran and now somehow blame iran for causing hate, funny coming from the kingdom of hate and terrorism.

Some might say that we Iraqis suck up to iran. Here is just a small list of recent saudi history with Iraq.
1- paid their hired goons for the complete destruction of iraq in 1991.
2- allowed the us to continue bombing iraq from 1991-2002 from their land and enforced a complete blockade on a starving iraq... whilst even iran traded with the iraqis despite the UN embargo.
3- their hate preachers called on the killing of the majority of iraq's populace after 2003.
4- their terrorists came by the thousands and killed tens of thousands of iraqi citizens between 2003-2015
5- and in all that, the only thing their government was worried about is the "repatriation" and "rehabilition" of saudi terrorists from iraq.
6- saudi continued fighting against iraq post 2003 through their propaganda channels and via their terror-preachers.
7- whilst most countries wrote off the iraqi "odious debt" from the saddam era... saudi and kuwait are the only countries who want iraqis today to repay that blood money (which was originally given to saddam to fight a war on their behalf against iran) to the last cent.

While real terrorists are taken to rehab before getting out and leaving to Iraq and syria to commit suicide attacks. The people who protests are executed and crucified for "causing corruption"

A 17 year old terrorist who joined Daesh in syria and killed a few people in Syria returned to saudi Arabia and taken to rehab as he was a "irresponsible brainwashed minor".

While the 17 year old nephew of shiek Nimr may Allah rest his soul has been sentenced to death simply for protesting.

Anyone who doesn't see the flaw in all this is blind, dictated by hate and secterianism. I truly hope all those who read this use their conscience and choose to let their minds be free from the secterian ideology and just consider these facts even if only for a bit. Ask yourselves, is this right and justice?

Any man with honor in the land of the two sacred mosques would at least avoid referring to himself As a "saudi"

Why are you so worried man? Saheb Ezzaman will fix it all upon his upcoming return. It is Persians that are keeping him away when they say عجل الله فرجه.You know, they pronounce it أجل الله فرجه. Which means "may God postpone his return".
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Ouch, owned.

Still waiting that a democracy loving Shite answers this.

Your whole premise as people is submitting to a monarchy, both religiously and politically, yet you dare preach about democracy to others?

Truly delusional.

I just can't stand hypocrisy when I see it. That's all. I don't have a problem with Iran or Iranians as long as they are not anti-Arab or anti-Muslim. I as most Egyptians and other Arabs for that matter will stand with our eastern neighbor KSA and brethren if Iran is foolish enough to harm KSA or any other Arab nation.

We Egyptians have not forgot how busy the Iranian regime was when we had our political unrest. They too were busy meddling. In return I have never seen any Egyptian leader comment on internal Iranian affairs. I have seen such behavior time and time again in numerous Arab countries. This I find provoking and counterproductive. I have seen a few Iranian users speak ill of Egypt too here which I obviously did not understand let alone like.

Iran was much more sane when the Shah was there. Back then there was mutual respect. Hopefully Iran can return to such a way of action in the future. Anyway thankfully we are located a bit further to the West from your guys mess..


Iranian Embassy in Saudi Arabia versus Saudi Arabian Embassy in Iran.

When I see that photo, I get curious. What happened to the Saudi Arabian staff? I assume that everyone has returned safely? Or where they all absent when the attack occurred? I am surprised that nobody died or was taken by the mob. I am also surprised that nobody attacked the Iranian embassy in return or protested in front of it. I guess that the Saudi Arabian authorities were present as soon as they heard about the news of their embassy being attacked. Professional behavior if true.

Rest assured that we Egyptians would not have such restraint, police or not.

Madness. Talk about jungle law when you think about it. This only happens in the ME, South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa sadly. More positive publicity for the region. Just what we need.:lol:
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Not exactly conducive to any democracy, is it?

"completely Islamic" i.e the days of 1,400 years ago.

We want Prophet Muhammad (sawas), Quran and their way and we must approximate ourselves to them as much it is possible to have high grades in hereafter.
Why are you so worried man? Saheb Ezzaman will fix it all upon his upcoming return. It is Persians that are keeping him away when they say عجل الله فرجه.You know, they pronounce it أجل الله فرجه. Which means "may God postpone his return".
Google Translate

عجل = quicken
"may God quicken his return"

It seems you don't know simple arabic!

Saheb azzaman will not fix problems as long as we don't defeat our enemies (wahhabis and Zionists)
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Iran used Dubai as a trading hub for its products. The benefit is both sided. Do you think Dubai was trading with Iran for charity? No, both sides benefit and both sides will lose. But logically, Iran will lose LESS, because Iran could use another country to move is good from (such as Oman) while Dubai won't be able to find a replacement for Iranian destined goods.

At the end, both will lose, but both will survive.

The Iranian diaspora will lose out if they are kicked out but that doesn't harm the country itself.

The fact remains the same. Iran's by far biggest trading partner is the UAE. The biggest Iranian diaspora in the region is located in the GCC. The GCC-Iran trade is hugely one-sided and in favor of the GCC. Of course the GCC will also lose as well if all trading ties are stopped but the impact will be nowhere as big as in the case of Iran. This is obvious for everyone.
Don't forget that the economy of the GCC is 4-5 times bigger than that of Iran.

Last time I checked, Oman was part of the GCC so exchanging UAE, Dubai in particular, with Oman won't exactly disprove my points.
In any case you are not really arguing against my main point.

Anyway what will happen with Iranian pilgrims? Will they be banned from performing Hajj and Umrah in KSA? If so how does that correspondent with the fact that Iran claims to be an Islamic country?
Also why does it seem to be a tradition in Iran to burn other countries embassies and consulates time and time again? I don't get it. You can have tensions etc. but you don't burn other peoples embassies down or attack them.
Also what's the problem between KSA and Iran? You never fought against each other directly. Look at Egypt and Israel. Is it not time to move on and grow up? Or just finally attack each other instead of using gullible proxies abroad? I might side with KSA in case of a war with Iran but I don't like how both regimes use proxies in the region. Look how much harm those proxies have done all across the region while KSA and Iran is safe. It's high time for reforms in those two countries. The Muslims and people of the world are tired of your behavior.
What a disappointing display of 'diplomacy' by both Iran and KSA! Iran should be ashamed that yet another foreign embassy is attacked inside Iran and KSA looked like wanting to provoke Iran by the execution of the prominent Shia cleric. To me it looks like KSA wants to confront Iran head on to destroy the talks on Syria; KSA also wants Uncle Sam's coziness with Iran to end. And Iran needs to quit being a self-proclaimed champion of all Shias in the region especially during these volatile times.

Pakistan should stay strictly NEUTRAL! As of now, Pakistan is the only major Muslim country in the region which can claim to be neutral and so the good offices of Pakistan must be used to defuse the tension and find solutions to regional problems.
We want Prophet Muhammad (sawas), Quran and their way and we should approximate ourselves to them as much it is possible.

Google Translate

عجل = accelerate
It seems you don't know simple arabic!

Saheb azzaman will not fix problems as long as we don't defeat wahhabis and Zionists.

Your days are numbered. This is a promise mate... History has proved many things...

For example almost no one foretasted www1 and 2 but they occurred. You are much weaker than the European countries at the time when world wars occurred... Your survival is dependent on petro dollars. Just imagine the time that you can't sell oil anymore... Just imagine the time that US throw your terrorist regime to the garbage like they did it to Saddam...
He's making fun of your persian pronunciation. You can't pronounce Arabic sounds so might as well quit uttering our holy language, also stop using our holy alphabet.

Thank God that I speak the language of the Qur'an.
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