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Saudi Arabia announces formation of Islamic military coalition of 34 States.

I am afraid with the Saudis leading this we can count this to be another zero plus zero plus zero - - - is zero. Pakistan and Turkey must come forward to lead. In our region a sub-leadership ought to be established with Indonesia - who are yet to respond.

This coalition is doomed to fail. A coalition based on pay offs and bribery is never solid to start with. Now Pakistan was included, vetted, without being consulted.
My question is This Islamic military may also defense Falasteen,libnan,barhama,behreen,sham,iraq????
Countries may be wrote in what ever beacause it is not originally English .
About Tahrir square ,yes our great army protected our revolution in that particular place and didn't fire at protesters as claimed to be ordered by Mubarak.
so i can write as igypt.
and what about sisi??
Under the previous KSA leadership I would agree with you. However, the current leadership has already shown at least some willingness to risk Saudi blood in Yemen, coordinated with other Arab forces. So the fall-down-laughing-on-the-floor response doesn't seem so appropriate, does it?
No offense saudis were forced to enter yemen after others said no to them. Every single wahabi organisation finds its support from GCC nations. Just one action doesnt prove anything when they actively support ISIS and Alnusra front in Syria. No offense but old habbits die hard hence i think comments are very appropriate. An organisation is as good as a face representing it and tainted faces dont make good publicity.

Pakistan has forgotten that Saudis largesse equate to "we own you", the only one who beat them at their game so far is "Egypt" who is a pro at itemizing and pricing each involvement separately...Paid up front, cash in hand, no chk or CC accepted.
Fitna lies in iran . only goal of iran is to protect bastard ayatullah's regime .
Fitna lies in Iran? Then why is it that all the terrorist massacres by ISIS, AQ, TTP, LEJ, Boko Haram, Al Shabab etc are committed by Sunni terrorists groups inspired by Saudi Wahabi ideology that they further distort?
Man you're pretty bad at deceiving others, you need a course of how to be a proper false flagger , you blew your cover too easily !!! Keep deceiving , I won't waste my time replying to you

I am not the only one making that fact known !!

When popular people like Hamid Gul considered TTP leaders as Martyrs, isn' t it obvious there strong domestic support for TTP in Pakistan.
''Turkey, the only country in the alliance that is also a NATO member, welcomed the new coalition. Turkish Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu called it the "best response to those who are trying to associate terror and Islam."

"We believe that this effort by Muslim countries is a step in the right direction," Davutoglu said.

"Turkey is ready to contribute by all its means to all gatherings that aim to fight terrorism, no matter where or by whom they are organised," Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told reporters in Ankara.''

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Well, Truth is that Pakistan neither need any alliance to act against terrorism, we are strong enough to act alone, we don't need any dictation in the name Islam or anything else. Its better to act wisely and put our national interests at first place instead of Saud's interest. Kingdoms of middle east should find the solutions of their problem by their selves.
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