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Saudi Arabia announces formation of Islamic military coalition of 34 States.

Iranians are butthurt, they were left with the rest of the misfits:
Syria, the none-country
Iraq, Turkey/Iran's door mat
Oman, AKA Jordan's capital spelled wrong.
Aww that's cute, Big Bad Saudi Arabian is butthurt that Oman raised the F.U. Flag of I don't give a ____ about sectarians!
Go hug a terrorist, don't hate but you can cry.

...I am not inventing anything, this is what the American expat's exact words -
At least now you're invoking sources. Now give us a traceable line to your source and recount the efforts you made to evaluate his reliability.

Israel is a de facto participant in the first raids on Yemeni military installation, and Israelis were helping the Sauds in conducting the war -
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan found itself in the crosshairs of Middle Eastern politics on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed 34-nation military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

Talking to journalists, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said he was surprised to read the news that Saudi Arabia had named Pakistan as part of the alliance.

He said he had asked the country’s ambassador in Riyadh to get a clarification from Saudi Arabia on the matter.

Know more: Pakistan part of 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism, says KSA

Another senior official also confirmed that Pakistan was not consulted before inclusion in the alliance.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Saudi government surprised many countries by announcing that it had forged a coalition for coordinating and supporting military operations against terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan. The headquarters of the new Saudi-led coalition would be based in Riyadh.

This is not the first time that Saudi Arabia has named Pakistan as part of its military alliances without Islamabad’s knowledge and consent. The Saudis earlier named Pakistan as part of the coalition that carried out operations in Yemen and a Pakistani flag was displayed at the alliance’s media centre.

Pakistan later declined to join the Yemen war.

It is Pakistani government’s policy that it will not deploy its troops outside the country’s borders except for UN peacekeeping missions.

In the past Pakistan has twice rejected US calls for joining alliances against the militant Islamic State (IS) group on the same pretext.

“We are not looking for any involvement outside our region,” army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa had said last month while replying to a question about the possibility of Pakistan becoming part of a US-led coalition against IS.

It is unclear how Riyadh went ahead with announcing Pakistan’s participation in the new alliance. It is also difficult to speculate if Islamabad will change its policy because of its close ties with the kingdom.

Pakistan, however, has counter-terrorism cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

The IS operations and activities across the Middle East have led to military responses executed by alliances that most of the time rival each other. Syria has been battling IS and other militants with the help of Iran and Russia.

The US, which is supporting groups trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is meanwhile leading another alliance against IS.

Iran has led military efforts along with the Iraqi army and volunteers in the fight against IS in Iraq. The US-led alliance has been supporting the ground operations against IS with their air strikes.

Published in Dawn, December 16th, 2015

Source: Pakistan surprised by its inclusion in military alliance
We elected them and we through them out..

People of Egypt had elected MB and a mafia boss with his suckular goons in the armed forces ousted them.

...as the Egyptian public opinion will not tolerate casualties in such conflict.

So, you think everybody is a moron like you, right? Cut the crap, opinions of people matter in a democracy, sissy's Egypt is no democracy, it's a mafia land.
Ok lets assume India attacks Pakistan tomorrow, will the 34 country coalition act just as NATO would or Pakistan would be left to defend alone as always has been the case?

They will support you financially and diplomatically.
Bhawawawawawwawawawa...... now this is the right question............. you guess who'll be there to protect us - the ones who can't fight third rate rebels in Yemen or the ones who don't know the ABC of proxy war fighting in Syria? :D

Actually i have no doubts and its never about man power but we wouldn't mind those typhoons now would we:tongue:
People of Egypt had elected MB and a mafia boss with his suckular goons in the armed forces ousted them.

So, you think everybody is a moron like you, right? Cut the crap, opinions of people matter in a democracy, sissy's Egypt is no democracy, it's a mafia land.
Mafia land just like Mianmar that is beside you.....aren't there Muslims too that killed every day but your big mouth always against Egypt only.
It is not our fault that you feels that you are inferior.....and don't know shit about Egypt.
ISLAMABAD: Pakistan found itseainst-terror-might-not-be-all-it-appears

olitics on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed 34-nation military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

Talking to journalists, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said he was surprised to read the news that Saudi Arabia had named Pakistan as part of the alliance.

He said he had asked the country’s ambassador in Riyadh to get a clarification from Saudi Arabia on the matter.

Know more: Pakistan part of 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism, says KSA

Another senior official also confirmed that Pakistan was not consulted before inclusion in the alliance.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Saudi government surprised many countries by announcing that it had forged a coalition for coordinating and supporting military operations against terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan. The headquarters of the new Saudi-led coalition would be based in Riyadh.

This is not the first time that Saudi Arabia has named Pakistan as part of its military alliances without Islamabad’s knowledge and consent. The Saudis earlier named Pakistan as part of the coalition that carried out operations in Yemen and a Pakistani flag was displayed at the alliance’s media centre.

Pakistan later declined to join the Yemen war.

It is Pakistani government’s policy that it will not deploy its troops outside the country’s borders except for UN peacekeeping missions.

In the past Pakistan has twice rejected US calls for joining alliances against the militant Islamic State (IS) group on the same pretext.

“We are not looking for any involvement outside our region,” army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa had said last month while replying to a question about the possibility of Pakistan becoming part of a US-led coalition against IS.

It is unclear how Riyadh went ahead with announcing Pakistan’s participation in the new alliance. It is also difficult to speculate if Islamabad will change its policy because of its close ties with the kingdom.

Pakistan, however, has counter-terrorism cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

The IS operations and activities across the Middle East have led to military responses executed by alliances that most of the time rival each other. Syria has been battling IS and other militants with the help of Iran and Russia.

The US, which is supporting groups trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is meanwhile leading another alliance against IS.

Iran has led military efforts along with the Iraqi army and volunteers in the fight against IS in Iraq. The US-led alliance has been supporting the ground operations against IS with their air strikes.

Published in Dawn, December 16th, 2015

Source: Pakistan surprised by its inclusion in military alliance

That's no surprise to anyone who really understands politics.


Why Saudi Arabia's coalition against terror might not be all it appears - CSMonitor.com


34 nations probably woke up in the morning to the news and went "wtf?"

From Pakistan,
"When contacted, a senior official of Pakistan’s Foreign Office said they were gathering details about the newly formed alliance. “We came to know about it (the alliance) through news reports. We have asked our ambassador in Saudi Arabia to get details on it,” he said, suggesting that Pakistan has been caught off guard by the Saudi announcement."

Pakistan’s inclusion in Saudi alliance sparks confusion - The Express Tribune


Hishammuddin added that the initiative would not involve the Malaysian military.

"There is no military commitment but it is more of an understanding that we are together against militancy," he said.
Mafia land just like Mianmar that is beside you.....aren't there Muslims too that killed every day but your big mouth always against Egypt only.
It is not our fault that you feels that you are inferior.....and don't know shit about Egypt.

So what if there's another mafia land next to us, there are so many of them in this wicked world and Egypt happens to be a shining example of them. I'm sorry that I couldn't present sissy's Egypt as a paragon of democracy. People like you are there to do this dirty job, so get on it, don't waste your suckular life. After all, suckular life is all about doing dirty jobs.
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Islamic Alliance by Saudi Arabia

I had given the proposal for MAFTA-JDF (Multilateral Alliance for Free Trade Agreement-Joint Defence Force) on Pak Defence Forum for a military force of member countries of MAFTA based on Jannisery or French Foreign Legion model. Now with the rise of Daesh which cannot be controlled by one country alone, Saudi Arabia has adopted this model. Practically, The oil rich countries will pay for the soldiers doing the operations against Daesh. The soldiers will come from countries like Pakistan and Bangladesh and some from Africa. If you remove the ideology ,the end result will be the same as what Daesh is doing. One country will support fighters (voluntary or hired) from around the world against external or internal threat. The next step will be Islamic Alliance forces holding permanent areas in Iraq and Syria. In effect after five years Saudi Arabia will have a large international army and a large area under its control. Saudi Arabia can then safely transition from Custodian of Holy Mosques to Khilafat as the threat of ISIL would have been removed. Saudi Arabia knows that it cannot continue as leader of the Muslim World by being only the Custodian of Holy Mosques. It has effectively removed the threat of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Now it is faced with three challengers i.e. Iran, Daesh and Turkey for the leadership of the Muslim World.
These ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Talibans in Afghanistan are mostly funded and supplied through Pakistan. It is about time ISI and Pakistan Army cut off supplies to them.

Man you're pretty bad at deceiving others, you need a course of how to be a proper false flagger , you blew your cover too easily !!! Keep deceiving , I won't waste my time replying to you :)
As most of us already knew that Saudia was just testing the waters and basically trolling everyone.

Message for @Tameem: Meray piyaray arbee pet, as I said earlier, Pakistan is not some banana republic that Nawaz will fart @ Raiwind and rest of Pakistan will take it as Divine decree to follow the orders of al-maloon Wahabistan. Kapish?

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan found itself in the crosshairs of Middle Eastern politics on Tuesday as Saudi Arabia named it as part of its newly formed 34-nation military alliance of Muslim countries meant to combat terrorism, without first getting its consent.

Talking to journalists, Foreign Secretary Aizaz Chaudhry said he was surprised to read the news that Saudi Arabia had named Pakistan as part of the alliance.

He said he had asked the country’s ambassador in Riyadh to get a clarification from Saudi Arabia on the matter.

Know more: Pakistan part of 34-state Islamic military alliance against terrorism, says KSA

Another senior official also confirmed that Pakistan was not consulted before inclusion in the alliance.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Saudi government surprised many countries by announcing that it had forged a coalition for coordinating and supporting military operations against terrorism in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Egypt and Afghanistan. The headquarters of the new Saudi-led coalition would be based in Riyadh.

This is not the first time that Saudi Arabia has named Pakistan as part of its military alliances without Islamabad’s knowledge and consent. The Saudis earlier named Pakistan as part of the coalition that carried out operations in Yemen and a Pakistani flag was displayed at the alliance’s media centre.

Pakistan later declined to join the Yemen war.

It is Pakistani government’s policy that it will not deploy its troops outside the country’s borders except for UN peacekeeping missions.

In the past Pakistan has twice rejected US calls for joining alliances against the militant Islamic State (IS) group on the same pretext.

“We are not looking for any involvement outside our region,” army spokesman Lt Gen Asim Bajwa had said last month while replying to a question about the possibility of Pakistan becoming part of a US-led coalition against IS.

It is unclear how Riyadh went ahead with announcing Pakistan’s participation in the new alliance. It is also difficult to speculate if Islamabad will change its policy because of its close ties with the kingdom.

Pakistan, however, has counter-terrorism cooperation with Saudi Arabia.

The IS operations and activities across the Middle East have led to military responses executed by alliances that most of the time rival each other. Syria has been battling IS and other militants with the help of Iran and Russia.

The US, which is supporting groups trying to topple Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, is meanwhile leading another alliance against IS.

Iran has led military efforts along with the Iraqi army and volunteers in the fight against IS in Iraq. The US-led alliance has been supporting the ground operations against IS with their air strikes.

Published in Dawn, December 16th, 2015

Source: Pakistan surprised by its inclusion in military alliance

I read a report that Pakistani FO was unaware of this coalition and only learned about Pakistani joining it from news reports. So the question is Pakistani being included in this coalition without it being consulted first ??

Saudi Leadership contacted Afghanistan government requesting them to join the coalition, Afghanistan is studying the ins and outs of this coalition and will decide IF and when it will join!

PS : Iran being our very important neighbour and not part of the coalition, countries in this region must thread carefully while joining a coalition that maybe perceived as anti-Iran
So what is it? A GCC military force, Arab military force, or Islamic military force?

Will it also apply to defense against aggressor nations or is it just for internal security keeping?

Let me tell you the last word !

To protect Israel...


Prince Muhammed In a press conference: Terrorists are fighting us under a centralized leadership and we need to confront them as one.


Prince Muhammad: The coalition is not limited to Daesh.

Ha ha ha ...

Yea yea ...
So what if there's another mafia land next to us, there are so many of them in this wicked world and Egypt happens to be a shining example of them. I'm sorry that I couldn't present sissy's Egypt as a paragon of democracy. People like you are there to do this dirty job, so get on it, don't waste your suckular life. After all, suckular life is all about doing dirty jobs.
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