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Saudi and UAE warplanes rain hell on Sanaa and Houthis including massacring leaders

Pls dont be a sectarianist or intoleran Muslim ok? Zaydi Shiite Muslims are full Muslims, because they follow all the main qualifying tenets of being a Muslim (per Amman conference on Islam in 2001). 5ver Shiites are Muslims 100%, they are just a different strain of Shia Islam, with 12vers being the main one. But yes, ideologically and religiously, Iran and the Houthis dont have alot in common, i dont think Iran really saw Zaydi Yemenis as "natural" religious+ ideological allies, but recently , with regional politics in mind, things changed a bit and they are in a stealth strategic alliance.
And how am I being intolerant and sectarian? I am just stating facts.
They were too busy drinking camel piss!

So when are you planning on strapping a bomb to your *** and going Kaboom?
Don't talk about yourself like that. You only make yourself look like a blithering idiot. ;)
For an Iranian coming to a Pakistani forum like that.

By the way, the Highest Sunni authorities say suicide bombing is Haraam in Islam.

I do not know what the Shia authorities say in Iran and Iraq.
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The UN Security Council: We urge all countries, in accordance with their obligations, to cooperate with the UAE to punish the perpetrators..

The UAE's call for a Security Council session resulted in a clear and frank condemnation...

The Houthi bastards will regret their actions the most..

The airstrikes hit civilians and civilian infrastructure more than houthis, you're bombing a fellow Arab state to shit lol, it's a shame. No major ground operations to take the city, just airstrikes for UAE to take revenge against no one actually
why not just balkanise the country like yugoslavia and everyone is happy?
The Arab Coalition: The start of precise air strikes to destroy the capabilities of the Iranian terrorist Houthi militia in Hodeidah..


mean those capabilities that turned out to be copied from a Hollywood movie?

The Deputy chief of Dubai Police makes death threats..

Dhahi Khalfan, confirmed that bringing peace to Yemen is one of the easiest things to do if Al-Houthi surrenders to peace and resorts to the election box.
tells him say that to hadi , he is the one who refused election Ansar-Allah are the ones who demanded it
He added: "The Houthi militia's rebellion against the Yemeni government and the Yemeni people... is the one who creates this problem... an election fund that achieves justice and the matter is over."
no refusing to hold an election for one year after Hadi term ended was the reason that the conflict started
Re read the thread It is a civil war.. The houtis can't win over local players like the Giants brigade or STC but launching terrorist acts is illegal and price has to be extracted in such mistakes something like that can't go unnoticed without heavy price.. This is something they have brought on themselves..
remove the direct intervention of KSA and UAE and you see who will win
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1- (*Armenian proverb): If the Persian does not find someone to kill , he will kill his father.

2. (*Assyrian proverb*): Satan has many faces, one of which is Persian.

3. (*Romanian proverb): If a rooster lays eggs, then the Persian becomes a human being.

4. (*Greek Proverb*): If a Persian talks about peace, know that war is coming.
well , a good job on making them , the question is how you want to introduce them in those languages and cultures
Don't talk about yourself like that. You only make yourself look like a blithering idiot. ;)
For an Iranian coming to a Pakistani forum like that.

By the way, the Highest Sunni authorities say suicide bombing is Haraam in Islam.

I do not know what the Shia authorities say in Iran and Iraq.
I know reading comprehension is probably not your strong suit but I can assure you that I was not talking about my self. You should probably tell your Wahabi/Salafist friends that suicide bombings are haram. Over 5000 of them have blown them selves up in Iraq alone!
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why not just balkanise the country like yugoslavia and everyone is happy

Risk of a domino effect, and the fact that this is exactly what the zio-American project for a so-called "New Middle East" consists of.

Which is why Iran in particular has consistently opposed any balkanization process of nation-states in the region: from Afghanistan, where Iran insists that everyone should be included into a unified government rather than to divide the country up between Pashtuns and Persian-/Turkic-speakers, to Iraq where Tehran even opposed talk of an independent state in the south, which would have been both oil-rich and almost entirely populated by Shia Muslims; moreover, Iran directly stepped in to stop the Barzanis from making Kurdish-inhabited northern Iraq secede and from permanently annexing the city of Kirkuk.
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Risk of a domino effect, and the fact that this is exactly what the zio-American project for a so-called "New Middle East" consists of.

Which is why Iran in particular has consistently opposed any balkanization process of nation-states in the region: from Afghanistan, where Iran insists that everyone should be included into a unified government rather than to divide the country up between Pashtuns and Persian-/Turkic-speakers, to Iraq where Tehran even opposed talk of an independent state in the south, which would have been both oil-rich and almost entirely populated by Shia Muslims; moreover, Iran directly stepped in to stop the Barzanis from making Kurdish-inhabited northern Iraq secede and from permanently annexing the city of Kirkuk.

Iran wants Shia-led sectarian regimes in power and not no 'unified gov't'. And Iran is not capable of taking over any country in the region. It was on way to losing all and any influence in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq if it wasn't for US coalition and Russia military intervention. You are not in control of anything without non-Muslims coming to fight for you.
Iran wants Shia-led sectarian regimes in power and not no 'unified gov't'.

No, it doesn't.

1) Iran is an anti-sectarian state. Its entire ideology and practice is pan-Islamic, stressing unity between Muslims against zio-American imperial oppression (which entails inviting US- and zionist-allied states to revise their policies, and if they show hostility, to denounce them).
2) There can be no "Shia-led" government in Afghanistan, where Shia Muslims do not exceed 15% or so of the population. Iran knows this better than anyone.
3) Iran is working with the Taleban administration in Kabul. No frictions, nothing. The Taleban have been more accomodating towards Tehran than the former, US-installed puppet regime (example: returning to the original bilateral arrangement on the Helmand river and putting an end to the threats issued by Ghani). Iran's other friends in Afghanistan are mostly Sunni Muslims as well (Tajiks etc).
4) Provide evidence for this allegation about Iran's policy with regards to Afghanistan. There's nothing, literally no concrete element whatsoever to support such a baseless claim.

And Iran is not capable of taking over any country in the region.

Iran does not intend to do so.

It was on way to losing all and any influence in Syria, Lebanon and Iraq if it wasn't for US coalition and Russia military intervention.

US military intervention was directed against Iran. All US-occupied zones in Syria are outside the control of the Iranian-allied government of Damascus. So the quoted contention about American meddling in Syria benefiting Iran's local partners immediately and undisputably falls flat. Furthermore, Iran prevented the insurgency from capturing Damascus and toppling the Syrian government. Russia's intervention helped reconquer other lost regions. But both parties were equally instrumental and worked in tandem. On its own ie without Iran-led infantry support, Russia could not have achieved this at a sustainable cost.

In Lebanon, pro-Iranian forces kicked the US (and France) out after the 1983 bombing of the Beirut Marines barracks. Since then, no G.I. set foot in Lebanon and no US "intervention" took place there. Nor did Russia intervene in Lebanon.

In Iraq, Iranian-allied forces were gradually reconquering lands occupied by "I"SIS. Ayatollah Sistani's fatwa triggered unstoppable mass-mobilization. That's when the US made its unwelcome appearance, precisely in order to prevent pro-Iranian PMU from liberating the whole country and having more of a say in the political landscape of post-"I"SIS Iraq. Liberating Iraq all alone would not have represented an issue for the PMU anyway. "I"SIS's military strength was a joke compared to Iran's, and their rapid expansion in 2013-2014 was due to treason as well as incompetence by American-sponsored elements of the Iraqi army.

You are not in control of anything without non-Muslims coming to fight for you.

Shown to be wrong above.
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No, it doesn't.

1) Iran is an anti-sectarian state. Its entire ideology and practice is pan-Islamic, stressing unity between Muslims against zio-American imperial oppression (which entails inviting US- and zionist-allied states to revise their policies, and if they show hostility, to denounce them).
Sorry kiddo, but Iran is a major sectarian state. Igniting sectarian strife all over the region:

40 die in Baghdad massacre as Shia militia go on rampage​

Bahrain says it foiled planned attack, confiscated Iranian weapons and explosives​

Saudi diplomat shot dead in Pakistan​

Iran Is Trying to Convert Syria to Shiism​

Iran's war on Sunni Muslims​

2) There can be no "Shia-led" government in Afghanistan, where Shia Muslims do not exceed 15% or so of the population. Iran knows this better than anyone.
Yeah it does, yet it still uses it as excuse to not recognize Taliban gov't, and commands Taliban to form 'inclusive' gov't, ie give Shia minority a majority stake in gov't.

3) Iran is working with the Taleban administration in Kabul. No frictions, nothing. The Taleban have been more accomodating towards Tehran than the former, US-installed puppet regime (example: returning to the original bilateral arrangement on the Helmand river and putting an end to the threats issued by Ghani). Iran's other friends in Afghanistan are mostly Sunni Muslims as well (Tajiks etc).
Iran supported northern alliance in past that killed thousands of Taliban members. Taliban responded by killing your 'diplomats' who were fueling anti-Muslim violence in Afghanistan. Iran refuses to recognize Taliban gov't and there was recently a clash between Iranian forces and Taliban forces, which Iran initiated. Yesterday, Taliban foiled an attack by northern alliance terrorists funded by India and Iran. They are not on good terms.


Yeah, you are so anti-Israel your country never fired one missile or killed a single Israeli soldier in 43 years since its revolution. But, it's literally killed millions of Muslims in dozens of conflicts in the MENA and SEA regions. It even sends sectarian terrorists in Pakistan to kill Sunni clerics:

Is this anti-Israel, having alliance with UAE leader who you lambast as Zionist agent? :


You fool, Iran is supporting Myanmar to kill Muslims and is on same side as Israel in Ethopia. It asks Russia and US to come kill Muslims in Iraq and Syria to help retain influence there. You are literally fighting alongside non-Muslim superpowers for control and having ties with so called 'Zionist pawns'.

By non Muslims you mean Russia? How about all the Zionist arse kissers that you support? I mean KSA, UAE, Kuwait, Bahrain. These countries have openly established diplomatic and intelligence cooperation with Israel. And they are armed with Yankee weapons and host Yankee soldiers on their own lands.

But hey, you yourself are a Yankee. You live in Yankistan as well. I have seen you refer to the US military as "WE". You do a good acting job on this forum pretending to care about Muslims while you support every traitor government on this planet.

Now the hierarchy on PDF may not realise that ur on a payroll from a certain organization but I do. You make @Pan-Islamic-Pakistan come out of his grave. I wonder why. Well it's obvious why. But anyway, I hope u had a Merry Shabbat yesterday. SHABBAT SHALOM to you.
Why is your major ally Bashar have alliance with 'Zionist *** kisser' UAE? Does it make Bashar and Iran Zionist *** kissers too?:
Sorry kiddo, but Iran is a major sectarian state. Igniting sectarian strife all over the region:

Iranian Shia Muslim pilgrims protesting against US imperialism alongside Sunni Muslims is an act of "sectarianism" in your book?

Do you know what's actually sectarian about that? I'll tell you: the outfit likely responsible for this is a sectarianist anti-Shia terror grouplet from Pakistan (Sipahe Sahaba).

Nothing sectarianist in Iran's stance during that war. And, are you serious now? Read the source you quoted: the conflict was initiated by Saddam's Iraq, not by Iran. As confirmed by the UN.

So basically, you're equating defence against an invading army which entered your territory with "sectarianism". This is madness.

40 die in Baghdad massacre as Shia militia go on rampage​

After "I"S triggered inter-communal strife by bombing the Al-Askari shrine holy to Shia Muslims, and was bombing market places on an almost daily basis.

This violence was not caused by Iran in any shape or form.

Bahrain says it foiled planned attack, confiscated Iranian weapons and explosives​

I see nothing sectarian in this. Fighting and violence happens all the time throughout the world, it doesn't mean all of it is systematically motivated by sectarian considerations. And that is if the news is accurate and the Bahreini regime is to be believed, which is another matter.

Saudi diplomat shot dead in Pakistan​

And? You think out of Pakistan's over 200 million people, none could have an issue with the Saudis? And your article doesn't even mention Iran.

Iran Is Trying to Convert Syria to Shiism​

Horribly biased title. Iran has encouraged one particular tribe in Deir ez-Zour to consider embracing Shia Islam, given that they were already close to Shiaism since they consider themselves descendants of Shia Imam Baqir (a.s.).

Other than that, there's only standard Iranian-sponsored dawa in Syria, nothing out of the ordinary. And it is fair game. Everyone is promoting their version of Islam. Unless discrimination and hatred against other sects is cultivated, there's nothing sectarianist about it.

Iran's war on Sunni Muslims​

Inane propaganda. Sunni Muslims in Sistan-Baluchistan province aren't "repressed". The British author of this piece is just trying to push the western / zionist regime change agenda against Iran.

Yeah it does, yet it still uses it as excuse to not recognize Taliban gov't, and commands Taliban to form 'inclusive' gov't, ie give Shia minority a majority stake in gov't.

What are you talking about? Iran has an embassy in Kabul and is holding official high level meetings with Afghan ministers from the Taleban administration. That's recognition in international law and diplomatic practice.

Iran supported northern alliance in past that killed thousands of Taliban members. Taliban responded by killing your 'diplomats' who were fueling anti-Muslim violence in Afghanistan.

Sipahe Sahaba, not the Taleban. You aren't familiar with the details of the story. Read what the sole survivor of the massacre has to say.

Anti-Muslim violence? There was a civil war going on in Afghanistan, by that logic both sides would have been "anti-Muslim", not just the one backed by Iran.

Iran refuses to recognize Taliban gov't

That's not true.

and there was recently a clash between Iranian forces and Taliban forces, which Iran initiated.

It was a minor, inconsequential incident provoked by the inexperience of Taleban border guards. Did not strain and had no impact on bilateral relations.

Yesterday, Taliban foiled an attack by northern alliance terrorists funded by India and Iran. They are not on good terms.

But the Taleban didn't incriminate Iran. Let's leave it t to them to speak for themselves. By the way, the Northern Alliance essentially consists of Sunni Muslims. Again there's no sectarianist angle to this.

Yeah, you are so anti-Israel your country never fired one missile or killed a single Israeli soldier in 43 years since its revolution. But, it's literally killed millions of Muslims in dozens of conflicts in the MENA and SEA regions.

Iran never fired one missile at any other country either - except for Iraq which attacked Iran. So if one is going to point at civil wars in Muslim states where Iran was backing one side over the other, one will need to treat Iran's support for anti-zionist and anti-American Resistance movements in the exact same manner. Don't indulge in these double-standards.

As for the "millions" figure, you're outright fabricating / imagining numbers again.

It even sends sectarian terrorists in Pakistan to kill Sunni clerics:

There's literally no mention of Iran in the article. Inter-confessional strife of this kind has existed in Pakistan since the creation of that state, independently from Iran.

Is this anti-Israel, having alliance with UAE leader who you lambast as Zionist agent? :


Is this an Iranian leader?

You fool, Iran is supporting Myanmar to kill Muslims

That violence has ended.

and is on same side as Israel in Ethopia.

How is Ethiopia relevant to West Asian or Muslim affairs? Ethiopia isn't using these weapons against a Muslim population, movement or state, is it? Moreover, the separatists Ethiopia is fighting are backed by the west, according to the Eritrean president, who used to be a staunch opponent of Addis Abeba.

It asks Russia and US to come kill Muslims in Iraq and Syria to help retain influence there.

Delusion. As shown above.

You are literally fighting alongside non-Muslim superpowers for control and having ties with so called 'Zionist pawns'.

I thought Iran is intending to "invade" these zionist pawns? Make up your mind, you're flip flopping and contradicting yourself.

Why is your major ally Bashar have alliance with 'Zionist *** kisser' UAE? Does it make Bashar and Iran Zionist *** kissers too?:

Not really, every state is responsible for their own foreign relations. Besides, what "alliance" is there between Syria and the UAE? They have basic ties, that's it. Not an actual alliance.
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So, your response was I don't care about Iran's sectarian behavior and will just deny any of it has sectarian nor violent nature. You're a terrible, unethical and immoral person. Typical of all mullahs in power today. Have zero fear of God in their hearts. Allah will increase you in kufr.

You should probably learn to read then. "What is sectarianist about that?" doesn't equal "I don't care about sectarianist behavior". Not my fault if you confuse terms, make erroneous inferences, and aren't aware of the history of these events.

As for "kufr", I'd be extremely cautious about easily qualifying scores of Muslims as unbelievers.
U.N. chief condemns deadly Saudi-led coalition strike in Yemen
January 22, 20223:20 AM GMT+1 Last Updated 2 days ago

UN condemns deadly air strike on Yemen prison

1 day ago

Iran has rich and successful neighbors in the gulf ,

But instead of being happy and keeping good relations and flourishing business with them , the Mullahs think it better to make their life as miserable as possible and encourage all sort of groups to fire missiles on them.

Go figure.
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