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Satellite Photos of Iran's attack on US bases

That's the most important U.S base in Iraq with vast numbers of high value air assets.
If it had no Patriot, it just shows the sad state of U.S operational ABM assets...
But good let's believe the words of the opponent and postpone the counter ABM proof for the Fatah to another engagment.
Post proof of Patriot battery in the engagement area or stop spreading nonsense propaganda as fact.

My prof is in the number of active U.S. military aircrafts stationed at that base. ONLY an utter fool would accept that the U.S. would station vast resources at a large military base in the middle east of all places without stationing one of their main defensive systems there to protect them. It's absurd!
Hell even Russia wouldn't put that many assets in a base in our region without placing various types of defense systems for protection.... So you really have to be gullible to believe such an absurd claim.

I can clearly see why the U.S. would lie about them being there because at the end of the day it's not only demoralizing to their own troops but it's also demoralizing to all their allies who purchased such systems for protection on top of the losses towards future sales but you why would you be so gullible as to believe such an absurd claim????
The United States has taken-out the top Iranian commander who had led all the major operations across the region for more than two decades. General Qasem Soleimani and his team six were the brainchild of all those strategies which were developed to counter the US, Saudi and Israeli influence and proxies in the region. With comparison to this level, Iranian strikes were just a face-saving for the Iranian regime. Americans have done critical and unbearable damage to Iran’s top military brass. It was indeed a big embarrassment for Iran. It’s a beginning of a new war in the region that is more dangerous than the existing ones. For the past four years, Iranian proxies were specifically targeting ISIS and Israel objectives under the command of Qasem Soleimani. In context to this, Israel main objective was to neutralize him. However, Israel was reluctant to do the job alone because of the fear of retaliation from Iran in the consequences of directly involvement. That was the core reason of utilizing US military power and resources. The United States should call back Its forces from the Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Also, other parties should immediately withdraw their support to mercenaries’ elements.
Some friends here post in such a way that the U.S has achieved a military success in a real battle field against Iran. What the heck! They just assassinated few Military officials riding unarmed vehicles! There is no pride in such attacks.
Honestly this is pathetic from Iran. Zero casualties. It's the worst in the world

Some friends here post in such a way that the U.S has achieved a military success in a real battle field against Iran. What the heck! They just assassinated few Military officials riding unarmed vehicles! There is no pride in such attacks.
So having the ability to kill any Iranian top leader without paying any consequence is not a great achievement? It's the best win for the USA in decades. Much better than Bush in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trump really made America great again. They can kill Khameni if they want and zero American deaths.
So having the ability to kill any Iranian top leader without paying any consequence is not a great achievement?.

No it is not! It is called the act of terror! I am not sure about your statement of “ without paying any consequence”!
No it is not! It is called the act of terror! I am not sure about your statement of “ without paying any consequence”!
Terrorism targets civilians. Killing the leaders of enemies is not terrorism, it's war. The USA had zero casualties, zero damages, so they can kill eben Khamenei with the same impunity.
The United States has taken-out the top Iranian commander who had led all the major operations across the region for more than two decades. General Qasem Soleimani and his team six were the brainchild of all those strategies which were developed to counter the US, Saudi and Israeli influence and proxies in the region. With comparison to this level, Iranian strikes were just a face-saving for the Iranian regime. Americans have done critical and unbearable damage to Iran’s top military brass. It was indeed a big embarrassment for Iran. It’s a beginning of a new war in the region that is more dangerous than the existing ones. For the past four years, Iranian proxies were specifically targeting ISIS and Israel objectives under the command of Qasem Soleimani. In context to this, Israel main objective was to neutralize him. However, Israel was reluctant to do the job alone because of the fear of retaliation from Iran in the consequences of directly involvement. That was the core reason of utilizing US military power and resources. The United States should call back Its forces from the Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Also, other parties should immediately withdraw their support to mercenaries’ elements.

Since WW2 name 1 country that has directly carried out precision strikes against U.S. military assets at a U.S. military base 100's of km from it's own boarders using only it's own domestically produced weapons? Iran is NOT like any other country U.S. has faced in the past.

And although since WW2 U.S. has not gone to war against a power as strong as Iran the fact remains that Iran is NOT suicidal! And Iran knows full well that even if we could win a war against the U.S. we would still lose due to the simple fact that our infrastructure that took decades to develop would be lost while US infrastructure at home would stay in place and a victory for us would not result in any financial gains and so there really wouldn't' be any real victor in a war against the US and so Iran's attack on that particular U.S. military base was mainly meant to be a message to this U.S. administration about Iran's capabilities are and to eliminate any delusion that this administration may of had on what a war with Iran could potentially look like.
Iran hit that base to prove to the U.S. that if they start a war with Iran any base they have within 700km (And likely even 1000km with the new Dezful class) can and will be hit with highly accurate Iranian produced tactical ballistic missiles that the U.S. can't intercept with any degree of confidence and despite U.S. threats if attacked Iran has both the capabilities and the willingness to respond directly.
US didn't deploy air defense systems in Iraq, it wouldn't have to be a secret if they did. All American equipment in Iraq is light and meant for combatting ISIS. No fighter jets are located in Iraq.

Apache and Chinook make the heaviest they have. AC-130 were at Al Asad as well within the last two years. Only during the occupation, F16s were there.
Since WW2 name 1 country that has directly carried out precision strikes against U.S. military assets at a U.S. military base 100's of km from it's own boarders using only it's own domestically produced weapons? Iran is NOT like any other country U.S. has faced in the past.

And although since WW2 U.S. has not gone to war against a power as strong as Iran the fact remains that Iran is NOT suicidal! And Iran knows full well that even if we could win a war against the U.S. we would still lose due to the simple fact that our infrastructure that took decades to develop would be lost while US infrastructure at home would stay in place and a victory for us would not result in any financial gains and so there really wouldn't' be any real victor in a war against the US and so Iran's attack on that particular U.S. military base was mainly meant to be a message to this U.S. administration about Iran's capabilities are and to eliminate any delusion that this administration may of had on what a war with Iran could potentially look like.
Iran hit that base to prove to the U.S. that if they start a war with Iran any base they have within 700km (And likely even 1000km with the new Dezful class) can and will be hit with highly accurate Iranian produced tactical ballistic missiles that the U.S. can't intercept with any degree of confidence and despite U.S. threats if attacked Iran has both the capabilities and the willingness to respond directly.
What's that supposed to mean? Iran doesn't have the balls to kill even one US soldier. Taleban with 1$ a day are braver than Iran. Iran gives the signal that it's the weakest country in the world. A country that eveyone can bully because they're cowards and have no spine to fight back.
Terrorism targets civilians. Killing the leaders of enemies is not terrorism, it's war. The USA had zero casualties, zero damages, so they can kill eben Khamenei with the same impunity.

are you blind???

U.S. not admitting to casualties is NOT the same as U.S. not having casualties! And this is NOT new U.S. behavior during the Vietnam war the casualty numbers the U.S. admitted to were less 1/10 of the real casualty numbers. So what the U.S. admits to has to do with the political choices it wishes to take and NOT real facts!!!

If Iran's goal was to cause casualties they wouldn't of warned the Iraqi PM ahead of time and Iran would have clearly targeted an area that housed US troops at a time that would of caused the greatest number of casualties.
are you blind???

U.S. not admitting to casualties is NOT the same as U.S. not having casualties! And this is NOT new U.S. behavior during the Vietnam war the casualty numbers the U.S. admitted to were less 1/10 of the real casualty numbers. So what the U.S. admits to has to do with the political choices it wishes to take and NOT real facts!!!

If Iran's goal was to cause casualties they wouldn't of warned the Iraqi PM ahead of time and Iran would have clearly targeted an area that housed US troops at a time that would of caused the greatest number of casualties.
Really do you believe the 80 casualtie claim by Iran's state news? It's ridiculous. All US enemies from Russia to China would say the truth, also those pics confirm there are no casualties. A Taleban assualt with AK47 and hand grenades causes more damage. Iran had to cause casualties, that is waht war is about. If not, it means Iran can't fight back. It's the weakest country in the world right now.
My prof is in the number of active U.S. military aircrafts stationed at that base. ONLY an utter fool would accept that the U.S. would station vast resources at a large military base in the middle east of all places without stationing one of their main defensive systems there to protect them. It's absurd!
Hell even Russia wouldn't put that many assets in a base in our region without placing various types of defense systems for protection.... So you really have to be gullible to believe such an absurd claim.

I can clearly see why the U.S. would lie about them being there because at the end of the day it's not only demoralizing to their own troops but it's also demoralizing to all their allies who purchased such systems for protection on top of the losses towards future sales but you why would you be so gullible as to believe such an absurd claim????

So your proof is your own OPINION.....you know the DECADES of experience you have in military experience and planning. LOL!

Stop presenting OPINION as fact.

How the come the US didn’t deny when Iranian cruise missiles and drones passes 4-6 Patriot Missile stations on its way to Saudi Arabia? How come it didn’t lie then and say it’s stations were turned off or the officers were away eating pizza?

Again I trust the Pentagon more than I trust an armchair General on the internet whose only PROOF is his OPINION.

If you ever do post concrete proof, I will gladly say you were right and I was wrong. But till then sit in your propaganda machine like the nice book 1987.
Since WW2 name 1 country that has directly carried out precision strikes against U.S. military assets at a U.S. military base 100's of km from it's own boarders using only it's own domestically produced weapons? Iran is NOT like any other country U.S. has faced in the past.

And although since WW2 U.S. has not gone to war against a power as strong as Iran the fact remains that Iran is NOT suicidal! And Iran knows full well that even if we could win a war against the U.S. we would still lose due to the simple fact that our infrastructure that took decades to develop would be lost while US infrastructure at home would stay in place and a victory for us would not result in any financial gains and so there really wouldn't' be any real victor in a war against the US and so Iran's attack on that particular U.S. military base was mainly meant to be a message to this U.S. administration about Iran's capabilities are and to eliminate any delusion that this administration may of had on what a war with Iran could potentially look like.
Iran hit that base to prove to the U.S. that if they start a war with Iran any base they have within 700km (And likely even 1000km with the new Dezful class) can and will be hit with highly accurate Iranian produced tactical ballistic missiles that the U.S. can't intercept with any degree of confidence and despite U.S. threats if attacked Iran has both the capabilities and the willingness to respond directly.
Please stop this nonsense of Iran only being a state which attacked US after WW2,read about vietcong and their attack on US Bases.
On lighter note after US killed your General,you were in a state of war with US,so no peace time.
Since WW2 name 1 country that has directly carried out precision strikes against U.S. military assets at a U.S. military base 100's of km from it's own boarders using only it's own domestically produced weapons? Iran is NOT like any other country U.S. has faced in the past.

1991 Gulf war

In the most devastating Iraqi stroke of the Persian Gulf war, an Iraqi missile demolished a barracks housing more than 100 American troops on Monday night, killing 27 and wounding 98, the American military command in Riyadh said early today.




Look at what we did to America whether during conventional warfare or the post 2003 insurgency. Today we have Hezbollahi animals whom cannot do such damage, this was an actual attack that shits all over the Al-Asad attack.

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