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Sarabjit was a RAW agent.

cry me a river, no evidence no proof just rants and bickering, if it was sponsored by state gladly take your case to ICJ

Lol. What power does ICJ have? If ICJ was ever effective, half of CIA and MI6 agents would be in jail.
No proof? Don make yourself laughable mate. The whole world knows who did it. And India is not the oly country which says so.

and no evidence from indian as well regarding punjab and kashmir

Thats quite funny. We gave u evidences. How will u ever prosecute your own officers who executed it?
We have given evidences to neutral parties atleast, which u havent done so, not yet.
Since it's not official I will take it with pinch of salt, you are trying very hard to read between lines.

But I would say you are entitled to your op.

Official or not. A reliable Indian source has admitted the truth. You can keep waiting. Obviously Manmohan singh isn't going to admit that they sent terrorists and spies into their neighbors.

Truth is out. You have chosen the path of denial. your choice.
Give it a rest mate, no one is shedding tears for an acknowledged terrorist....according to Indians he was snow white but now i guess the reflection is too gruesome for your likes to comprehend....face the music rather than digressing in all sorts.

We are hearing the Music, thank you and its our business and convenience.
Lol. What power does ICJ have? If ICJ was ever effective, half of CIA and MI6 agents would be in jail.
No proof? Don make yourself laughable mate. The whole world knows who did it. And India is not the oly country which says so.

the whole world knows what? the whole world is not even bothered about what happened in mumbai, the whole world doesnt care, forget the whole world paying heed to your cries :lol:
Official or not. A reliable Indian source has admitted the truth. You can keep waiting. Obviously Manmohan singh isn't going to admit that they sent terrorists and spies into their neighbors.

Truth is out. You have chosen the path of denial. your choice.

Now we need to learn about reliability from Pakistani member???

Reliable source : My foot...
Bull-sh!t.. These TOI-let paper and HT are utter BS. What a bunch of lies.

Mr Singh was wrongly framed and spend 19 years in prision. He was due to come to his homeland in couple of year, The rougue pakistani politician-Agency nexux killed him to gain public vote.

It was hidden compromise btwn Sonia Maino and Zardari. I kill Afjal, you kill Mr Singh... Both will get votes

Sharabjeet was not spy, he died for lusty politicians..

At-least learn how to spell names.

Who is Sharab-jeet or Afjal?

Anyways he was not going to come his homeland as he had death sentence.
Yes he was convicted, Some time mistake happen by hounarable court, thats why review petitions are for. Sharabjeet case was mistaken identity case, where technical fault was committed by Judiciary.

Why India will accept him as spy , when he was not. Its just pig-sh!t journalism. HT is pig-sh!t news paper.

Pakistani are amazing ppl. They bash TOI-HT when news is Anti Pak, and praise the same paper when news is pig-sh!t...

There weren't any technical faults. It was a very strong case against him and that's why he was convicted. The guy himself confessed of his nefarious acts. Indian govt obviously won't admit officially that he was a spy since no govt in this world admits such type of activities.
It's funny how Indians were crying like it was their time of the month when Kasab and company did their thing.
But now.... all quite in the western front :omghaha:

you guys can dish out STATE SPONSORED terrorism but then cry like a girl losing her virginity when a bunch of Pakistani thugs repay you in kind.

Just going by the number of rapes and starvation it is clear that this slum dog country has no moral compass, so what's a few (dozen? thousand?) terrorist bombings in Pakistan?

Hey babe no need to go hysterical even if it is your periods day , we can always talk in civilised way if it suits you.
India are now slowly accepting this terrorist was sent by RAW and he was their agent.
So what's the big deal? At least we are accepting that he likely was a RAW agent. But how about you guys? It's not a secret that the ISI has sent thousands of LeT/JeM and spies of other terrorist organizations into Kashmir to fight the PA's proxy war since the late 80s. ('Strategic assets' as Kayani prefers to call them).

But you guys are still in denial. Pot calling the kettle black? The ISI ain't lily white either! :P
Hey babe no need to go hysterical even if it is your periods day , we can always talk in civilised way if it suits you.

LOL, low IQ Indians can't even make up their own insults.
I know my insults are funny and all but seriously man, make your own.
it's not that hard if you just use your brain..... oh right, I am talking to an Indian....
Official or not. A reliable Indian source has admitted the truth. You can keep waiting. Obviously Manmohan singh isn't going to admit that they sent terrorists and spies into their neighbors.

Truth is out. You have chosen the path of denial. your choice.

You are underestimating the word OFFICIAL, it has sooooo large ambit.
And I obviously don't take anonymous sources as reliable , may be we differ on our perception about the words OFFICIAL and RELIABLE
You are underestimating the world OFFICIAL, it has sooooo large ambit.
And I obviously don't take anonymous sources as reliable , may be we differ on our perception about the words []OFFICIAL[/B] andRELIABLE

It is not the difference of perception. It is your denial which is the problem here.
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