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Salman Rushdie Knighted

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Somedays ago I was told by a friend visiting a mosque here that If I were a thief but a thief believing in Allah then I'd go to heaven.

That friend of urs must be biggest Idiot of the world there is no such thing that anyone who even despite being evil will go to heaven.

Islam says everyone will have to face the punishment for his/her wrong doings and would be rewarded for his good deeds.

Being Muslims only believing is not enough but practice is the major part of this belief.
BTW do u guys support freedom of expression at the cost of other people's beliefs.?????
BTW do u guys support freedom of expression at the cost of other people's beliefs.?????

Will Muslims stop eating beef ? It hurts the sentiments of millions of Hindus who respect the Cow so much.

Another old example. Will you believe that the earth is flat because the Pope insists it is and his followers belief a few hundred years ago ?
Eat beef, everybody should eat Beef, And they should drink Beefeater too...
grew up in pakistan and taken my inspirations from my beautifull and very educated mum.
from my child hood to this day i have seen that pakistani society is split into many parts there are secular muslim there are modest people then there are extremists......
and this conflict which has taken the whole world by storm has been brewing up in the back ground for a very long time......
pakistan my country is one country which has been a victim of terrorism for many many years.
the secular muslims have lived a very fearfull life in this country for many years.
and now only what west has seen has been going on for many years even with in muslim community its self where these extremists have slagged the secular muslims off and even tried to kill them in worst cases........
and have never understood where these people take their inspirations from is that what there mothers tell them to do.?
because mine always told me love peace and beauty.
why they think they have to defend their religion so much to an extend of voilence and they are an ugly and shame full face of islam.
Will Muslims stop eating beef ? It hurts the sentiments of millions of Hindus who respect the Cow so much.

No problem ,just as long as everyone else stops eating pork and drinking alcohol.
Nobody stops eating anything non-veg or anything that is alchol, God's gift to mankind and you nitwits want to stop the only fun i have,....

Londonistan, Muslims have, those who believe themselves to be moderate(lack of another word) should stop this. Like Musharraf in LAL masjid. Its about time they stopped it. The non-muslim world will not stand by and be attacked in a terrorist way. They will counter-back which will have serious problems for all muslims. The moderate's though innocent will become collateral damage.

Its the job of the police to arrest these crimminals ,if they can not give us our taxes back and we will set uo our own investigation units.
Out of nearly 4 million muslims in the UK a few dozen have been arrested on terrorism,keep it in proportion.
And also when did a car with a can of patio gas become a car bomb?
The second car in london was towed away by the traffic wardens.
Samudra said:
Do not make the mistake of assuming all religions are like yours.
Thank God Islam is not like Hinduism! I can still remember what Hindus did in Gujrat.

Samudra said:
Any religion that permits killing a person who speaks against his religion is barbaric and has to be effectively destroyed at the earliest.
I can see a very peaceful world in the future.

Always Neutral said:
When you say no one has the right to speak on anothers religion I can agree but Sir Salman Rushdie is a muslim and he is speaking on his own religion so why so much anger ? You don't like him just ignore him! Please take sometime and explain to me why Allah, God or the maker needs mere mortals to defend their sayings and wants that to be achieved by killing other people who donot have the same reverence for their saying ?

Allah says in a hadith Qudsi (Sahih Muslim: Book 31, Number 6246):
O My servants, even if the first amongst you, the last amongst you, even if the whole of the human race, and that of the Jinns, become (equally) God-conscious like the heart of a single person amongst you, nothing will add to My Power. O My servants, even if the first amongst you, the last amongst you, the whole human race, and that of the Jinns too become in unison the most wicked (all beating) like the heart of a single person, it will cause no loss of My Power. O My servants, even if the first amongst you, the last amongst you, the whole human race, and that of Jinns also, all stand in one place and you ask Me and I confer upon every person what he asks for, it will not in any way cause any loss to Me (even less) than that which is caused to the ocean by dipping a needle in it
So its not about, if Allah is capable (Nawzobillah) of striking him down with a bolt of lightning. Its about, if I am capable of defending Allah's religion if it needs defending, with my voice or life.
No problem ,just as long as everyone else stops eating pork and drinking alcohol.

I'm not the one asking others to respect all my silly 'beliefs' - if you were to assume I were a Hindu.

Thank God Islam is not like Hinduism!

It's all the same.
Thank God Islam is not like Hinduism! I can still remember what Hindus did in Gujrat.

Thank God for that, FYI lots of Hindu's died in Gujarat but then again that doesnt suit your propaganda.

I can see a very peaceful world in the future.

Yes it will made sure.

Allah says in a hadith Qudsi (Sahih Muslim: Book 31, Number 6246):

So its not about, if Allah is capable (Nawzobillah) of striking him down with a bolt of lightning. Its about, if I am capable of defending Allah's religion if it needs defending, with my voice or life.

Do it with my voice my friend, do it with your life only your life will be gone and nothing will be changed, and those you have left behind will have to suffer for your actions. You give little credit to your prophet and allah.
Its the job of the police to arrest these crimminals ,if they can not give us our taxes back and we will set uo our own investigation units.
Out of nearly 4 million muslims in the UK a few dozen have been arrested on terrorism,keep it in proportion.
And also when did a car with a can of patio gas become a car bomb?
The second car in london was towed away by the traffic wardens.

Agreed, But then again its is also a fact a lot of muslims respect and sympathize with these idiots. That has to change, the only way to stop them is to make sure they feel they are not part of your community. If they become a part of your community, the world will see them only through these idiots, not through you. Cuz they are louder and they do crazy things. You have to stop them, first and formost.
It annoys me royally that these people criticise Britain yet they are living off taxpayers money through benefits etc.

Thats gratitude for you.
Allah says in a hadith Qudsi (Sahih Muslim: Book 31, Number 6246):

So its not about, if Allah is capable (Nawzobillah) of striking him down with a bolt of lightning. Its about, if I am capable of defending Allah's religion if it needs defending, with my voice or life.

Dear Thorosius,

I have read very carefully what you have posted as a reply to my post and could be wrong as I am not a religious scholar but no where in the para you have posted does Allah say that he wants you to defend his sayings with your voice or life nor does he tell you to kill someone else (Sir Salman Rushdie included) for what they may say. Infact the verse posted by you seems to indicate that Allahs sayings can never be diluted by the voice of the believers or the non believers which in my books means irrespective of what people like Sir Salman writes the message of Islam can never get diluted.


Ps : On a lighter side Allah may have already struck by getting his wife Padma to file divorce under UK / US laws which state that they must share their wealth 50:50 which will leave him much poorer.
Will Muslims stop eating beef ? It hurts the sentiments of millions of Hindus who respect the Cow so much.

Another old example. Will you believe that the earth is flat because the Pope insists it is and his followers belief a few hundred years ago ?

So it means if the West or for that matter if anyone calls the hindu gods as nothing but Bull sh.its will you swollow it ?

Or just recently when a magazine published hindu gods in objectionable depictions would u call all thoes hindus protesting against that as IDIOTS????
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