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Salman Rocks Silicon Valley

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This is what you think there is no proof that he order the killing of Sayyiduna Husain (r.a).

Ibn Katheer in Al Bidayah Volume 8 page 231 stated that the Prophet (Peace Be upon him said) said: Justice shall rule my Ummah until the first individual who shall destroy my Deen, from the Banu Ummayaa his name shall be Yazeed.

Yazeed is accused of destroying the Deen by the Holy Prophet (saws) himself......and your great leader Doctor Zaik Naik praised him.

Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Volume 3 page 128: "Abu Said al Khudri narrates that he heard Rasulullah (s) say after 60 Hijri undeserving people shall ignore prayers and enter the deepest part of Hell".

And Yazeed became the leader after the 60 Hijri....yet your great leader Doctor Zaik Naik praised him.....shame on him...punishment is just waiting for him....clearly he is a guy that got big headed just because he know's a lot of interpretation's of the Quran.

Ya Nabi al Mawadah page 223 Chapter 91: Yazeed wrote a letter to Walid his governor: ‘Force Hussain, Abdullah ibn Umar, Abdullah ibn al-Zubair to give Baya and don’t spare them’

When Waleed read Yazeed's letter he consulted with him in regards to this matter and said: What do you think we shall do?’ He (Marwan) replied: ‘I see to send to them now and ask them to give baya and obey us, if they accept then we will let them go but if they reject you shall arrest them and strike off their heads

Yet you support a fool that praised Yazid....so instead of telling other people that they are not Muslims...one should look at them selfs first before questioning others. As the Beloved Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) said don't point fingers (looking) for faults in others, when you point a finger at someone there are 3 fingers pointing back at you. You are clearly demonstrating this.....who are you to question what is right and wrong in Islam.....you are not a divine being that has such a luxury.

There are many more such examples I can give in where Yazid was responsible for the death of Imam Husayn (Peace Be Upon Him).
Yazid ordered his army to attack Medina, and if we read in Al-Bidayah Volume 8 and Page 223, it says the beloved Holy Prophet stated: "who ever perpetuated injustice and frightened the residents of Medina, the curse of Allah, his Angels and all people is on such person"

And the famous Doctor Zaik Naik praised him. People like him have given us Muslims a bad name......if you go to England all the extremists groups are wahabbi...not one of them is Al-sunna Jammat.....so before questioning others...look at your own scholars, and tell your fellow brothers to stop being suicide bombers.....because it is linked to your wahabbi belief.
Furthermore the Beloved Prophet (Peace be upon him) did not like people who falsely accusing others of Shirk. This was proven in the Hadith of Jayyid

The Prophet said "Verily, I fear about a man from you who will read the Qur'an so much that his face will become enlightened and he will come to personify Islam. This will continue until Allah desires. Then these things will be taken away from him when he will disregard them by putting them all behind him and will attack his neighbour with the sword accusing him of Shirk. The Prophet was asked - which of the two was commuting Shirk - the attacker or the attacked. The prophet replied - the attacker (the one accusing the other of Shirk).

And that is what you are essentially doing....in which you have no right or business...but I'm not surprised I have seen what your type of sect is capable of in England....as I participated in many of there groups.....and the only thing I was indoctrinated was being an extremists...but Thanks to Allah that never happened.....so like I said before don't judge others.
Furthermore you as a Muslim are giving respect to Abdul Wahab....the one who collaborated with the British to kick the Ottomans out of Saudi Arabia. He gave support to the Saud family...who then if History serves me right attacked Medina and Mecca. And like my previous post's have stated that those who attack Medina are curse by Allah and his Angels. Yet are dear Doctor Zaik Naik and his lovely sect follows him.
Thread started from a concert in "Silicon Valley" and ended up as a religious debate on Music and its status in Islam.

Amazed to see the level of trolling in here and more amazed to see some senior members on a trolling-spree.

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