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Saffro on Saffron: Major Gaurav Arya is Fighting Ex Indian Army Generals and Officers on Twitter

Went there to enjoy the heat but found it was deleted.

I don't get it. Why is he suddenly accepting the blame for that wingnut Gaurav Arya? He did the right thing, but with this retraction, his schooling of that idiot Arya sounds no better than a drunken rant.

I have lost all respect for Brigadier Thapar. You don't delete your statements that are used to school someone like Gaurav Arya. You put them out on a portrait and enclose in a wire-frame.

One possible reason could be Gaurav Arya's "minders" making a few threatening phone calls to Brigadier Thapar, that guy is probably trying to protect his military retirement pension. :undecided:

That's why India is such a cesspool, and Indian culture the worst. No honest and upright person can speak his mind in that place.

Sorry Brigadier Thapar, you won't be having me buy you beer anytime soon. You have greatly disappointed me!
Northern Indians can be very foul-mouthed and trash-talking kind. That is why I don't associate with them anymore even though I originate in those parts. They often use Hindi cuss words like bhain***d, madar****d, chu**a in every single sentence.

@Joe Shearer might have a few things to say about Northern India's 3rd class culture. Of course that pervades Indian armed forces as well. Absolutely no class or respect. These louts only understand the language of threats and are very fear-driven. You can't talk to them like gentlemen as they mistake it for weakness.

Fortunately, the rest of India isn't that way.

Over the years I have watched a number of travel videos by foreign tourists in India. They often think that southern Indians are more friendly and their cities are cleaner when compared with northern Indians and their cities. Do you think it is true by and large? To what extent?
Over the years I have watched a number of travel videos by foreign tourists in India. They often think that southern Indians are more friendly and their cities are cleaner when compared with northern Indians and their cities. Do you think it is true by and large? To what extent?

I don't know, man. India is a rotten cesspool. That's why I left that place long ago.
Just an observer here and not trying to flame anyone. What I see the major doing is quite unusual and unprecedented. Disrespecting those who are senior in service is a big no-no all across armies that are/were of the commonwealth. In all of my years, I have never seen such an interaction, that too openly, as this one.

The usual is to immediately switch to a courteous "sir" and holding back if one finds a senior involved in the interaction even if the senior is not on point.
In Pakistan Army circles it has long been known that relationships between the rank and file of the Indian army and its officers isn't the best.

During the Vajpai year deployment at the border the breakdown was so severe that on the indian side more than one COs was murdered by soldier from own unit , in one case the dispute being simply a matter of not sending the soldier on leave.

A retired Major calling for public thrashing of a Brigadier and a General and telling them that they will get a "rocket" from him is just ... well entertaining I would say :lol: especially if you have experienced army life yourself :D
that's truth your Army has started lying under BJP openly from first fake surgical strike to Feb events last year. This recent fiasco against Chinese is another prime example. BJP and Bipi Rawant is true face of your unprofessional Army you like it or not. Your sell out media started attacking anyone if anyone dared to question them no wonder people like Gaurav is new face of your Army.
And, all are the parts of billions dollars of scams.....
now this inexperienced low rank major is teaching generals,he should be court martialed by indian army
I don't get it. Why is he suddenly accepting the blame for that wingnut Gaurav Arya? He did the right thing, but with this retraction, his schooling of that idiot Arya sounds no better than a drunken rant.

I have lost all respect for Brigadier Thapar. You don't delete your statements that are used to school someone like Gaurav Arya. You put them out on a portrait and enclose in a wire-frame.

One possible reason could be Gaurav Arya's "minders" making a few threatening phone calls to Brigadier Thapar, that guy is probably trying to protect his military retirement pension. :undecided:

That's why India is such a cesspool, and Indian culture the worst. No honest and upright person can speak his mind in that place.

Sorry Brigadier Thapar, you won't be having me buy you beer anytime soon. You have greatly disappointed me!

Yup, an Indian Brig is waiting for a singapuria Pakistani to buy him non alcoholic beer.

Quit your bs please. Not one Indian except the Muslim tadipaars engages you.

Even the sarkari Hindus have learned to keep you at bay. After their initial chumminess.

Take a hint Pakistani. Change your flag.
I don't get it. Why is he suddenly accepting the blame for that wingnut Gaurav Arya? He did the right thing, but with this retraction, his schooling of that idiot Arya sounds no better than a drunken rant.

I have lost all respect for Brigadier Thapar. You don't delete your statements that are used to school someone like Gaurav Arya. You put them out on a portrait and enclose in a wire-frame.

One possible reason could be Gaurav Arya's "minders" making a few threatening phone calls to Brigadier Thapar, that guy is probably trying to protect his military retirement pension. :undecided:

That's why India is such a cesspool, and Indian culture the worst. No honest and upright person can speak his mind in that place.

Sorry Brigadier Thapar, you won't be having me buy you beer anytime soon. You have greatly disappointed me!

He is not accepting anything rather clearly being sarcastic. He deleted the posts just to refrain flood of tweets tagging him in support or against his opinion.
now this inexperienced low rank major is teaching generals,he should be court martialed by indian army

He is a civilian, he can't be court-martialled; but General Panag has already mentioned defamation.

Over the years I have watched a number of travel videos by foreign tourists in India. They often think that southern Indians are more friendly and their cities are cleaner when compared with northern Indians and their cities. Do you think it is true by and large? To what extent?

The differences are so stark that we are almost becoming two different countries (not counting the west and the east, that are completely different from south and north alike).

I don't get it. Why is he suddenly accepting the blame for that wingnut Gaurav Arya? He did the right thing, but with this retraction, his schooling of that idiot Arya sounds no better than a drunken rant.

I have lost all respect for Brigadier Thapar. You don't delete your statements that are used to school someone like Gaurav Arya. You put them out on a portrait and enclose in a wire-frame.

One possible reason could be Gaurav Arya's "minders" making a few threatening phone calls to Brigadier Thapar, that guy is probably trying to protect his military retirement pension. :undecided:

That's why India is such a cesspool, and Indian culture the worst. No honest and upright person can speak his mind in that place.

Sorry Brigadier Thapar, you won't be having me buy you beer anytime soon. You have greatly disappointed me!

He did exactly the right thing. It is deleterious to his dignity to be quarreling in public with a Captain (fake Major).
The majority of indian army is unprofessional fools. See how their generals talked, how theg toe the political line.
This rapist should get married to another homo called Arnab Goswami. Different birds but same feathers. :lol::lol::lol:

Galwan valley has taken a lot of toll on these guys :lol:
Calling him.. what's his name... Gaurav, his cheap language displays his gutterish mind. No class in being a Major with such pathetic, low life language used. Not a wonder he's raped 5 times. :lol:

Northern Indians can be very foul-mouthed and trash-talking kind. That is why I don't associate with them anymore even though I originate in those parts. They often use Hindi cuss words like bhain***d, madar****d, chu**a in every single sentence.

@Joe Shearer might have a few things to say about Northern India's 3rd class culture. Of course that pervades Indian armed forces as well. Absolutely no class or respect. These louts only understand the language of threats and are very fear-driven. You can't talk to them like gentlemen as they mistake it for weakness.

Fortunately, the rest of India isn't that way.
Can you classify all North Indians to be the same?
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