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Saffro on Saffron: Major Gaurav Arya is Fighting Ex Indian Army Generals and Officers on Twitter

One lil Chini kick and the whole country is like a chicken coop now.

I have no doubt in my mind that those Indians are the most cowardly people on the face of the earth. This cowardly spiritual Nd mental constitution has been the work of constant and perpetual defeat and subjugation at the hands of foreigners. These Indians are to the core cowards and delusional. People of every region have their own distinct dominant characteristics. The dominant characteristic in these Indians are Cowardice, Corruption and dillusion. I have no doubt in my mind that Pakistan will crush it on its own now. Indians are it’s own enemy. Because they are blind Nd not rational. They live in a bubble Nd that bubble is eternal. Let them be crushed. You reap wat u saw. Let Pakistanis crush them.
I think you are being harsh. This kind of pathological case cannot damage the reputation of others. He is a freak.

The reason that IA didn't distance itself as institution from a nut job like him speaks a lot about the mindset IA is heading towards, but personally in this dude I see a future Sambit Patra of BJP ..
The reason that IA didn't distance itself as institution from a nut job like him speaks a lot about the mindset IA is heading towards, but personally in this dude I see a future Sambit Patra of BJP ..

How can the IA distance itself from him? This is where the huge difference in climate and environment shows up. The IA is nowhere like the PA, in Indian society. Respect, yes, pride, yes, but ability to influence matters, to nudge the politicians or the government, NO. I am afraid your conclusions are wrong if they are based on this incident; there might be support from other aspects of the situation, but that should form a thread of its own. It is complicated.

Sambit Patra of BJP? Yes, that is a surprisingly insightful thought. A very good pointer. This lantern-jawed poltroon is certainly headed that way.

Incidentally I resent his false honours; there is reason to doubt that he reached Major.
How can the IA distance itself from him? This is where the huge difference in climate and environment shows up. The IA is nowhere like the PA, in Indian society. Respect, yes, pride, yes, but ability to influence matters, to nudge the politicians or the government, NO. I am afraid your conclusions are wrong if they are based on this incident; there might be support from other aspects of the situation, but that should form a thread of its own. It is complicated.

Army can easily distant themselves from mofo like this Arya , just like PA did with Lal Topi guy in Pakistan but to me it shows that IA actively appreciate the ranting of Arya on many issues and he was given free hand to go and even visit young officers, his views on Hindu's and Muslims are incendiary to say the least and it is quite clear that IA has no regard for the sentiment of its Muslims soldiers who see the like of Arya endorsed by Army who is clearly disrespectful and biased towards a certain community .

Sorry but I disagree with you , IA is much more influencing and powerful in Indian Society than PA can ever be, we saw since BJP took the office and how the top Indian generals have toed the line of BJP and actively supporting the narrative of anyone questioning the Army is a traitor by default .
Army can easily distant themselves from mofo like this Arya , just like PA did with Lal Topi guy in Pakistan but to me it shows that IA actively appreciate the ranting of Arya on many issues and he was given free hand to go and even visit young officers, his views on Hindu's and Muslims are incendiary to say the least and it is quite clear that IA has no regard for the sentiment of its Muslims soldiers who see the like of Arya endorsed by Army who is clearly disrespectful and biased towards a certain community .

I know that a general I formerly admired is very close to him, but that I overlooked because they were both Kumaon Regiment. However, that general was one of the highest ranked Muslims in the Indian Army, reaching a Principal Staff Officer rank after having commanded XV Corps very successfully. Many of us thought he might be made Governor of J&K, but the BJP had other plans.

As far as I know, he didn't visit young officers, he visited formations and spoke about their history and legacy.

Also (I don't watch him or that bloody Republic TV) I believe from people who do watch such stuff that he has never explicitly made divisive comments. I am basing this on the comments of others.

Sorry but I disagree with you , IA is much more influencing and powerful in Indian Society than PA can ever be, we saw since BJP took the office and how the top Indian generals have toed the line of BJP and actively supporting the narrative of anyone questioning the Army is a traitor by default .

Oh no, definitely, definitely not. Only Rawat might be said to have toed the line, and that too, in indirect ways, in saying things that he should not have said, about the CAA agitators. He also took a detachment of Gorkhas into the Nizamuddin area on the anniversary of Jallianwala Bagh, during the controversy over the actions of the Jamiat, and that seemed to me to be the most historically and socially insensitive thing that any Army officer could do.

But I don't know of a single other general officer who might even remotely be thought to be pro-BJP; I am leaving out certifiable lunatics who have retired. Not one. On the contrary, Hooda and Oberoi and others have openly spoken out against this government, and when Modi put both feet into his mouth about the Chinese not having intruded, a very large number of officers made their annoyance very sharply known.

I really think you are wrong in this.
I know that a general I formerly admired is very close to him, but that I overlooked because they were both Kumaon Regiment. However, that general was one of the highest ranked Muslims in the Indian Army, reaching a Principal Staff Officer rank after having commanded XV Corps very successfully. Many of us thought he might be made Governor of J&K, but the BJP had other plans.

As far as I know, he didn't visit young officers, he visited formations and spoke about their history and legacy.

Also (I don't watch him or that bloody Republic TV) I believe from people who do watch such stuff that he has never explicitly made divisive comments. I am basing this on the comments of others.

Oh no, definitely, definitely not. Only Rawat might be said to have toed the line, and that too, in indirect ways, in saying things that he should not have said, about the CAA agitators. He also took a detachment of Gorkhas into the Nizamuddin area on the anniversary of Jallianwala Bagh, during the controversy over the actions of the Jamiat, and that seemed to me to be the most historically and socially insensitive thing that any Army officer could do.

But I don't know of a single other general officer who might even remotely be thought to be pro-BJP; I am leaving out certifiable lunatics who have retired. Not one. On the contrary, Hooda and Oberoi and others have openly spoken out against this government, and when Modi put both feet into his mouth about the Chinese not having intruded, a very large number of officers made their annoyance very sharply known.

I really think you are wrong in this.

Lets agree to disagree
Alas, if winning twitter wars could deciede the course of a nations, then India would be a super power by now and the Indian men ( all of them ) would be Napoleons !
Lets agree to disagree

Why don't you ask some other Indians? I am very confident what their replies would be.

You guys give This Gaurav guy way too much attention. Trolls seek attention so you guys are abetting him by talking about him so much.

You have a point. But I neither watch him nor discuss him; among my circles outside PDF, if I mention this character, I would get blank looks in return.Only the Republic TV kind of people even know about him.
its became total circus now man . this so called major is same as our lal topi . we have one laltopi indian have many of them . where is randikhana wala uncle ?:lol:

its mean he is good man and he don't know abusive language

Was Zaid Hamid an officer of Pakistan army or any services?
I don't get the Indian infatuation with the backside. Why did he tell the brigadier that you will get a missile to the backside and the Chinese 2?

No wonder India is the rape capital of the world. For them, the backside is a way to prove their strength.

Never ever . I got your point these nut cases were officers once .

Lol no brother, I was just wondering but yeah this guy and general Bakshi are part of the army and were in service.
Why don't you ask some other Indians? I am very confident what their replies would be.

because I don't want to Argue on the thing which I know is not true and despite both us try to look unbiased but in the end we will hold on to our biased towards our own POV's .
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