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Safe nuclear does exist, and China is leading the way with thorium

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Ah, the endless babbling. I have seen this many times, whenever my Indian counterpart loses an argument they start babbling.

It is even funnier when you see two Indians argue. :D

Anyway, I am no genius nor superman. Stick to the discussion. The Chinese strategy had always been beg, steal, borrow, copy, learn, innovate and lastly invent.

Learn to walk before you run. This is the fundamental principle. You can see the Chinese effort paying off now. High speed rail, manned space, nuclear, telecoms, submarines. Until it reaches a saturation point when there aren't anymore new tech to absorb. You invent.

Example, Fe batteries by BYD, one of the world's most advanced, and I am not boasting. 4G telecoms by Huawei, also one of the tops in the world.

Did I even say anything about Chinese accomplishments?

It was you who came with that stupid LCA/Arjun BS.

I am not interested in that fanboism.
Did I even say anything about Chinese accomplishments?

It was you who came with that stupid LCA/Arjun BS.

I am not interested in that fanboism.

Ignore the trolls brother, this is what happens when someone has nothing to contribute to a thread, still can't resist to post some BS.
Go through my previous post on wind energy, I've posted the defects and its solutions in a brief way. It may look a far fetched, but worth a try for developing countries like India and China. And an efficient way to reduce our carbon footprints. :tup:
Wind power generation has been tried and been found lacking. Certainly there are new designs that might mitigate some of the existing problems, but it is not as mature as nuclear energy. Most importantly, wind cannot match the output of nuclear power. It should not be looked upon as a main source of power, but as an auxiliary mean.

And geothermal energy can be only tapped in region where there's volcanic activity is a myth, there's huge geothermal activity going on underneath where you are standing right now, i mean its everywhere. While there's very little drilling required for active volcanic regions that makes it quite efficient, but it requires deep drilling for any other stable regions which makes it inefficient and there's a chance of 20% error while drilling.
The problem is that the deeper you drill, the more thermal energy loss by the time it reaches the generators, making it less efficient. Hence nearly all geothermal plants are built near fault zones. In addition, there is fear that it might increase seismic activities around the plant, which is not a very promising prospect to people living around such plants.
Yes, petroleum is very convenient for mobility but decent electric or hybrids with infrastructure for charging the electric batteries is not too hard to create.

After all the big oil created such an elaborate system for oil distribution as well.

The additional benefit is the energy recovery that is possible in electric/hybrid vehicles. That can be scaled quickly if the corporate greed is taken care of.

Yes, but war fighting doesn't need the 20 million barrels/day!

We can all produce or buy enough for that purpose.

War fighting definitely needs a hell of alot of oil. Tanks can be made all electric, what about planes? They'll still need chemical propellants. Liquefied coal, hydrogen?
War fighting definitely needs a hell of alot of oil. Tanks can be made all electric, what about planes? They'll still need chemical propellants. Liquefied coal, hydrogen?

Pretty sure you can synthesize petroleum products from coal and that includes jet fuel.
A question to our Chinese friends:
what is China's current development in the field of bio-fuel, bio diesel etc?
War fighting definitely needs a hell of alot of oil. Tanks can be made all electric, what about planes? They'll still need chemical propellants. Liquefied coal, hydrogen?

You don't fight wars every day!
What about the US? :lol:

Hmmm, we all need Thorium powered tanks and planes then.

It used to be easier and cheaper in the earlier days.

Sun Tzu said: In the operations of war, where there are in the field a thousand swift chariots, as many heavy chariots, and a hundred thousand mail-clad soldiers, with provisions enough to carry them a thousand li, the expenditure at home and at the front, including entertainment of guests, small items such as glue and paint, and sums spent on chariots and armor, will reach the total of a thousand ounces of silver per day. Such
is the cost of raising an army of 100,000 men.
Hmmm, we all need Thorium powered tanks and planes then.

There was actually a project on nuclear powered bomber back in the 50s, the Americans even tried to run a ford car on nuclear power. :lol:

Flying on Nuclear, The American Effort to Built a Nuclear Powered Bomber
I have no idea, but that's a key project at the Experimental Propulsion Technologies Institute at my school. Here's a sample publication:

Lipase-catalyzed biodiesel production with methyl ... [Z Naturforsch C. 2008 Mar-Apr] - PubMed result

India has achieved quite a lot in Bio fuel sector, here's a few example.

BIO-DIESEL TRAINS: India launches Eco-Friendly Train « The Global Energy

The Hindu Business Line : GM prefers India for biodiesel research

India's Big Plans for Biodiesel - Technology Review

Biodiesel Breakthrough in India - IEEE Spectrum

Jatropa plantation for biodiesel production has its own advantages, since it can be grown virtually anywhere even in barren lands. So we don't need to sacrifice agricultural lands for the same. By selling jatropa seeds, poor villagers will find some scope of employment. And most importantly this will reduce our dependency on importing crude oils. :yahoo:
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