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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

RD-93 and possibly WS-13 or it could be the RD-93 with silver coating.

given that the ws-13 is suppose to look more or less exactly like the RD-93 (unlike ws-10 vs AF-31), we probably won't know which they are using until they out right tell us(or a reliable leak gets out).
Project 310 continues it's flight tests in Shenyang. 2 amateur videos filmed on April 11th.

Henri K.
Most likely J-31 is up against KAI KF-X, japanese ATD-X[mini F-22].

China will needs to use better Engines, bring changes refine changes to the design specially wings/tail...even the KAI KFX sketches looks impressive.

The Japanese one is a demonstrator. The Americans flat out refused to give engine technology, so the ATD-X uses fourth gen, it's weight is greatly reduced, and it's thrust not up to par, hence two engines. The Japanese is compensating for the absence of weight to thrust. This thing can barely carry itself let along ammunition.

The korean one, I'm not sure the details, but at this point they are even copying the J-20. So their thing is still on the drawing board and I doubt the Americans would give engine to the Koreans. Technologically the Koreans are not really ahead of the Japanese. Though at this point in terms of military, China is more advanced than both.

Korea and Japan are technologically advanced, but you don't go from nothing to engine, no matter how advanced you think you are, currently only the Americans have it, the Russians sort of the Europeans are not even trying. We are testing our version in 2015.

Also they don't have the cash. Especially the Koreans. They wanted a super carrier to go with their 10,000 ton+ DDGs, but as it turns out they got no money. So they are stuck, pretty good, outdated, ship, with no air support.

The Chinese design of J-20 and J31 is fine, all of these designs must be tested before they go into first flight. If it didn't work, it wouldn't have been approved, they are not idiots.
Japanese are famous for their expensive home made jets. Their F-2 fighter, a variant of F-16 has cost of US$127 million per peice. If they will to make their own designed stealth jet, probably it will cost double that of F-35! And their economy is not improving.
Japanese are famous for their expensive home made jets. Their F-2 fighter, a variant of F-16 has cost of US$127 million per peice. If they will to make their own designed stealth jet, probably it will cost double that of F-35! And their economy is not improving.

The disadvantage is they can't produce many of them due to high costs if the said aircraft ever materialize not more than 4 squadrons would ever be built just as F-2 [F-16 variant]. There is also a reason they are also opting for F-35s that too would be around 4-5 squadrons with 42 on order already. Below would be the list in coming years still not enough as China can easily in the future deploy dozens of squadrons of J-20/J-31.

F-15J under modernization
I don't know what J-31 is, in the official PLAAF reference this numbering doesn't and never exist.

What's that?

Henri K.
Is there any word on the WS-17 ?
no not yet, since things about ws-17 are quite blurry atm....

as far as i know, ws-15 and ws-13 is going to be another mark after ws-10, and the outcome is going to be massive!







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