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SAC FC-31 Stealth Fighter: News & Discussions

Typical western news heading. Trying to portray China desperate to gain attention and in a negative way.

Don't tell me the US never send their stealth fighter for airshow flying or display? Don't tell me the US never intend to sell their stealth fighter?
China’s military upstaged the Asian economic summit in Beijing this week by conducting flights tests of a new stealth jet prototype, as the White House called on Beijing to halt its cyber attacks.

Demonstration flights by the new J-31 fighter jet—China’s second new radar-evading warplane—were a key feature at a major arms show in Zhuhai, located near Macau, on Monday.

The technology has shown up in China’s first stealth jet, the J-20, and in the J-31. Both of the jets’ design features and equipment are similar to those of the F-35.

The Chinese warplanes are part of a major buildup of air power by China that includes the two new stealth fighters, development of a new strategic bomber, purchase of Russian Su-35 jets, and development of advanced air defense missile systems. China also is building up its conventional and nuclear missile forces.

The J-31 flight testing during the summit highlights the Chinese military’s use of high-level U.S. visits to showcase new weaponry.

Military and defense analysts said China’s development of new warplanes poses a threat to regional stability.

“China is moving along at a very rapid pace in its fighter aircraft development and we should be concerned,” said retired Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, who said the timing during the president’s visit was similar to the 2011 flight test of the J-20 during a visit by then Defense Secretary Robert M. Gates.

McInerney said Gates halted production of the most advanced U.S. jet fighter, the F-22, at 187 aircraft that “started us on the unilateral disarmament path that President Obama has America on.”

“Neither the J-20 or the J-31 will match the F-22 or F-35 in stealth performance but their successors will and we should be concerned as China is a looming economic and military power,” McInerney said. “They enjoy flaunting their power in front of American leaders who have exhibited weakness.”

In January 2011, China rolled out the J-20 for the first time during the visit to Beijing by Gates, who wrote in his recent memoir, Duty, that one of his aides called China’s timing for the J-20 disclosure “about as big a ‘**** you’ as you can get.”

Rick Fisher, a specialist on the Chinese military with the International Assessment and Strategy Center, said the J-31 prototype flight at Zhuhai shows a high degree of confidence on the part of the manufacturer, the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation.

“But Shenyang has also displayed a large model of an advanced development of the J-31, that it calls the FC-31,” he said. “The FC-31 shows key design refinements intended to increase platform stealth, or to increase radar reflectivity. These include new horizontal stabilizers, reshaped wings, and a revised rear fuselage area.”

The new advanced version of the jet also will include an electro-optical targeting device under its nose that is very similar to the F-35 targeting unit.

Fisher said the Chinese appear to intend the J-31 for foreign exports and to compete with foreign sales of the F-35 by offering it at a much lower price.

“The FC-31 gains points for a cleaner low observable configuration than the F-35. What we do not know at this point is how their electronic systems compare. While we might give the edge to the F-35 we also have to consider that China is rapidly developing similarly capable radar, targeting systems, and cockpit systems.

The J-31 also is expected to be launched on future Chinese aircraft carriers that will be equipped with catapult launch.

Fisher said the main challenge for the new jet is its engines, which are Russian-made turbofans. “China is now testing an indigenous turbofan for this fighter, but it is not known when it will be ready,” he said.

“But these are small obstacles, especially if Russia will continue to sell Shenyang the engines it requires,” Fisher said. “The FC-31 could become a military and a commercial threat to the F-35. Its well past time to be investing in a much better F-35 as well as a successor to the F-22.”

Li Yuhai, a general manager with the Aviation Industry of China, parent company of Shenyang Aviation, told the state-run Global Times that the J-31 is comparable to the F-35 and will change the status quo by taking a lead role in the aircraft export market.

“Our fourth generation fighter can now compete with foreign fighters,” Li said.

The J-31 was first flight tested in 2012 and has completed at least six aerial tests.

In addition to the J-31, China also showcased a new Y-20 transport aircraft that is a key element of China’s new effort to develop long-range warfighting capabilities. Another aircraft that debuted at Zhuhai was the KJ-2000, a new airborne early warning and control aircraft with technology critical for advanced warfighting.

MOSCOW/BEIJING (BNS): The new fifth-generation J-31 stealth fighter of China will be powered by Russia-made RD-93 turbofan engines, an official of Rosoboronexport, Russia's state arms exporter, has said.

"J-31 with the Russian engine RD-93 is considered to be an export programme, able to compete with the American F-35 fifth generation aircraft on the regional markets," Sergey Kornev, Rosoboronexport's Air Force Equipment Export Department Head, was quoted as saying by RIA Novosti news agency.

China, which kicked off the 10th Zhuhai Air Show on Tuesday (Nov 11), is set to showcase the twin-engine J-31 stealth jet at the international event.

Developed by the state-owned Shenyang-led Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC) for the PLA Air Force, the fifth-generation radar evading warplane will perform demonstration flight at the biennial air show, pegged as Asia's largest.

Sergey Kornev, who is heading the Russian delegation at the Air Show, said that two fifth generation fighters are being developed in China, the J-20 and J-31, which demonstrate "the high potential of Chinese science and aviation industry."

With an eye on export, China unveiled the J-31 for the first time at the 2012 Zhuhai Air Show where a large-scale model of the new fighter was exhibited.

Dubbed as China's second stealth jet after the Chengdu J-20, the J-31 made its maiden flight on October 31, 2012 and at present, only one prototype of the new jet is available.

The Chinese jet bears some resemblance with the Russian T-50 or PAK FA fifth-generation fighter and also with the American F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF), both currently under development. The only operational fifth-generation fighter at present is the US-made F-22 Raptor.
RD-93 turbofan engines

Not only RD-93 and not only for J-31.

Currently, Russia supply China with the AL-31F and AL-31FN turbofan engines.

China also ordered additional batch of AL-31FN engines (75 engines).

Not to mention that the Chinese transport aircraft Y-20 equipment with the D-30 engine (China ordered 239 engines in between 2009-2011, mostly for H-6K, though.)
Not only RD-93 and not only for J-31.

Currently, Russia supply China with the AL-31F and AL-31FN turbofan engines.

China also ordered additional batch of AL-31FN engines (75 engines).

Not to mention that the Chinese transport aircraft Y-20 equipment with the D-30 engine (China ordered 239 engines in between 2009-2011, mostly for H-6K, though.)

It is good to help the Russians in view of their fast dropping Rubles due to the sanctions
That is a lot and there is no other choices until our self-developed engines either get matured or can meet with the speed of production
The orders also have to take care of some slightly older models which are originally equipped with the config of Russian engines :cheesy:
RD-93 engine is joke for a 5th gen platform,no supercruise and low TW ratio(for a 5th gen).Looks like no TVC either.Bad choice if this plane is to compete with other 5th gen designs.
This is a JOKE article from MOSCOW, the FC-31 prototype with RD-93 on ZhuHai Show doesn't mean the mass production version will use it ... RD-93 for a 5th-gen stealth fighter it's funny enough ... China won't let such joke happen on FC-31 v2.0.

Next years China will decrease jet engines import, domestic Jet Engine Industry will UP !
This is a joke article from MOSCOW, the FC-31 prototype with RD-93 on ZhuHai Show doesn't mean the mass production version will use it ... RD-93 for a 5th-gen stealth fighter it's funny enough ... China won't let such joke happen on FC-31 v2.0.

So fighter aircraft that was made for export dint not show real engine but Russian just for show peace?
RD-93 engine is joke for a 5th gen platform,no supercruise and low TW ratio(for a 5th gen).Looks like no TVC either.Bad choice if this plane is to compete with other 5th gen designs.
its in a prototype stage, and as for supercruise does F35 have?, as for TVC its optinal when it is an advanced developmental stage we may see WS-13 with TVC, and it has a compliment to more advanced J-20 which have a supercruise capabilites:china:
So fighter aircraft that was made for export dint not show real engine but Russian just for show peace?
Prototype flying on ZhuHai Show doesn't mean the final version of FC-31 ... it's like the difference between YF-22 and F-22.

It's a joke that FC-31 with RD-93 for export, China WS-13 under develop it's our engine for mass production version of FC-31. Chinese r building a stealth fighter like F35 not a Mig29.
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Would love to see a single engine version of the fc31, something like a fc1/j17 size. Imagine a small stealthy j17 that has the nose, wings and canted tail of the fc31 powered by the new ws13.

It would cost a great deal less then even the fc31 and a fraction of the price of a f35, it would be ideal for countries like Bangladesh that dont need long range fighters but smaller point defence fighters but still incorporate much of the advanced features of modern 5th gen fighters.

If it could be done for a flyaway price point of around $35m....:yahoo:
This is a JOKE article from MOSCOW, the FC-31 prototype with RD-93 on ZhuHai Show doesn't mean the mass production version will use it ... RD-93 for a 5th-gen stealth fighter it's funny enough ... China won't let such joke happen on FC-31 v2.0.

Next years China will decrease jet engines import, domestic Jet Engine Industry will UP !
Cant believe after China and Russia become major allies. These clueless russia reporter still trying to take a jab at China. Xi shall ask putin to take some action against these old times reporter. They shall save their jab at Ukraine or western.
Would love to see a single engine version of the fc31, something like a fc1/j17 size. Imagine a small stealthy j17 that has the nose, wings and canted tail of the fc31 powered by the new ws13.

It would cost a great deal less then even the fc31 and a fraction of the price of a f35, it would be ideal for countries like Bangladesh that dont need long range fighters but smaller point defence fighters but still incorporate much of the advanced features of modern 5th gen fighters.

If it could be done for a flyaway price point of around $35m....:yahoo:
Impossible. It will be seriously under power without internal carriage. WS-13 engine is a medium size , not heavy weight engine that can sustain medium fighter.
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