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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

T50 is far behind its scheldue, no earlier than year 2020. Russian will not TOT any important tech to India, cause they don't want to let go the cash cow. While USA refuse Javelin TOT to India, Russia will take India for granted in the future. China will overtake India in airforce in the next decades without doubt. The Su35 deal will be signed soon, J20 is on its way. Tell me how India is gonna deal with PLAAF in the coming years? The anwser is probably very persimistic.
No, i just think WS15 is much better.

No its not.
117S has claimed 4000 hours life on npo saturn website while chinese agree their engine will be about 3000 hours.
Well if not,prove me wrong:coffee:
You guys will pay the price if you ignored Chinese weapon system, you are not good enough to be a ANAlYST. ALL you judgment is based on wild guess from some western source, i'm sure you don't know we are capable of. You think you really smart, acutally you are not. I would not even borther to teach you a lesson, you are not gonna understand how lame IAF is compared to PLAAF.
T50 is far behind its scheldue, no earlier than year 2020. Russian will not TOT any important tech to India, cause they don't want to let go the cash cow. While USA refuse Javelin TOT to India, Russia will take India for granted in the future. China will overtake India in airforce in the next decades without doubt. The Su35 deal will be signed soon, J20 is on its way. Tell me how India is gonna deal with PLAAF in the coming years? The anwser is probably very persimistic.

India will get everything and more as ours will have idz engine.
Plus like mki we can integrate western stuff.

U cannot,,neither can russians themselves:angel:.

And su-35 is way too inferior to pakfa
No its not.
117S has claimed 4000 hours life on npo saturn website while chinese agree their engine will be about 3000 hours.
Well if not,prove me wrong:coffee:
3000 hours is for WS10A, keep it in mind.
You guys will pay the price if you ignored Chinese weapon system, you are not good enough to be a ANAlYST. ALL you judgment is based on wild guess from some western source, i'm sure you don't know we are capable of. You think you really smart, acutally you are not. I would not even borther to teach you a lesson, you are not gonna understand how lame IAF is compared to PLAAF.

okay... what else?
India will get everything and more as ours will have idz engine.
Plus like mki we can integrate western stuff.

U cannot,,neither can russians themselves:angel:.

And su-35 is way too inferior to pakfa
J20 is there, even before you get FGFA. FGFA is still on the paper, long way to go. and delay is for sure as you always delay.
China's J-31 Stealth Fighter: Then and Now


J-31's Debut

The J-31 "31001" technology demonstrator flies past in a public demonstration at the Zhuhai 2014 Airshow. In addition to generating export interest, Shenyang Aircraft Corporation is looking to get J-31 business from the PLAAF.
Hunter Chen
Much has been made of China’s J-31 stealth fighter making an appearance at the 2014 Zhuhai Airshow. (Too much in fact; for example Foreign Policy magazine tried to tie the news to Obama’s visit this week, despite the fact that the airshow has been going on since 1996 and the plane flying since 2012.) But what can we learn from its appearance?


J-31 Lands

The J-31 "31001" makes another approach at Zhuhai. The J-31 is still a tech demonstrator at this point, and lacks extras like electro-optical and missile launch warning sensors, as well as likely using a preexisting radar (J-10) at this point.
Flyer via Weibo
Made by the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation (SAC), it is highly likely that the J-31 will be China's version of the Joint Strike Fighter; its development is expected to spiral into both PLAAF and PLANAF variants. However, the J-31’s primary mission at Zhuhai has been to hunt for export customers. Beyond Chinese sales, likely customers for the J-31 include nations that have operated earlier generation Chinese export fighters like the F-7 and JF-17 (such as Pakistan and Egypt), as well as those looking for less expensive or non-U.S. alternatives.



The J-31 differs from the F-35 in that it has two engines, which in turn reduces its area ruling, making for more efficient supersonic flight, including future supercruise once the J-31 obtains more powerful engines.
Hunter Chen
Currently, "31001" is a technology demonstrator for SAC's stealth fighter technology. Hence it uses preexisting systems, like the Russian RD-93 engines found on the FC-1 fighter, as well as having an older two piece canopy over the cockpit. "31001" was stated at the Zhuhai 2012 airshow to have a combat weight of 17.6 tons; like the transition from the X-35 to the F-35, production variants of the J-31 are likely to be heavier than the demonstrator.



This up to date scale model of the FC-31 (the J-31's export designation) at Zhuhai 2014 shows several important upgrades from "31001", including the installation of a Electro Optical Targeting Sensor (EOTS) pod under the nose (shiny gold fairing).
Blitzo at Sinodefense Forum


The updated FC-31 design has several radar cross section reduction measures, such as clipped wing edges, and revised vertical stabilizers, to reduce reflected radar waves.
Andreas Rupprecht via China Defense Forum
While "31001" flew crowd pleasing maneuvers at Zhuhai, a new and updated scale model of the J-31, or FC-31 in its export designation, on display shows changes that would come to any likely final plane. The new model has redesigned wings, clipped at the corners to enhance stealth, and all new vertical stabilizers, which have been enhanced for stealth. The new model also has an Infrared Search and Track sensor installed on the underside of its nose, to enable the J-31 to track the heat signatures of enemy aircraft. It also has redesigned, stealth optimized engine nozzles, which suggest that a Chinese 10- to 11-ton thrust engine will ultimately replace the Russian RD-93. Notably, such future engines could allow the J-31 to supercruise, a feature that the F-35 does not have.


New Engines

The stealthy new engine nozzles on the FC-31 model indicate that SAC looks to replace the current RD-93 turbofans. The yet unnamed turbofan engines will each generate about 10-11 tons of afterburning thrust, which could enable the J-31 to supercruise.

Next Gen Display

This flight simulator/cockpit avionics display shows state of the art pilot/cockpit interface technology, including a holographic Heads Up Display (HUD), a built in helmet wide display, and multi-functional display screens (not shown) that would show and fuse sensor data, managed communications, as well as firing and controlling weapons.
The J-31 is clearly intended to be a true “fifth-generation” fighter, not only in stealth but also in sensor fusion and flight avionics. To its advantage, the J-31 does not have the difficult challenge of producing a design that allows both traditional flight and a STVOL variant like the F-35B. However, the great challenges in producing a multi-role fifth-generation fighter and high-performance engines means that SAC has its work cut out if the J-31 is going to enter service in 2022, a decade after its first flight.

China's J-31 Stealth Fighter: Then and Now | Popular Science


J20 is there, even before you get FGFA. FGFA is still on the paper, long way to go. and delay is for sure as you always delay.

How many protos of j-20 are there??
Whats the radar?
Whats the irst?
Whats the engine?

We know nothing except that its still flying with al-31:lol:
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