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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

By the nature of rapid development of chinese, The FC-31 will be available to PAF in next 2 years max as AESA radar technology is already in J10-b fighters and the aircraft shown with specs by AVIC IN ZHUHAI clearly shows AESA radar installed in it, the laser designator with golden window shows its ready or in test trial with the aircraft, retractable fuel probe, stealth features of air frame etc are available. PAF helped china develop DSI intakes in J-10b , internal weapons bay with new missiles has also an impressive layout. What comes out to be is a mixture of latest 4th and some fifth generation technology. It seems more like an advanced F-15 covered with a stealth airframe of F-35.
Technology used is of 4 -4.5 generation but air frame is of stealth as Chinese even don't have their own engine, cruise control is out of question.
Stop dreaming people. I can guarantee you J-31 won't see service with PAF until the F-16 starts retiring.
That's not going to happen till 2025 at the very least.
thank you for reminding me,
Before I published a news from China, the news that a WS13 engine developed, has begun to enter the preparation of the production stage, and the WS13 engine thrust is medium thrust engine, because China already have WS10 and WS10A and WS15 three kinds of high thrust engines, while WS13 is used for equipment JF17 and J31 such a medium fighter, so do not need a lot of thrust, but must take the size is reduced, and because J31 is equipped with two WS13 engine, so the total thrust is bigger than F35, but like JF17, J31 is also a medium fighter, so they like F35 don't need to have supersonic cruise capability, they do not need long range combat, so do not need to have the ability to supercruise, only large range fighter just need that kind of ability, while the J31 only need to complete a good distance and near distance operational tasks can be, there is a J31 using two WS13 engine, can realize the super maneuver capability.
do you understand me?i'msorry ,my english is so bad.hehehe

Believe me your english is not that bad as you think:cheers: so keep writing :tup:
Stop dreaming people. I can guarantee you J-31 won't see service with PAF until the F-16 starts retiring.
That's not going to happen till 2025 at the very least.
PAF is already working on it for near future induction. Read interviews to IHS'Janes
The Pakistan Air Force (PAF) is in talks with China to buy 30 to 40 of the Shenyang FC-31 twin-engined stealth fighter displayed at Airshow China 2014 in Zhuhai, a senior Pakistani government official has revealed to IHS Jane's .

"The discussions are beyond initial inquiries and they fit into the pattern of Pakistan being the first export customer of Chinese [military] hardware," said the official

Source: Pakistan in talks to buy '30-40 FC-31s'
30-40 means 3-4 billion $.that's a whole budget of PaF itself so what they will do with rest of the fleet :O
They are not buying the F-35 buddy, just the J-31 which should be half the price of the latter, so, make it 100 planes for $5 billion, spread on 10 years from now, that means Pakistan can budget for it about $500 million a year for the next 10 years, so by 2025 100 J-31 will be paid for and flying under the colors of PAF.
I understand, but think of it as a safety. In case there is not enough time to produce WS-13, the RD-93 can still work to keep the program going. China's slow progress in engines in not related to the design of the engine and China can if it wishes design an engine that can compete with Russian engines easily. China's problem has been with metal alloy manufacturing for engines which has slowed its local engine programs down.

The only problem with Chinese engines is heat signature and their they were strangling to keep heat signature low and now somehow they are now come up with something to keep that into satisfactory level and now working on to the level of good.
Will we get Pak-fa/fgfa first or will paf get j-31 first...

Should be close
Pakistan can get F-35 instead. US is its ally and F-35s are the second best after F-22 atm.
Full report - Read Carefully

"The discussions are beyond initial inquiries and they fit into the pattern of Pakistan being the first export customer of Chinese [military] hardware," said the official.

Which Govt official said to IHS Jane's according to the report by the way ????

In 2007 then air chief marshal Tanvir Mahmood Ahmed, who at the time was PAF chief of staff, told IHS Jane's that Islamabad was considering the purchase of up to two squadrons or 30 to 40 of Chengdu J-10 fighters.

Now what next already 7 years gone ????
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It will never have 360 aesa coverage ,,nor the l band aesa iff.
That we already know.

As for the engine india will have a 180 kn engine in 2020-21,idz 30 and it will be an upgrade over 117s of su-35.
Needless to say better than whatever chinese come up with.

Which one have 180kn even AL-31F have 176kn after burn thrust, so please give us the source of claim
Can't see this bird in PAF before 2020 if not 2025. Our economy is going downhill and soon NATO war in Afghanistan will end so say good bye to that aid.
We need to stand on own feet first and the buy these toys...otherwise we will end up as north korea
It will never have 360 aesa coverage ,,nor the l band aesa iff.
That we already know.

As for the engine india will have a 180 kn engine in 2020-21,idz 30 and it will be an upgrade over 117s of su-35.
Needless to say better than whatever chinese come up with.
what India is making 180 kn class engine in 2020-21 in your wet dream, even you don't make kaveri for LAST CHANCED AIRCRAFT, finish kaveri first then talk about idz 30:cry::lol::blah::crazy::laughcry::omghaha:
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