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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

hey man, we fly our own plnes and fly them long, unlike you who has to train them on US maintained gulf countries birds.

500 aircrafts ? why not 500 a month ?
Our own planes ..lolz delusional fantasy of typical indian
PAF would perhaps like to induct in the J-10C immediately.
basel this is what you guys are will be up against

Indian version of Russian PAK FA is called FGFA


144 WILL BE ORDERED at a cost of $25 billion

they wil arrive 2025

so you better get these J31 ordered quick
@GR!FF!N: I am only interested in flyaway cost as that will be the price that Pakistan will pay China for each J-31. Other costs will be budgeted separately like weapons, infrastructure and training.

The US arms manufacturers even profit from selling to the US government and make even more money per plane when it sells overseas.

Chinese will be able to build their plane cheaper and will sell at cost price to their number one ally Pakistan. 75 million dollars each, at today's prices, is a reasonable estimate of how much Pakistan will be charged by China for each J-31.

I expect Pakistan to buy between 100-150 J-31s, dependent on how their economy performs over the next 1-2 decades.

again wrong.as I quoted,even flyaway cost is nowhere near 100 mil when we're talking about F-35.and calculate,they're projecting to make nearly 2400 of these atleast.if these massive figure isn't enough to bring the cost within 100 mil for the first lots,then wonder how costly the future versions will be.and its better not to talk about J-31.let them make the aircraft first(we'll discuss the cost in post 2020).75 million is not only hypothetical,but also an imaginary figure.and I doubt PAF would be able to get 100 of these.just watch their pathetic economic condition.
Paf could not afford 36 j10 at 40 million each.

A low cost fourth gen fighter far cheaper than any new fourth gen fighter on the planet bar thunder or tejas

What chance they can buy 100 milliondollar ffifth gen j31 .
Pakistan will be the first to buy this new bird... Indians can cry all they want.
Yes, FC31 is the resolution to all IAF fighter
In the future, FC31 is way superior than any fighter in the IAF's inventory. PAF will be in dominant position after inducting FC31.
When India is stucking with FGFA and Rafale deal, the FC31 project seems will have a brilliant future. Now the J3001 project has been given a official name FC31, which means it will be inducted by PLAAF and pakistan in the future. I see no IAF inventory could counter it mighty until now, it's time for celebration and PAF will dominate the sky at the time of FC31 delivered. I've to say Fc31 is the most promising medium class 5gen fighter until now. Time for rockin and roll!
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i just cant understand one thing
"why such kind of sensational heading in a thread with zero content with no sources /links to back anything "

rather post something which could be discussed in a serious manner in a realistic scenario


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