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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

we'll have new prototype with indigenous 9.5ton thrust medium engine by the end of next year. We know where its heading to unlike AMCA, we have a time frame, of course, a specific deadline.
AMCA was never given a timeline but a concept testing till now it not even come out from Wind tunnel testing but ADA will start working on prototype once its given a green signal from IAF.
On topic :What makes FC 31 a 5th Gen ? Just because it "looks" stealthy and it got internal carriage doesn't mean its 5th gen yet. Just compare it with F-35 where is the sensor fusion ,engine ,where is 5th Gen weapon and where is the 5th Gen AESA radar ?
Indo-Russian FGFA is answering all those answer that's why delay in the programe.
Engine :More powerful and highly efficient engine known as the izdeliye 30 with 3D vector
Weapon : K 74MD ,K 77M,KH 38M,Kh 35UE
Radar: N036-1-01 X-bandActive Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar
Avionics : Well its just too much to write.
AMCA was never given a timeline but a concept testing till now it not even come out from Wind tunnel testing but ADA will start working on prototype once its given a green signal from IAF.
On topic :What makes FC 31 a 5th Gen ? Just because it "looks" stealthy and it got internal carriage doesn't mean its 5th gen yet. Just compare it with F-35 where is the sensor fusion ,engine ,where is 5th Gen weapon and where is the 5th Gen AESA radar ?
Indo-Russian FGFA is answering all those answer that's why delay in the programe.
Engine :More powerful and highly efficient engine known as the izdeliye 30 with 3D vector
Weapon : K 74MD ,K 77M,KH 38M,Kh 35UE
Radar: N036-1-01 X-bandActive Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar
Avionics : Well its just too much to write.
no deadline means vanity project for cheating taxpayer? non of those stated tech you mention above will be transfered to India, cause Russian won't let its cash cow go so easily with some 20 billions.
  • what is the cost of J-31 or PJ-31?
  • Nice aircraft for PAF to have in future but it will be beyond 2020 if ever J31 gets order, after JF-17 had been fully utilized.
Yes China is hard working which is why they make "HIGH" quality products ... used by Best airforces in world like Pakistan Airforce and Chinese Airforce
Sensational header, flame baiting dialogues with focus on Indians, zero credibility.

Just another day in pdf.
When India is stucking with FGFA and Rafale deal, the FC31 project seems will have a brilliant future. Now the J3001 project has been given a official name FC31, which means it will be inducted by PLAAF and pakistan in the future. I see no IAF inventory could counter it mighty until now, it's time for celebration and PAF will dominate the sky at the time of FC31 delivered. I've to say Fc31 is the most promising medium class 5gen fighter until now. Time for rockin and roll!View attachment 149272
I have heard that besides J-31 and J-20 China is also working on few more Stealth Fighter Jets is it true ?

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