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SAC - FC-31 Grey Falcon Stealth aircraft for PAF : Updates & Debate

It’s too early to tell the true status of the Chinese AESA program,” says a Washington-based intelligence official. “We’ve seen lots of press and air show information on the program, but that doesn’t automatically translate into a robust development or give us an accurate look at where [China] is as far as fielding one anytime soon.
“Like the [high-performance] engine, it’ll be a challenge to take the step from older radars to one designed for a fifth-generation fighter,” he says. “Again, though, the J-20 is just the first or second—depending on whom you believe—prototype in a very long development program.”

China’s Stealth Aircraft Program Will Face Advanced Defenses | AWIN content from Aviation Week

And China doesn't need to prove anything about Chinese AESA to US, this will be consider as cheap way of spying without effort, this is like saying " your aircraf is a junk, proof me the contrary, show me what you got to prove my affirmation wrong"...LMAO
A stealthy version of JF-17 is much more feasible for PAF then going for 5th gen jet now CAC have all the 5th gen tech and they can build stealthy version of JF-17. CAC will also offer its 5th gen to PAF as they will not want to lose their client to SAC.

If you remember CAC beat SAC with their J-20 project for PLAAF 5th gen plane requirements, that competition is also on when it comes to offer jets to PAF.

China-Pak in MoU to Develop Variant on JF-17 Thunder
China-Pak in MoU to Develop Stealth Variant of JF-17 Thunder | ASIAN DEFENCE NEWS

id love to see it, but honestly this sounds too good to be true,
to me a dedicated 5th Gen platform would be more feasible, its a whole new jet. a whole new platform,
stealthy or not, JF-17 will complement the J-31 splendidly.having stealth features wont ever disregard the very reason this jet is build for, first we need to replace all the mirages and f-7's.stealthy features would be rather more feasible wehn atleast 3-4 block are completed.so it will take a lot of time.
China's is a newcomer in the AESA business and the yanks are streets ahead and I believe the Russians are also with the SU35 which the Chinese are keen to get their hands on. Again we do not know how good the J10B AESA is.

Chinese AESA will become mature soon, only reason for purchasing Su-35 will be its engines not avionics as Israel is still supporting China in its weapons program from back channels as many Chinese radar are based on Israeli tech not the Russian tech.

US will keep its dominance in making new tech jets, but China will narrow the gap in first half of this century.
It’s too early to tell the true status of the Chinese AESA program,” says a Washington-based intelligence official. “We’ve seen lots of press and air show information on the program, but that doesn’t automatically translate into a robust development or give us an accurate look at where [China] is as far as fielding one anytime soon.
“Like the [high-performance] engine, it’ll be a challenge to take the step from older radars to one designed for a fifth-generation fighter,” he says. “Again, though, the J-20 is just the first or second—depending on whom you believe—prototype in a very long development program.”

China’s Stealth Aircraft Program Will Face Advanced Defenses | AWIN content from Aviation Week

I kinda lost faith on Washington based intelligence officials when they couldnt even dig out the those hypothetical WMD's in Iraq and fought the whole damn war over it/
I kinda lost faith on Washington based intelligence officials when they couldnt even dig out the those hypothetical WMD's in Iraq and fought the whole damn war over it/
But regained it after they successfully tracked OBL:p:D
Drawing of Stealthy JF-17a.JPG
id lo
ve to see it, but honestly this sounds too good to be true,
to me a dedicated 5th Gen platform would be more feasible, its a whole new jet. a whole new platform,
stealthy or not, JF-17 will complement the J-31 splendidly.having stealth features wont ever disregard the very reason this jet is build for, first we need to replace all the mirages and f-7's.stealthy features would be rather more feasible wehn atleast 3-4 block are completed.so it will take a lot of time.

The problem with us is that threat perception is evolving fast and out foe is rapidly fielding advance systems which need to be looked and taken care of, that is why MOU of stealthy version of JF-17 was signed and it is most economical and logical step to be taken. If you read how F-18 is evolved to Advance Super Hornet F-18 then you will understand that how much potent threat will be a stealthy JF-17 to any non 5th gen plane fielded by IAF and this is what is need of the time as IAF will not have 5th gen plane till 2025.

JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter | Defence Aviation

Although not official pic but Stealthy JF-17 may look similar to above poted pic which is circulating on net since long.
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mubarak ho . I hope you get these in bulk along with joint production .
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The problem with us is that threat perception is evolving fast and out foe is rapidly fielding advance systems which need to be looked and taken care of, that is why MOU of stealthy version of JF-17 was signed and it is most economical and logical step to be taken. If you read how F-18 is evolved to Advance Super Hornet F-18 then you will understand that how much potent threat will be a stealthy JF-17 to any non 5th gen plane fielded by IAF and this is what is need of the time as IAF will not have 5th gen plane till 2025.

JF-17X- A Pakistani Stealth Fighter | Defence Aviation

Although not official pic but Stealthy JF-17 may look similar to this pic which is circulating on net since long.

the design looks quite beautiful and stealthy but it still seems too good to be true.im all up for a stealthy JF-17, i mean why not?
the news you mentioned is over 5 years old and not many info is release about it,I fear this project might be dead just like the acquisition of J-10.news like these are usually much hyped about.thats not the case here.
the speed at which j-31 is developing might indicate that we'll get the 5th gen aircraft before India.havent heard about FGFA lately.
I had came across an article says that China is not Willing to sell J-20 to even Pakistan which is superior than J-31? Could you tell us what is the reason behind this or the article was just BS??

Sure, but J-20 is very expensive, so J-31 which costs about 80 million per unit will be more suitable economically.

The relation between J-20 and J-31 is similar to F-22 and F-35.
hey man, we fly our own plnes and fly them long, unlike you who has to train them on US maintained gulf countries birds.

500 aircrafts ? why not 500 a month ?
Go back and check your history first I don't have time for kids here....
Chinese AESA will become mature soon, only reason for purchasing Su-35 will be its engines not avionics as Israel is still supporting China in its weapons program from back channels as many Chinese radar are based on Israeli tech not the Russian tech.

US will keep its dominance in making new tech jets, but China will narrow the gap in first half of this century.

Not just the engine they want the AESA new radar on the SU-35 which is quite advanced.
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