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S Arabia arrests 10 Iranian ‘spies’

My friend read history, whenever Muslims empires all over history had a conflict with Romans or others, you always rushed into backstabbing them.

Muslims came into existence after the fall of roman empire.

If you are talking about Holy roman empire then

Holy roman empire was neither holy nor roman and certainly not an empire.
Muslims came into existence after the fall of roman empire.

Not correct. We Arabs defeated the Roman Empire who at that time was known as the Byzantine Empire. Basically the successor state of the old Roman Empire. Read about it. Later, centuries after, the split happened between the Pope of Rome and the Pope/Emperor in Constantinople which created the split between Catholics and the Orthodox Christians that exist to this very day.
That is your ignorance speaking. The Arabian Peninsula is one of the most diverse places on earth with all types of landscapes and climates. Moreover it is the center of the world's biggest religion and have been that for 1400 years.

My friend... Arabia didn't have enough capacity to grow crops to sustain a high population. In days of old settlements would have been built along the riverbanks, many civilizations started that way, most notably Egyptians. Others who couldn't grow crops usually used to get other's by force ;)

"Most of the Arabian Peninsula is unsuited to agriculture, making irrigation and land reclamation projects essential.The narrow coastal plain and isolated oases, amounting to less than 1% of the land area, are used to cultivate grains, coffee and tropical fruits. Goat, sheep, and camel husbandry is widespread elsewhere throughout the rest of the Peninsula." Wikipedia

Yemen is one of the oldest civilizations on earth and older than that of any Persian civilization.

What is their achievement? Iranian plateau was a birthplace to many great civilizations, among them Elamites, Jiroft civilizations (3,000 BC) etc...

And FYI Yemen was conquered by the Sassanids, as you can see in this map, every suitable land within reach of Sassanids was captured by them.


I just corrected some of your claims that were historically not correct.

My claims? They're not my claims, they're facts easily accessible on the internet. I don't like to make **** up to be honest, I always like to research before posting anything.

The British also dissevered oil in Iran, remember. Gas too. You are dependent on it hugely too.

Yes, and they were taking it away for free, we stopped them by electing Mohammad Mossadegh but they couldn't handle it like a man and finally took care of him!

My friend read history, whenever Muslims empires all over history had a conflict with Romans or others, you always rushed into backstabbing them.

I have a minor in history, but thanks, I will ;)
Not correct. We Arabs defeated the Roman Empire who at that time was known as the Byzantine Empire. Basically the successor state of the old Roman Empire. Read about it. Later, centuries after, the split happened between the Pope of Rome and the Pope/Emperor in Constantinople which created the split between Catholics and the Orthodox Christians that exist to this very day.

Successor is not same as original and byzantine was more of a Greek empire than Latin from start.
My friend... Arabia didn't have enough capacity to grow crops to sustain a high population. In days of old settlements would have been built along the riverbanks, many civilizations started that way, most notably Egyptians. Others who couldn't grow crops usually used to get other's by force ;)

"Most of the Arabian Peninsula is unsuited to agriculture, making irrigation and land reclamation projects essential.The narrow coastal plain and isolated oases, amounting to less than 1% of the land area, are used to cultivate grains, coffee and tropical fruits. Goat, sheep, and camel husbandry is widespread elsewhere throughout the rest of the Peninsula." Wikipedia

What is their achievement? Iranian plateau was a birthplace to many great civilizations, among them Elamites, Jiroft civilizations (3,000 BC) etc...

And FYI Yemen was conquered by the Sassanids, as you can see in this map, every suitable land within reach of Sassanids was captured by them.


My claims? They're not my claims, they're facts easily accessible on the internet. I don't like to make **** up to be honest, I always like to research before posting anything.

Yes, and they were taking it away for free, we stopped them by electing Mohammad Mossadegh but they couldn't handle it like a man and finally took care of him!

I have a minor in history, but thanks, I will ;)

Yemen is famous for it's fertile lands just as Southern KSA. Coffee, tea, all various kinds of fruits, vegetables etc. have been crown since ancient times in Yemen and Southern KSA. Something that do not grow in Iran. Frankincense too. Even large regions of Yemen receive constant rainfall for 4 months every single year. Oman too. Monsoon for God's sake in other words (Khareef in Arabic).

Wikipedia is a very bad source. Most of the land in Arabian Peninsula is suitable for agriculture. There never was a need for it since we the Peninsula had tropical regions that had plenty of food to a relatively small population and we are surrounded by the Red Sea, Arabian Sea and Gulf where sea life is in abundance.

Yemen was never ruled by any Iranian powers. Not sure where you heard this. What you must refer to is the 30 year old rule by proxy in parts of Yemen.

We where talking about civilizations of a certain age and capability. A civilization is not measured by it's conquest.

If so the Rashidun, Umayyads, Abbasids etc. have no rivals in modern day in the Middle East since we controlled land from the Iberian Peninsula (!) in the West to Pakistan in the East.

The British never colonized KSA despite trying and knowing about it's importance in Islam, size, strategic position and the natural riches. Qatar, Bahrain, UAE etc. were all once part of the first Saudi states under the Al-Saud family. Until the British came. Oman was another Empire that controlled land in Pakistan, Africa etc. until the Brits came.

Successor is not same as original and byzantine was more of a Greek empire than Latin from start.

Read my post. I said that it was the SUCCESSOR state of the Roman Empire which it was.:cheesy: Never said that they are the same. The Rashidun Caliphate conquered all the known/important world and later other Arab Caliphates came such as the Umayyad's, Abbasids etc. but that does mean that they were the same as the Rashidun's. Just successor states.

Anyway we Arabs won every battle at that time. Other Arabs, non-Muslim Arabs, Persians, Byzantines, the Han Chinese (Battle of Talas in 751) etc. Anyway every empire falls and our fell too. Fair to say that we left an enormous mark in history and changed countries forever.

Today we have to look at the future and not glorify our past which is a common thing among us Arabs and Middle Eastern people.

Nice chat btw but I am afraid that it is a bit off-topic.
@al-Hasani So I refer you to the Saudi Embassy's website then?

Agriculture & Water

"Historically, agriculture in the Arabian Peninsula was limited mostly to date farming and small-scale vegetable production in widely scattered oases, except in a small coastal strip in the southwest. Small plots produced enough food for the local communities, and any extra was sold to passing caravans."

Yes, Yemen is very fertile! That's why Sassanids took over it and not Arabia! ;) They took over Oman, along with rest of fertile land along the Persian Gulf.

This is the map of Sassanid Empire, look it up for yourself.


And this is one of thousand sources you could find on the internet.


"New translations of ancient texts and evidence from archaeology have made knowledge of many once-obscure peoples and places accessible to the amateur historian. This is certainly the case with the Sassanian (also known as Sassanid) dynasty of Iran, an empire which at one time ruled from the Indus to the Nile, from Yemen to the Caucasus. They overthrew the Parthians by 226 (CE, as all dates) and fell to the armies of Islam by 651. Theirs is one of the most poorly-documented empires in the world; even their Achaemenid forebears of half-a-millennium prior are better understood. Instead, their history was written by their enemies, who proceeded to miscast these Persians as villainous archetypes in the sagas of Rome, Constantinople, and Mecca."
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I already said that large scale agricultural production was sparse but that does not mean that there are no possibilities of it. They are in abundance. KSA has the largest amount of wadis, oasis and many underground waters. I believe that 80 percent of the land can be turned into agriculture. What is excluded are the vast mountain areas in the West and South and the Rub' al-Khali.

The problem is that the country is and always was scarcely populated and most lived either in Hejaz where the climate is diverse and next to the Red Sea. Hence why many took part in the fishing industry. Same in the Gulf regions btw.

The whole of South KSA and large parts of Western KSA have tropical climate and plenty of greenery.

For each month more and more land is transformed into agricultural lands for wheat, fruit, vegetables production etc.

Yemen is very fertile indeed much like large parts of Oman but it's also part of Arabia. After all it is the Arabian Peninsula and many believe this is where the first Arabs reappeared. The Sassanids controlled parts of Yemen for only 40-50 years and it was through vassals. Nothing wrong with that. The Sassanids left us Semites alone be it in on the Arabian Peninsula, Levant or Iraq. Often you learnt from us and the very old Semitic cultures you encountered.

Also I believe, from what I remember, that KSA has one of the biggest areas solely reserved for greenhouses.

Anyway nice chat again.
Not correct. We Arabs defeated the Roman Empire who at that time was known as the Byzantine Empire. Basically the successor state of the old Roman Empire. Read about it. Later, centuries after, the split happened between the Pope of Rome and the Pope/Emperor in Constantinople which created the split between Catholics and the Orthodox Christians that exist to this very day.
In the time you were trying to take Constantinople and missed, the emperor was not Greek or Roman ... but Armenian ! local emperor from cappadoce region.

And only the Turks (by the way even in West they have an expression "strong as a Turk" because the picture of Turk is a very good and strong soldier) succeed to take Constantinople

before that the empire won battles against Arabs
10 spies in saudi ? :omghaha: what were they doing ? counting goats?
pure arab propa. their loss in syria should be answered by jokes. good strategy :yay:
In the time you were trying to take Constantinople and missed, the emperor was not Greek or Roman ... but Armenian ! local emperor from cappadoce region.

And only the Turks (by the way even in West they have an expression "strong as a Turk" because the picture of Turk is a very good and strong soldier) succeed to take Constantinople

before that the empire won battles against Arabs

We were fighting and defeating several empires at the same time from the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal) in the West to Central Asia (Kyrgyzstan) in the East. No other people have been that successful to conquer that much land and keep it for so long and leave such a last standing linguistic, cultural and religious legacy in such a short time. Very often being outnumbered severely. Apart from the Roman Empire in the Western/Christian world. The Arab caliphates are just the Muslim version of the Roman Empire.

The Turks conquered Constantinople nearly 1000 years after the Rashidun Caliphate came to existence. A very bad comparison. When the same Byzantine Empire, that was driven away from Arab/Semitic lands 800 years before, was defeated by the Ottomans it happened after the Byzantine Empire was WAY past its glory days and the collapse of the Islamic Golden Age helped the Ottomans gain the Caliphate after it was under Arab control for nearly 1000 years.
I already said that large scale agricultural production was sparse but that does not mean that there are no possibilities of it. They are in abundance. KSA have the largest amount of wadis, oasis and many underground waters. The problem is that the country is and always was scarcely populated and most lived either in Hejaz where the climate is diverse and next to the Red Sea. Hence why many took part in the fishing industry. Same in the Gulf regions.

My friend... that wasn't a possibility 2,000 years ago! It still is hard today, considering the technology, our topic is historical anyway so we shouldn't consider what could be achieved today.

So I think we can agree that overall Arabia couldn't grow enough food to sustain an empire, this was one of the reasons, Muslims invaded Persia and Egypt, to sustain their growing numbers.

Yemen is very fertile indeed much like large parts of Oman but it's also part of Arabia. After all it is the Arabian Peninsula and many believe this is where the first Arabs reappeared. The Sassanids controlled parts of Yemen for only 40-50 years and it was through vassals. Nothing wrong with that. The Sassanids left us Semites alone be it in on the Arabian Peninsula, Levant or Iraq. Often you learnt from us and the very old Semitic cultures you encountered.

But I thought you said Sassanids never ruled over Yemen? You see my friend, a great thing about Iranian empires like Sassanids and Achaemenid were that they only expected tributes in return for protection, and in those days that was considered being humane! So they wouldn't directly try to control you, they would leave people from your own in charge but that guy would have to send gift and troop often. However, if their offered wasn't accepted they would attack.

The reason that Sassanids are so poorly documented is because when Muslims invaded Persia they destroyed every book in libraries, and destroyed everything they encountered. Otherwise we would know more about them, and human race could have possibly used that knowledge to accelerate the human progress, but unfortunately everything was destroyed.

But Achaemenid, the guys long before them are decently documented, please read about them, from non-Iranian sources. Western sources would be good.

Muslims used the conflicts between Romans and Persia to invade them both, both powers already weakened by internal conflict and war succumbed to Muslims' armies quickly, one thing I almost forgot to mention is that both Roman, and Persian armies were suited to fight against each other, due to very, very, very prolonged conflict, they didn't have anything for light Arab cavalry in their arsenals ;)

Anyway nice chat again.

Thank you, you too :D
That is not correct. Mesomania posted a link to an article of a newly discovered civilization in the the middle of Arabia (!) and not the commonly known ones in Hejaz, Southern KSA, Gulf region (Dilmun civilization) that was found to be 9000 years old and where it had irrigation systems, tamed animals, first tamed horses in the world, cities etc. Mosab posted it 1 week ago. Here it was:

Carved in stone: were the Arabs the first to tame the horse? - The National

Domestication Date May Be Pushed Back 3,000 Years - Archaeology Magazine

More is to be found in the near future since the Arabian Peninsula and the Middle East, contrary to popular belief, is still largely undiscovered in terms of archaeology work. I assume Iran too.

Also Arabs lived outside of the Peninsula since ancient times. My point was just that there was no need for that since the population was small and the lands needed for agriculture were already there. Not to mention all the seas that surrounded us.

MOST IMPORTNATLY then the climate was very different at that time. The first humans who migrated from Africa into the Arabian Peninsula (first migration out of Africa if we believe science) encountered tropical jungles. Today only small areas of tropical areas remain left in Hejaz and Southern KSA.

History is a constant and changes depending on new findings.

The Sassanids did not rule Yemen in the sense I meant initially. Only through some local vassals. Different things. That also only happened for very few years. I said that this was the case if it ever was ruled.

Well this is the same approach the Arabs and other Semitic people had. Arabs, when they conquered Persia, kept for themselves and built garrison cities such as Qom, Mashhad etc. and did not commit genocide or anything else. This did go for all non-Semitic people.

I know about the Middle East civilizations. After all us Semitic people have the oldest ones and I am very interested in history. Also those that are very old but lesser known.

Well, obviously every empire that was ultimately defeated was defeated for a reason - often due to lack of resources, infighting or other things. Same with all Semitic civilizations and the Arab ones. Pre-Islamic and the Islamic ones.

The Persians that first came to light 3000 years ago when they emigrated from the steppes of Central Asia and moved to the Iranian plateau also encountered first the Elamites and later they encountered Semitic civilizations in Babylonia and the Gulf region (Dilmun) that they were heavily influenced by and conducted trade with. I even believe that Aramaic, a Semitic language, was the official language of the first Persian civilization. Even all the scripture to non-Semitic people was given by Semitic people.

But obviously all those empires were not "humane" in todays world but at least all of them were more civilized better than those Neanderthals who roamed around Europe, aside from Greeks and Romans and a few others.:omghaha: Ironically both ancient Greeks and Romans came from the Middle East and excavations have found that they are genetically very similar to modern day Middle Easterners.

LOL, I think that we are going WAY off-topic. I suspect that our posts will be deleted which would be a shame.
they arrest whoever talks against the dictatorship, and if he is a shiah then they call him Iranian Spy. nothing more expected from wahhabis.

Gullible people would believe this. Every time there is instability looming in KSA and even Bahrain, they cook up these stories about supposed Iranian spies, to not only divert attention but also label anyone that protests for social justice (particularly the Shiites in East KSA) as an "Iranian agent".
LOL come up with somethign new, because this strategy is eroding and getting very boring.

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Iraq
Mahdi Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Turkey
Iranian spies in Turkey

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Yemen
Iranian spy cell arrested in Yemen - Yemen Post English Newspaper Online

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Egypt
BBC News - Egypt deports Iran diplomat accused of spying

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Syria
Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander says its troops in Syria | Reuters

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Lebanon
Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Kuwait
Kuwait to oust 3 Iranian diplomats in spy row

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Bahrain
Bahrain sentences three Iranian spies to 10 years in jail, says newspaper - The National

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Saudi Arabia
S Arabia arrests 10 Iranian

Iran ia sending terrorists and spies to Kenya
allAfrica.com: Kenya: Court Gags 'Iranian Spies'

Iran is sending terrorists and spies to Nigeria
allAfrica.com: Nigeria: SSS Busts Alleged Iran-Linked 'Spy Network' (Page 1 of 2)

And most recently Bosnia got its share of Iranian terror
Bosnia expels Iranian regime's diplomats suspected of spying
Journalist reveals names of 300 Iranian spies in Bosnia | intelNews.org

So yeah i'm sure all these countries are cooking up stories against Iran, Lol. And the funny thing is all these countries that Iran spy on are Muslim countries, so much for the so called Islamic Republic, you just need to admit that Iran is an utter Hell-Hole and need to be removed from the world, then peace in the Middle East will come.

10 spies in saudi ? :omghaha: what were they doing ? counting goats?
pure arab propa. their loss in syria should be answered by jokes. good strategy :yay:

I'm sure the only thing they counting now is the remaining hours before their heads are chopped Lol. :)
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