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S Arabia arrests 10 Iranian ‘spies’

pan-Turkish is just a radical version of nationalism and this Idea of pan-Turkish specially started from 1860 by Jewish agent 'Vámbéry Ármin' and he praised the Turkish empire so you can't say it was because of improvident sultans. of course an empire who leaves religion for nationalism would fall, specially when the base of this empire is religion. courting women was just a side effect of weaken religion.
You talking bs again,it was not started by him.

Ármin Vámbéry - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
By writing a couple of books and travelling through the Ottoman Empire,he started Pan-Turkism?
No it was started bu UFOs.

Of course they are spies.Perhaps they have been reading an article about Iran in Wikipedia or searching 'Iran vs Saudi Arabia' on Google when suddenly mighty special and counter revolution forces break in to their house and catch them red handed.

This is an old trick mates, doesn't work anymore.Come up with something more innovative.

Please don't confuse Saudi Arabia with Iran. I understand this is how things work in your country and you have my sympathy.
I haven't study the ottoman empire, I just know that they were Sunni but their kings mostly were thinking about nationalism instead of religion, the more pan-Turkish ideas extended, weaker they became, and that's why this empire collapsed.

The ottoman kings were more European than Turk ,It seems it was more likely for their king get a wife from outside turkey than from one inside turkey .
@JUBA your post set many backs on fire :partay: :flame: Even their mod is trolling now :lol

Of course they are spies.Perhaps they have been reading an article about Iran in Wikipedia or searching 'Iran vs Saudi Arabia' on Google when suddenly mighty special and counter revolution forces break in to their house and catch them red handed.

This is an old trick mates, doesn't work anymore.Come up with something more innovative.

Yeah Saudia Arabia has taken an advice or two from this history lesson they were reading on wikipedia. I must say Iranian Intelligence finds innovative ways to fool it's public, would put to shame even saudi intel in this matter :omghaha:

Chain murders of Iran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Please don't confuse Saudi Arabia with Iran. I understand this is how things work in your country and you have my sympathy.

O God, please punish me if I ever mistake Saudi Arabia with Iran.That's a horrible mistake,and a betrayal to people of my country.
Thanks,but the last thing we need is your sympathy.:P
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