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S-400 : A silver bullet for IAF air defence systems?

As the General pointed out that when China acquired the system, some Indian Two Star Officer was of the opinion that it will not be so effective against India but now that India is acquiring it, it suddenly becomes a war winner.....the claimed range also seems to be exaggerated and above all it's not battle tested.
Nothing that some decent cruise missile will not be able to counter effectively.

THIS GUY DISAGREES = i think American accent
Especially with what PAF has to offer .
Even the USA and Israelis fear the S400

THIS GUY DISAGREES = i think American accent
Especially with what PAF has to offer .
Even the USA and Israelis fear the S400
Your air force fourth largest in the world and five times bigger than PAF has tried and failed every time so good luck with relying and trying on a foreign source to save your bacon......considering how you used the Spyder system effectively, no need guessing who will be feeling nervous with this system in Indian hands.#
BTW, this video is over two years old, a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then.
The Video source.......enough said.
Pakistan is working on how to counter it.

Pakistan knew that India has been trying to acquire it for nearly a decade now. Given Russia's good relations with India ( In the past) Pakistan knew that India would some day buy the S400 missile defence system.

We are aware of the strategic shift and will come up with some thing "better" to nullify it. As pointed out by a member is it dangerous than Atomic bomb?? If Pakistan can build an atomic bomb ( post 1971 era when country was divided) than Pakistan can certainly counter the S400 system.
Your air force fourth largest in the world and five times bigger than PAF has tried and failed every time so good luck with relying and trying on a foreign source to save your bacon......considering how you used the Spyder system effectively, no need guessing who will be feeling nervous with this system in Indian hands.#
BTW, this video is over two years old, a lot of water has gone under the bridge since then.

foreign source to save our bacon. ??

We fight alone buddy

Yes Russia Israel USA france are allys / friends

but thats no differtent to israel buying off USA or Turkey buying off USA and Russia

AND you people off china Turkey USA etc.

S400 will operted by indians with russian technicians if war broke out.

Same with israeli or fench hardware technicians do stay and assist.

And they will im sure
S400 or s500 there is no missile which the bent the wings of an aircraft till date ;)

s400 /500 will not be an exception, it may be a capability butnot invincible like su30 the so called air dominance fighter of iaf ;)

foreign source to save our bacon. ??

We fight alone buddy

Yes Russia Israel USA france are allys / friends

but thats no differtent to israel buying off USA or Turkey buying off USA and Russia

AND you people off china Turkey USA etc.

S400 will operted by indians with russian technicians if war broke out.

Same with israeli or fench hardware technicians do stay and assist.

And they will im sure

Obviously you have comprehension issues.
All the so called allies will milk the Indian cow but never risk their neck for you.
Remember it was a Russian General who referred to IAF pilots as ''Cows in the Cockpits''. Lol.

Really good explanation by Pakistan General

Acquasition range 600km
Engage 400km max
5 different missles
5 regiments
costing $5 billion

Considered the best in the world

He explains the impact at strategic tactile level and how it will severly impact PAF response

India can target all of PAF
Do you think PAF is sleeping here and not working it ? 🤔

THIS GUY DISAGREES = i think American accent
Especially with what PAF has to offer .
Even the USA and Israelis fear the S400
AMERICAN Accent nai bahi thi is Computer Generate Audio and this channel is known for their one sided video 🤣🤦‍♂️

And even the thumbnail shows S400 exactly on border I mean wtf 🤣 India is fool enough to deploy S400 on border line 🙄... it will atleast be deployed 100km away...
foreign source to save our bacon. ??

We fight alone buddy

Yes Russia Israel USA france are allys / friends

but thats no differtent to israel buying off USA or Turkey buying off USA and Russia

AND you people off china Turkey USA etc.

S400 will operted by indians with russian technicians if war broke out.

Same with israeli or fench hardware technicians do stay and assist.

And they will im sure
Heres few simple Question...

Does india have a cluster of Radars to cover all of border? 🤔 I am pretty sure no..

Does india have Tactical Data Link to connect all the Radars it has ? The answer is no..

So how will india have a bigger picture in case of war and how will it share stuff securely with S400 ?

Pakistan was going to induct FD2000 in late 90s but it didn't... it spent all of that money on Project Vision..
Heres few simple Question...

Does india have a cluster of Radars to cover all of border? 🤔 I am pretty sure no..

Does india have Tactical Data Link to connect all the Radars it has ? The answer is no..

So how will india have a bigger picture in case of war and how will it share stuff securely with S400 ?

Pakistan was going to induct FD2000 in late 90s but it didn't... it spent all of that money on Project Vision..

ANSWER to your question in red

IS YES.................... ITS CALLED AFNET SYSTEM

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If darpoke India dares fires a ground based missile at Pakistan Air Force, expect an expanded missile response from Pakistan. It's that simple.
ANSWER to your question in red

IS YES.................... ITS CALLED AFNET SYSTEM

VoIP is not TDL 🤦‍♂️ thats just a Voice network to communicate and we all know how secure it... I dont have to tell you how it was trashed in 2019..

I am talking about TDL linking radars all over india..

C2 is planned not C4...
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