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Featured India's friction with U.S. rises over planned purchase of Russian S-400 defence systems: reports Reuters

this is just to gain leverage to use indians against hte chinese
They'll probably workout a deal with the gangus.
People said that about turkey as well owing to it being a components producer for the f35 program,nevermind a very long term member of nato,yet in the end there not only wasnt a deal turkey also got the boot from the f35 program.
What is US problem with S-400? I dont get it.
S-400 is an active learner, especially in the EW domain! The US sensitive operational info, specifically electronic signatures, will get exposed and, ultimately, shared with China! Turkey has tested them just once in full mode at a remote place on the Black Sea; otherwise, they’re kept OFF so far. If Turkey keeps S-400 ON for sufficiently long periods all the sensitive NATO EW and radar assets installed inside Turkey will get compromised.....

Looks like Rafaels have no problem in the vicinity of S-400!! It shows Rafaels’ electronic signatures are commercially available!! So, they’ll be easy to counter....
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What is US problem with S-400? I dont get it.
In the case of turkey it was claimed that the s400 could have some sort of "unknown extras" that could possibly be used to obtain radar signatures and other critical ew intelligence relating to nato aircraft,especially aircraft like the f35.
Interestingly tho they ignored the opposite possibility which is that they would be able to train against what is considered to be one of,if not potentially the most,formidable sam systems in the world.This would have given the nato airforces and their auxiliaries the priceless opportunity to see just how good their ew countermeasures and strategies were while also giving the 5th gen machines like the f35,f22 and b2 the chance to see just how much protection they still had against the very latest russian sam system.
In the case of turkey it was claimed that the s400 could have some sort of "unknown extras" that could possibly be used to obtain radar signatures and other critical ew intelligence relating to nato aircraft,especially aircraft like the f35.
Interestingly tho they ignored the opposite possibility which is that they would be able to train against what is considered to be one of,if not potentially the most,formidable sam systems in the world.This would have given the nato airforces and their auxiliaries the priceless opportunity to see just how good their ew countermeasures and strategies were while also giving the 5th gen machines like the f35,f22 and b2 the chance to see just how much protection they still had against the very latest russian sam system.

Its a two way street. Probably, the lobbyists for the defense contractors impressed on the military officials that it would compromise the signatures of the F-22 and F-35. If no one can prove the 5th Gen fighters can be detected, they will keep winning contracts, year after year, to supply US and NATO Forces.
S-400 is an active learner, especially in the EW domain! The US sensitive operational info, specifically electronic signatures, will get exposed and, ultimately, shared with China! Turkey has tested them just once in full mode at a remote place on the Black Sea; otherwise, they’re kept OFF so far. If Turkey keeps S-400 ON for sufficiently long periods all the sensitive NATO EW and radar assets installed inside Turkey will get compromised.....

Looks like Rafaels have no problem in the vicinity of S-400!! It shows Rafaels’ electronic signatures are commercially available!! So, they’ll be easy to counter....
Greece has it and will be getting block 70 f16
Hi moderators, will I again be warned if I say that Pakistanis here are too obsessed with India to open two different threads on same issue???
India and usa will find way out of this I think
India will.not cancel.the s400 independence without compromise is invaluable to India politics
unless usa offers,both f35 and usa equivalent to s400 o can't see India backing down and they have given Russia 1 billion dollars,down payments already
India and usa will find way out of this I think
India will.not cancel.the s400 independence without compromise is invaluable to India politics
unless usa offers,both f35 and usa equivalent to s400 o can't see India backing down and they have given Russia 1 billion dollars,down payments already
We trust US till Trump is president, afterwards even yanks don't trust there newly forced President.
We trust US till Trump is president, afterwards even yanks don't trust there newly forced President.

Come on!!
We all know how Trumps Danda made Modi open the export of hydroxychlorquine.

Come on!!
We all know how Trumps Danda made Modi open the export of hydroxychlorquine.

We had a gem that we were forced to share it with others. I feel proud about it and ask you to create you own gem. I do hope you know how much India earned by exporting this medicine.

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