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S-300 Missiles for Iran ‘Dismantled, Scrapped' – Manufacturer

proving with words is useless ...

but !

"S-300 Missiles for Iran ‘Dismantled, Scrapped' – Manufacturer"

this is a prove for something going to happen in the future !

The comment I made was regarding the mock-up missiles shown in pic, when are you guys going to introduce the new ones anyway?
google reuters s300 analysis. i cant link stuff yet in this forum.

The Israelis excel in electronic warfare. In 1982, they "blinded" Soviet-supplied Syrian anti-aircraft units in Lebanon, then destroyed 19 of them without Israeli losses. Similar technologies helped Israeli jets destroy a suspected nuclear reactor in Syria in 2007....

any expensive defense system can be eliminated. history tells us that. drones for example can expose the SAM batteries by forcing thm to attack the drones and make them excellent targets for ground attack AC. also ELOKA (german word for electronic warfare) can disrupt the radar and command and control system of any integrated air defense system.

other then some trigger happy and megalomaniac iranians here i would prefer a responsible policy and good relations with the key world and regional powers over russian technology for the countries defense.

iran could be such a rich country with mass oil gas wind, water, sun......but useless and pointless idological based confrontation brought the country down into the "3th world" level when it comes to economy, individual freedom and military.

shah was a dictator but at least under him women and minorities had equal rights and saddam hussein would have never tried to attack the 2nd best military of the region. beside that iran had much more friends and a much better world reputation then now.

Well you seem to be fair, wise and intelligent. Please tell us, what are we to do to come into the good graces of these 'key world powers'?
Bavar-373 will be unveiled in 2014 ...

Lets wait and see then.

The fact that Russia did not deliver the S-300 was good for Iran. Iran ordered the S-300 in 2007. In 2007 an USA/Isreali attack was plausible. But now Iran knows that USA and Isreal are not going to attack them. Which means they don't need the S-300. That's why Iran refused the S-300VM Antey-2500 offer that is even better then the S-300 system they ordered in the first place. This whole thing has been a terrible move by Russia. Especially if Iran wins the court case and gets 4 bilion dollars.

I hear about that. Mind narrating the whole story?

what must iran do to get rid of sanctions and the isolation?

its simple. what kind of hostility do we have with israel? we had never problems with jews in the last 2500 years and why must israel and iran be enemies? the hostility is all about antisemitism and idology and not about natural hostility. actualy israel did iran a favor by destroying saddams nuclear power and delivering weapons to iran during the 1980-1989 war. what do we have to do with hamas and hisbollah? its stupid.

2nd question: why must iran "export" the "shia revolution" to other arab/muslim countries? no wonder that this sunni countries see that as a threat and are against iran. why supporting terror groups in BLACK africa??? what do we have to do with all that?

3th question: why hostility with the US and EU? its not about the past mistakes of the US, its about the ideology of the mullahs: i blame iranians more for the 1953 debacle then any other nation. when iranians let themself being abused by foreign nations then they deserve not better then that. i am amazed how many iranians still belive the absurd lie that UK (a weak country by now) still dominates the world from london.:)

too many conspiracy, victim-role and ideology in the iranian foreign policy and too little realism and pragmatism.
@Serpentine, I strongly advise you to remove Any and Every "saudi equipment" related posts in This Thread.

The Thread has been derailed.
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Here is the carrier of Bavar-373 as you can see from the picture on it's back.

This baby is looking fantastic!




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