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Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber'


Mar 6, 2013
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United Kingdom
Dmitry Rogozin, Russia's deputy prime minister, has posted a tweet saying his next flight over Romania will be in a TU-160 bomber aircraft after he was denied access to the country's airspace.

Mr Rogozin was flying home from the Russian-speaking region of Moldava on the border with Ukraine when he was turned away from Romania's airspace.

In response, Mr Rogozin posted a tweet in Russian which said, "next time I'll fly on board TU-160" - a supersonic Soviet-era strategic bomber.

Mr Rogozin is one of the senior Russian officials sanctioned by the EU and US after Moscow moved to annex Crimea.

Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber' - ITV News

The Russian piglet,"Ivan the Porky" as he's jokingly called, finally flew to Moscow incognito on a normal flight from Moldova with a late ticket,hiding like a crook,so much for "Russian power" when their Deputy Minister hides himself on a regular Moldovan line to get home.

UPDATE on the news...."Ivan the Porky" is still on war mode and issued another twitt a few minutes ago

"Ei bine, domnilor din Romania, in curand va vom explica totul - cine sunteti si ce credem despre voi."


"Well, gentlemen of Romania, soon we will explain everything - who you are and what we believe about you."

What a retard.....
Its because nato is only good at playing checkers and while the Persians invented Chess, it took the Russians to perfect it.

Putin is always several moves ahead of nato. Nato just reacts and adjusts their terrorists and propaganda.

Its almost sad to see how these bumbling idiots behave. Only their lackeys believe their lies anymore

Chine and India and Russia and Iran and Brazil and all of south america with it constitute over half the worlds population. And they don't believe the lies anymore. Only nato countries and their dumbed down masses believe nato lies anymore. The real world just laughs at NATOs ridiculous double standards and cheap propaganda.

funny how this drunk could outplay western leaders in the last 2 years
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Its because nato is only good at playing checkers and while the Persians invented Chess, it took the Russians to perfect it.

Putin is always several moves ahead of nato. Nato just reacts and adjusts their terrorists and propaganda.

Its almost sad to see how these bumbling idiots behave. Only their lackeys believe their lies anymore

Chine and India and Russia and Iran and Brazil and all of south america with it constitute over half the worlds population. And they don't believe the lies anymore. Only nato countries and their dumbed down masses believe nato lies anymore. The real world just laughs at NATOs ridiculous double standards and cheap propaganda.

And i guess it's ok to treathen a country like a common street thug,huh ? Afterwards Russia acts surprised as to why its EE neighbours are wary of her.
What are you worried about romania? Russian military is in such a bad shape, that their airplanes are barely able to withstand a rollout from hangar
What are you worried about romania? Russian military is in such a bad shape, that their airplanes are barely able to withstand a rollout from hangar

Oh,there's not a worying feeling in Romania,rather we are a little bit amased of how much of a failed state Russia can be to have such a retard in a position of power.In Moldova they've even brought a pig called Rogozin infront of the Russian embassy.

The piglet is furious because he was humiliated,he had to hurry back to Moscow like a transvestite on regular flight from Chisinau,hiding.This,while Russia celebrated victory day.Cry me a river.On top of that the Moldovans even took from him the papers with the Transnistrian signatures and requests of anexation to Russia,lol :rofl:
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Its because nato is only good at playing checkers and while the Persians invented Chess, it took the Russians to perfect it.

Putin is always several moves ahead of nato. Nato just reacts and adjusts their terrorists and propaganda.

Its almost sad to see how these bumbling idiots behave. Only their lackeys believe their lies anymore

Chine and India and Russia and Iran and Brazil and all of south america with it constitute over half the worlds population. And they don't believe the lies anymore. Only nato countries and their dumbed down masses believe nato lies anymore. The real world just laughs at NATOs ridiculous double standards and cheap propaganda.

A minor correction- Indians invented chess
Isn't that what Nato does to just about every country that isn't in Nato? Let's see who haven't they sanctioned by now? You do understand sanctions are an act of war right? Well tell me, how many countries does nato threaten with war like a common street thug?

Just about any country that doesn't want to play ball with nato. And how many countries has nato attacked and bombed in the past 30 years?be honest and name them, all of them. Now contrast with Russia.

Nato goes and kills millions in Iraq through bombing and sanctions and they are the " good " guys right? But Russia takes issue with neo Nazis toppling a legitimately and democratically elected leader and Russia is the bad guy? What an upside down world you live in.

Your personal hate for anything Russian clouds your judgment. Didn't Romania help Nazi Germany during WWII? Hmmmm.

And i guess it's ok to treathen a country like a common street thug,huh ? Afterwards Russia acts surprised as to why its EE neighbours are wary of her.
Russia's deputy PM 'threatens Romania with bomber' - ITV News

The Russian piglet,"Ivan the Porky" as he's jokingly called, finally flew to Moscow incognito on a normal flight from Moldova with a late ticket,hiding like a crook,so much for "Russian power" when their Deputy Minister hides himself on a regular Moldovan line to get home.

UPDATE on the news...."Ivan the Porky" is still on war mode and issued another twitt a few minutes ago


What a retard.....
talking about retardness ? you guys are the highest level retards, you guys banned and forcefully brought down bolivian president's airplane and searched just with assumption that snowden is with him
Isn't that what Nato does to just about every country that isn't in Nato? Let's see who haven't they sanctioned by now? You do understand sanctions are an act of war right? Well tell me, how many countries does nato threaten with war like a common street thug?

Just about any country that doesn't want to play ball with nato. And how many countries has nato attacked and bombed in the past 30 years?be honest and name them, all of them. Now contrast with Russia.

Nato goes and kills millions in Iraq through bombing and sanctions and they are the " good " guys right? But Russia takes issue with neo Nazis toppling a legitimately and democratically elected leader and Russia is the bad guy? What an upside down world you live in.

Your personal hate for anything Russian clouds your judgment. Didn't Romania help Nazi Germany during WWII? Hmmmm.

So ? Russia can sanctions us all they want,it's their choice and they've done it before inventing all kind of pretexts to ban our products in the Russian markets,Moldovan to.Even if the pretexts were flimsy we've ignored them,that's how they wanted to act,their choice.

Now,"Porky" has a ban in the EU ,he can moan and threaten all he wants,that ban will be uphold.I suspect that he was allowed in only to be denied access on his way back,only to humiliate him and force him to take an average flight incognito from Chisinau.That retard threatened Moldova before with all sorts of calamities so it couldn't have happenned to a bigger asshole.Let's see him riding that bomber and show us "how he really thinks of us".

If you would read history you would see that Romania had just cause in entering the war against the SU in 1941.Read about the Soviet ultimatum of 1940,illegal occupation of Basarabia and Northern Bukovina and the crimes the russians did there in the 1 year occupation (1940-1941).When our soldiers came back in '41,saw the atrocities,they were enraged and they've paid the russians in the same coin back.So cry me a river,we lost the war and we're being described as the sole "crimininals" but the Soviets were 10x times worst.

talking about retardness ? you guys are the highest level retards, you guys banned and forcefully brought down bolivian president's airplane and searched just with assumption that snowden is with him

So? Our airspace,our decisions...Russia,Bolivia can close their airspace for us if they want,you won't see me moaning and huffing and puffing.
So? Our airspace,our decisions...Russia,Bolivia can close their airspace for us if they want,you won't see me moaning and huffing and puffing.
do not worry, your arrogancy will come down to earth in near future. Asians will rule you ....be ready, every one pays of its action sooner or later.
do not worry, your arrogancy will come down to earth in near future. Asians will rule you ....be ready, every one pays of its action sooner or later.

Stop smoking that stuff,i'm not arogant and i come from a small Eastern European country who doesn't rule anybody but its own people.Some complex of inferiority and hatred you got there chief.

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