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Russian President Putin expected to visit Pakistan next month

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Pakistan is already embarrassed that Putin declined to meet Imran in China, as per our neighbor on the east it was under Modi's pressure. now Please dont embarrass us more by coming to Pakistan under Modi's pressure. This embarrassment is killing us.
Welcome President Putin..:pakistan:I stand here to offer you a very hearty welcome on behalf of People of Pakistan the Great Nation that stand alone and defeated terrorism by it own and where others nation failed.The great majority of us are Muslims. We follow the teachings of the Prophet Mohammed (may peace be upon him). We are members of the brotherhood of Islam in which all are equal in rights, dignity and self-respect. Consequently, we have a special and a very deep sense of unity. But make no mistake: Pakistan is not a theocracy or anything like it.
Few individuals significantly alter the course of history. Fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly anyone can be credited with creating a nation-state. Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three.
Pakistan Zindabad.
Russian President Putin expected to visit Pakistan next month

Last Updated On 01 May,2019 08:59 am


Pakistan Foreign Office had earlier proposed meeting between PM Imran and Russian President in China

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – According to diplomatic sources in Islamabad, Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit Pakistan next month, Dunya News reported on Tuesday.

Pakistan Foreign Office (FO) in consultation with the Russian Embassy in Islamabad will finalise the schedule of the expected visit of Russian President.

Pakistan Foreign Office had earlier proposed a meeting between PM Imran Khan and Russian President Putin during Belt and Road Forum in China which was turned down by Russian officials due to other engagements of Russian President.

Su 35s and S 400
Last time his visit was postponed due to. Lack of deals if we have deals he will come otherwise to see islamabad he can see YouTube

Pakistan is already embarrassed that Putin declined to meet Imran in China, as per our neighbor on the east it was under Modi's pressure. now Please dont embarrass us more by coming to Pakistan under Modi's pressure. This embarrassment is killing us.
He met only one leader there except Chinese was Philippines president. There was no formal request not arrangement for such meeting
Fellows, unless Foreign Office confirms this visit, then these are all fake news. I think we need to be careful not to fall for the fake news again.
tbh ... until Putin actually lands in Pakistan, exits the plane, does something in at least Islamabad, and then returns to his plane ... I wouldn't take this news seriously.
Please someone Confirm if this is true or not.
Never have I anticipated any other trip more..
He will not come. Because Pakistan has nothing much to offer. If Russians are your friend, then you must be rich, or you must be the key to hold their interests.
Unfortunately at the moment, Pakistan doesn't fit in either.

Access to the warn waters the Russians have always dreamed of via Pakistan.

Huge strategic and historic desire by Russia.

Plus we have beef Nihari to offer. You underestimate Pakistan offerings.
Russian President Putin expected to visit Pakistan next month
Last Updated On 01 May,2019 08:34 pm

Pakistan Foreign Office had earlier proposed meeting between PM Imran and Russian President in China
ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – According to diplomatic sources in Islamabad, Russian President Vladimir Putin is expected to visit Pakistan next month, Dunya News reported on Tuesday.

Pakistan Foreign Office (FO) in consultation with the Russian Embassy in Islamabad will finalise the schedule of the expected visit of Russian President.

Pakistan Foreign Office had earlier proposed a meeting between PM Imran Khan and Russian President Putin during Belt and Road Forum in China which was turned down by Russian officials due to other engagements of Russian President.
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