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Russian Planes Will Give Pakistan Edge Over India's Air Superiority


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Russian Planes Will Give Pakistan Edge Over India's Air Superiority
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
By: Tribune India

Source Link: CLICK HERE

Pakistan's Air Force will have a decided edge over India's if Moscow decides to give Pakistan Su-24 fighter bombers, according to defence experts here.

The Russian planes would give a greater attack capability to the Pakistan Air Force which already has a variety of aircraft such as the Mirage III F-104 Star fighters, MIG 90s, F-86 Sabre jets and the Chinese supplied IL-2S fight bombers.

According to defence experts Pakistan is laying greater emphasis on increasing its squadrons of fighter bombers. The role or interceptors is being chiefly left to the MIG 19s and F-104 Star fighters
FGFA will give Pakistan edge over India and Israel.

Some info on Pakistan FGFA


Aviation Research, Indigenization & Development

The office of DG AvRID has been established to transform into reality the Air Staff vision as stated above, with the long-term goal of developing our own fifth generation fighter aircraft (FGFA). Development of FGFA would be a major national program that would entail massive amount of work; not all of which may possibly be carried out within PAC, or even within Pakistan. Such large-scale development requires synergetic efforts from a number of industrial (public & private) and academic organizations to fulfill the enormous task. These efforts by themselves will enable development of technologies that will find applications in a number of other systems. The guiding motto will be “cooperation within, competition outside”.

In order to manage an engineering development program of this magnitude, an effective system covering the technical and management aspects needs to be put in place. A sound system engineering approach will have to be followed to ensure the technical health of the program backed by an equally sound project management effort to support it. As the development of FGFA is a major program, it will have to be divided into a number of projects, for which separate project teams will have to be formed. One team would be working on core capabilities development, another on aircraft development, one on avionics development, yet another on facilities development, one on human resource development and so on. There would be specialist teams for development of each system. Depending on the complexity of the systems, these teams would vary in the nature and extent of multi-disciplines. Some teams will be co-located while others would operate across different organizations. Similarly, certain functions will be performed by dedicated project teams while others by matrix teams.
Russian Planes Will Give Pakistan Edge Over India's Air Superiority
Tuesday, July 10, 2018
By: Tribune India

Source Link: CLICK HERE

Pakistan's Air Force will have a decided edge over India's if Moscow decides to give Pakistan Su-24 fighter bombers, according to defence experts here.

The Russian planes would give a greater attack capability to the Pakistan Air Force which already has a variety of aircraft such as the Mirage III F-104 Star fighters, MIG 90s, F-86 Sabre jets and the Chinese supplied IL-2S fight bombers.

According to defence experts Pakistan is laying greater emphasis on increasing its squadrons of fighter bombers. The role or interceptors is being chiefly left to the MIG 19s and F-104 Star fighters

This guy is not a Jew. He is an Indian.
How many of you jumped in expecting another Cy35 article ?
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