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Russian media says china is developing single-engine J20 and stealth JF17


Jun 27, 2008
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Thanks to our Russian Friends

????????????-20 ??????_??_???

they are very credible sometimes

they are very credible sometimes



Yes, the Russian media can only pick some obvious news, but their own prediction was never accurate.
they are very credible sometimes


PLA always holds imformations as tighten as possible.I never take the trouble to guess.:sick:
Well - stealth is good :P

JF17 thunder just needs , minor touch up , every thing else works

Just look at silent eagle conversion to stealthier design -

It could be credible just not sure how they would solve hiding the missiles carrying ability of JF17 thunder ?

J10B we all know they are building it so no new news there:disagree:
I can see the stealthy Jf-17 but why single engine j-20? They need to field hundreds of J-20's before exporting...
Hutiong beat them to it. :P

Huitong also mentioned that there may be as many as five stealthy projects going on in China and that no other country has as many 5th-generation programs as China currently does.

Of those programs, the single-engine J-20 follow on is developed by CAC while there are three J-11 stealthy variants as well as the J-16. The stealth JF-17 will be mainly frontal stealth.
Any pictures of those five stealth fighter concepts?
So stealth JF-17 seems to be almost a reality now. There are multiple resources and clues which lead to this conclusion that Pakistan is likely to see this thing soon.

News have also reported that range of stealth JF-17 is 2500 KMs. Looks like it will be a larger platform than current JF-17.
Translation of article found over here: ????????????-20 ??????_??_???

According to the Russian military news network on April 14 reported that online media revealed that in March this year, rumors that China is developing single light F -20 fighter, the same as the U.S. F-35, mainly for export. The stealth fighter weapons bay built, cost is not expensive, inexpensive, many countries have the ability to buy.

Russian media said the F -20 to existing layout and structure, if the assembly of 4 engines, and can become the basis for stealth bombers, F -20 to realize the three types of aircraft based on the structure, power plant, etc. a high degree of universal integration. There are also rumors, JF-17 "Fierce Dragon" light fighter models are being developed to improve the depth, the main task is to significantly reduce the effective scattering area. Although it can not be the same in the performance of F-35 competition, but drastically reduced the level of the aircraft after the radar and infrared radiation, can significantly improve performance and combat aircraft survivability. (Compiled: Shu-shan)
i don't think there's a single engine that can power the J-20 by itself.
the term stelth has become so commonly used that it has lost its meaning....we should coin a diiferent term for aircraft that posess actual stealth

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