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Russian Kilo 636 for Vietnam Undergoes Sea Trials

Your tiny fleet won't make much a difference。

And your tiny fleet will be monitored. harassed and hunted by a fleet of these:


B52 of USA airforce were shoot down, it's toy for target to practice new missiles.
ARE YOU SERIOUS?ok i am glad to see that
Our Kilos is not used against weak China in SCS(east sea),she only controls few unimportant small and barren rocks there and totaly can compare with the number of isls we,re controling,few small warships is enough to scare that noisy kid.its use to defend against US navy's threat in the future

Second Artillery Corps is crying because they just realized that only vietboy has missiles.
B52 of USA airforce were shoot down, it's toy for target to practice new missiles.
ARE YOU SERIOUS?ok i am glad to see that

Second Artillery Corps is crying because they just realized that only vietboy has missiles.

How can Second Artillery Corps do with such fake products made in China copied from Russia ? for bullying is good toys but useless.
How can Second Artillery Corps do with such fake products made in China copied from Russia ? for bullying is good toys but useless.
Yes everything made in China is fake, including the artillery shells that sent a full ship of monkeys to the bottom of the sea in 1988. They're just "faking" their deaths.
Yes everything made in China is fake, including the artillery shells that sent a full ship of monkeys to the bottom of the sea in 1988. They're just "faking" their deaths.

suddenly attacked on cargo ship with logistic workers, cowardice chinese.
Gentlemen specially EASTSEA it is good for any country to upgrade modernize its Armed Forces, China hasn't objected.

Understand China technically is the world's second largest Air Force and Third largest Army presumably second would be Russians. It would be naive and foolishness of Vietnam standing up to China as it is a superpower in its Region and challenging Force to US supremacy. You can't do a dime about it.

It is no long 60s no Force would be going into the Jungles those cluster bombs-carpet bombing, anti radiation missiles, cruise missiles, combined with SRBM would wreck havoc, that is just part of first strike package. This is the Future we are taking about smart weapons smart tactics nobody is going to send men down into vietnam it would be complete air dominance and air strikes the ground task force would go in the end when most of the damage is done.
suddenly attacked on cargo ship with logistic workers, cowardice chinese.
Your "logistics" workers fired on our troops with small arms fire. As soon as they got ripped to bits, you call them logistics workers. Next time we'll send more of your "workers" to their resting place.
Understand China technically is the world's second largest Air Force and Third largest Army presumably second would be Russians. It would be naive and foolishness of Vietnam standing up to China as it is a superpower in its Region and challenging Force to US supremacy. You can't do a dime about it.

So, what can they do to us ?? China still can't compete with VN in Laos-Cam and in East sea(we control the largest and the most important part there),too. We set up pro-Vn govt. in Laos-Camb, made a coup in Cambodia in 1997 to kick out pro-China party out, all China could do was just sit and watch coz she's too weak to stop us.
It is no long 60s no Force would be going into the Jungles those cluster bombs-carpet bombing, anti radiation missiles, cruise missiles, combined with SRBM would wreck havoc, that is just part of first strike package. This is the Future we are taking about smart weapons smart tactics nobody is going to send men down into vietnam it would be complete air dominance and air strikes the ground task force would go in the end when most of the damage is done
You think there were No cruise missiles in 60s ??? did u forget that US landed on the moon in 1969 and had all kind of best missile at that time (China still can't land on the Moon untill now)?? do you know we fought against China until 1988?? at that time, China had many types of missiles and good military technilogy already .

I think in fact you're scared that if China collapse bcz of fighting against VN, then you will lose your biggest ally, so No one can't help you to counter Indian. All I can say is: try to stand on your own legs, dude:coffee:
So, what can they do to us ?? China still can't compete with VN in Laos-Cam and in East sea(we control the largest and the most important part there),too. We set up pro-Vn govt. in Laos-Camb, made a coup in Cambodia in 1997 to kick out pro-China party out, all China could do was just sit and watch coz she's too weak to stop us.

You think there were No cruise missiles in 60s ??? did u forget that US landed on the moon in 1969 and had all kind of best missile at that time ?? do you know we fought against China until 1988?? at that time, China had many kind of missile and good military technilogy already .

I think in fact you're scared that if China collapse bcz of fighting against VN, then you will lose your biggest ally, so No one can't help you to counter Indian. All I can say is: try to stand on your own legs, dude:coffee:

You did not understand, let me explain, China won't be doing anything to vietnam it would simply put their shinning image to shame and some what economic moves would be damaged. Now it is up to you people to stop provoking them. But if they decide to do something to vietnam besure you people would go down badly.

You kicked pro Chinese party in xyz nation makes you equally in shameful position isn't that why you blame China for interfering [even though they don't].

US had everything in 60s but their strategies failed, they did use chemical weapons in vietnam but it was close to the end of war.

No we are not scarred China isn't going to fall with a war against vietnam, They are not going to spend $250 billion like US, smart nation like China won't blunder.
Fact: China's economy was 50 times greater than VN in 2012.
Fact: We don't need to land on the moon to drop something fun on VN. Should anything happened, Hanoi is only 2 hours drive from the boarder.
You did not understand, let me explain, China won't be doing anything to vietnam it would simply put their shinning image to shame and some what economic moves would be damaged. Now it is up to you people to stop provoking them. But if they decide to do something to vietnam besure you people would go down badly.

You kicked pro Chinese party in xyz nation makes you equally in shameful position isn't that why you blame China for interfering [even though they don't].

US had everything in 60s but their strategies failed, they did use chemical weapons in vietnam but it was close to the end of war.

No we are not scarred China isn't going to fall with a war against vietnam, They are not going to spend $250 billion like US, smart nation like China won't blunder.

You don't understand the true relation Sino - Viet.
If USA withdraw fully from Afghanistan, China back Regime in Afghanistan to attack on your border, killing innocent people. What can you Pakistan do to protect yourself ?
You did not understand, let me explain, China won't be doing anything to vietnam it would simply put their shinning image to shame and some what economic moves would be damaged. Now it is up to you people to stop provoking them. But if they decide to do something to vietnam besure you people would go down badly.

You kicked pro Chinese party in xyz nation makes you equally in shameful position isn't that why you blame China for interfering [even though they don't].


Beforre talk abt economic war between VN-China, pls look at out location first

China oil route from Middile east to HK must pass through our EEZ, so if China tries to harm our economy, then we will shoot China's cargo ship passing through our EEZ. China simply has No chance to stop our attack. If the Hot war happen, then it'll be another defeat for China after 1979 coz her amry still can't match with us

Cambodia was controlled by Pol Pot- a Chinese-Cambodian, we just simply kick Chinese-Cambodian out and replace by our men, we do Nothing bad to native Cambodian.
US had everything in 60s but their strategies failed, they did use chemical weapons in vietnam but it was close to the end of war.

No we are not scarred China isn't going to fall with a war against vietnam, They are not going to spend $250 billion like US, smart nation like China won't blunder.
US was lost in VN simply bcz we fought better than her, same reason to explain for China's lost in 1979,we 've fought aganst China long enough to understand than that: they're not as smart as you thought,dude.

If you are not scare, then, just let it be, we know how to fight well and how to destroy China's economy ,too .

China maybe a super power in your view, but in fatc she's still a midget in SCS(east sea) compared to VN.
Gentlemen specially EASTSEA it is good for any country to upgrade modernize its Armed Forces, China hasn't objected.

Understand China technically is the world's second largest Air Force and Third largest Army presumably second would be Russians. It would be naive and foolishness of Vietnam standing up to China as it is a superpower in its Region and challenging Force to US supremacy. You can't do a dime about it.

It is no long 60s no Force would be going into the Jungles those cluster bombs-carpet bombing, anti radiation missiles, cruise missiles, combined with SRBM would wreck havoc, that is just part of first strike package. This is the Future we are taking about smart weapons smart tactics nobody is going to send men down into vietnam it would be complete air dominance and air strikes the ground task force would go in the end when most of the damage is done.

Then it is also foolish to any Muslim country to stand up to USA!
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зав.№01340, "Ho Chi Minh"
проект 06361


Ho Chi Minh


çàâ.¹ 01340 Ïðîåêò 06361
I don't know Russian, but as I know, this is abt the second sub :D

Big guys with white hats on the left are Russian,small guys with black hats are VNese.
oh sorry this paper plane never got off the ground thats why you getting TU23 from Russia. and you getting excited all this time . Chinese propaganda brain washed chinese real good, at least it work on chinese lol

B52 of USA airforce were shoot down, it's toy for target to practice new missiles.
you cant shoot down a paper plane lol
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