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Russian Kilo 636 for Vietnam Undergoes Sea Trials

Launched of the Second Vietnamese Submarine Project 06361
08 Januari 2013


Vietnamese Navy submarine HQ-183 "Hồ Chí Minh" construction number 01340 (photo : Airbase)

On December 28, 2012 at JSC "Admiralty Shipyards" in St. Petersburg, was taken out of the factory and launched the second built for the Vietnamese Navy large diesel-electric submarine of Project 06361 - "HQ-183 Hồ Chí Minh" (construction number 01340). The boat was laid down in the workshop № 12 "Admiralty Shipyards" on September 28, 2011.

The contract for the construction of Vietnamese six submarines 06361 to about $ 2 billion dollars was awarded by "Rosoboronexport" in December 2009. Given the construction of infrastructure, supply of arms and other total cost of the agreement reached 4 billion.

First boat for Vietnam "HQ Hà Nội" (building number 01339) was founded on the "Admiralty Shipyards" August 24, 2010, launched on August 28, 2012, and went to the factory test runs on December 3, 2012. Currently "Hà Nội" is in the port of Svetly near Kaliningrad, in January it should start training Vietnamese crew. Transfer of the boats to Vietnamese Navy is scheduled for August 2013.

Good news for navy, we will get our sub soon...

You did not understand, let me explain, China won't be doing anything to vietnam it would simply put their shinning image to shame and some what economic moves would be damaged. Now it is up to you people to stop provoking them. But if they decide to do something to vietnam besure you people would go down badly.

You kicked pro Chinese party in xyz nation makes you equally in shameful position isn't that why you blame China for interfering [even though they don't].

US had everything in 60s but their strategies failed, they did use chemical weapons in vietnam but it was close to the end of war.

No we are not scarred China isn't going to fall with a war against vietnam, They are not going to spend $250 billion like US, smart nation like China won't blunder.

You are Pakistani, not are Vietnamese, and you did not understand about Sino - Vietnam relation and situation. Don't just read some newspaper, some propaganda, and think that you already know about the case.

They did make many things bad and dirty on our Vietnamese , in past and even now.
Hi, you are a vietnamese War was imposed by the west upon you, US screwed you over and over bombed you to stone age and you still side with that US now let me ask you how in the hell would you make an ally who sent you back to hell over and over again. Or is it true that world says you vietnamese people like to be slaves to your your western masters forever.

See, I'm right. Correctly at all.

Read some newspaper, some articles, books and You think that all!?

Where and when were we ( our government ) said that we will side with US!? ( And side with them for what!? Againt China!? ) Did you know about my country foreign policy and defense policy!?

Sino - VietNam is complex relationship that not easy to deal with all interests, but we are never seen each other as enemies. Read more about it!

Had you meet some Chinese in China, some Vietnamese in VietNam to ask something or just speaking with some chinese hero in net whos just crying out loud beat up anyone not side with China in the case!? Or Had you read official documents of PRC about Sino - Vietnam relationship !?

We were living beside China and fight with them more than you shake hand with them in thousands of years, we still exist, as they are, not be swallowed by them like others people.

Can you understand that have meaning!?
See, I'm right. Correctly at all.

Hello, No you are complete wrong, the problem with you people is blaming before anything else. Besides my post gave you burn so burn I careless, truth revealed.

Lastly have you read my previous post I said it is good vietnam upgrading its Armed Forces as it is your right but don't go inflated when you say you will defeat 10X larger Force then yourselves, No you can't you won't and never will you are in 2013 not 1960s remember how iraqis were defeated in days that is what you will experience, TACTICS, technology and precision is the Answer.

Yes i have privileges to meet Chinese and vietnamese Think Tanks and both Parties insist mutual friendship unlike you who dreams of SPARTAN VICTORY hilarious to even imagine.
Launched of the Second Vietnamese Submarine Project 06361
08 Januari 2013


Vietnamese Navy submarine HQ-183 "Hồ Chí Minh" construction number 01340 (photo : Airbase)

nice, the Russians work hard to deliver the subs on time. I think Vietnam Navy shall order the next 6 subs. Equipped with SS-N-27 Sizzler these subs are the nighmare for any enemy warship..

nice, the Russians work hard to deliver the subs on time. I think Vietnam Navy shall order the next 6 subs. Equipped with SS-N-27 Sizzler these subs are the nighmare for any enemy warship..

_ Yeah, At first, I thought that Russia made it so long like other work by them in that time. But now, that rather quick.
_ In just 4 years, we got our capable submarines, but I don't think that we shall order 6 Kilo more.
By the time, when all of these submarines full operation, there are more options for us. Examples: type 214, other more modern submarines from Russia, or even Soryu class from Japan are possible because lower cost for more productions and forward to closer ties of relationship.

Hello, No you are complete wrong, the problem with you people is blaming before anything else. Besides my post gave you burn so burn I careless, truth revealed.

Lastly have you read my previous post I said it is good vietnam upgrading its Armed Forces as it is your right but don't go inflated when you say you will defeat 10X larger Force then yourselves, No you can't you won't and never will you are in 2013 not 1960s remember how iraqis were defeated in days that is what you will experience, TACTICS, technology and precision is the Answer.

Yes i have privileges to meet Chinese and vietnamese Think Tanks and both Parties insist mutual friendship unlike you who dreams of SPARTAN VICTORY hilarious to even imagine.

First, man, You have problem to understand my words or you are just arrogant.
You did not understand, let me explain, China won't be doing anything to vietnam it would simply put their shinning image to shame and some what economic moves would be damaged. Now it is up to you people to stop provoking them. But if they decide to do something to vietnam besure you people would go down badly.

You kicked pro Chinese party in xyz nation makes you equally in shameful position isn't that why you blame China for interfering [even though they don't].

_ I was Bold and underline your words, and reply for that, understand!?

_ You said in arrogant and insult way in your reply post about "slave", "master", "war"... when I said my view, a Vietnamese, living in a country standing against invader from outside for thousands of years and still exist.
_ And I asked you those question you didn't dare to answer or even didn't know about. So what is "truth revealed" in real !?

_ when did I "blaming before anythings else" ? Or That because Pakistan side with China against India, and India support VietNam in some sections to deal problems with China then VietNam become bad side and will be beat up!?

I left two words "at first" in sentence " but we are never seen each other as enemies. Read more about it!" Did you know why!?
Because in your pathetic logic, China is good side, mighty power and VietNam just small annoying proveking and try to aggression to your good friend.

It's wrire on your title: "Jr. Think Tank: Vice-Chairman" and You said that "have privileges to meet Chinese and vietnamese Think Tanks" but You said like a kid about Political.
Let me ask you: Why China was support to us against France, US when they just attacked and invade us in past, and later, again, they attacked us in 1979, support Khmer-rouge to kill millions people!?
It's simple but complex!
soryu; You need to try again your understanding is literally poor.
This is nothing new.

BTW, why China and Vietnam fight?
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