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Russian Anti-Terror Troops Arrive in Syria

Syrian TV just denied the news, oh well.

Yes because the State-run Syrian TV is so trustworthy isn't it? LOL :rofl:

It's Hunting Time we will ensure any Foreigners terrorists ( Saudis, Turks, Anglos) are hanging from Trees now.

lol it's absolutely hilarious that Syrian members of this forum are still pretending that it's "terrorists" killing people and not their own army and government.

The rest of the world knows the truth. We have all seen the footage showing the army killing civilians. You can't hide it.
Yes because the State-run Syrian TV is so trustworthy isn't it? LOL :rofl:

lol it's absolutely hilarious that Syrian members of this forum are still pretending that it's "terrorists" killing people and not their own army and government.

The rest of the world knows the truth. We have all seen the footage showing the army killing civilians. You can't hide it.

There is noting to hide our troops have been in battles with insurgents.

Syrian TV just denied the news, oh well.

Military Source denies reports about the arrival of Russian Warships in Syrian shores

Mar 20, 2012

A military source on Monday denied reports by some media about the arrival of Russian warships carrying military staffs to combat terrorism in the Syrian shores, describing those reports as categorically baseless and untrue.

"Those news come in the framework of the lie campaigns against Syria by some opposition sides and the countries that support them in order to cover the calls for the foreign intervention in the Syrian affairs," the source told SANA in a statement.

Russian Defense Ministry denies news on Russian Presence of Warships near Syrian shores

MOSCOW, (SANA)- Russian Defense Ministry on Monday denied reports by some media about the arrival of Russian warships in the Syrian shores.

The Russian news agencies quoted a source at the Ministry's Media Department as saying that it was astonished at the reports circulated by some media about the presence of Russian warships near the Syrian coasts.

The source added that there is not any warships for the Russian navy near the Syrian shores.

Syrian Arab news agency - SANA - Syria : Syria news ::

Same thing about the Russian Aircraft Carrier near Syria or the news about the S-300's and Y-800 that was denied. :azn:
There is noting to hide our troops have been in battles with insurgents.


lol see, still pretending your government and army aren't slaughtering thousands of civilians. Pretending they are fighting against "terrorists" hoping to get international support by making up the fairytale.

You TRULY are a great source of comedy.

The Syrian government WILL fall. They cannot withstand the will of the people. A government shelling it's own cities and civilians cannot survive.

I do not understand what the Syrian government hopes to achieve by killing thousands of their own people. Do they think that the civilians will just back down by killing them? lol delusional.

Theres no turning back now. As soon as the Syrian government started shelling peaceful civilian cities they signed their own death warrant.

lol see, still pretending your government and army aren't slaughtering thousands of civilians. Pretending they are fighting against "terrorists" hoping to get international support by making up the fairytale.

You TRULY are a great source of comedy.

The Syrian government WILL fall. They cannot withstand the will of the people. A government shelling it's own cities and civilians cannot survive.

I do not understand what the Syrian government hopes to achieve by killing thousands of their own people. Do they think that the civilians will just back down by killing them? lol delusional.

Theres no turning back now. As soon as the Syrian government started shelling peaceful civilian cities they signed their own death warrant.

Actually they are we have had our troops dying from it or that might be another trick I mean Syrian troops are killing themselves for the hell of it.

no it's you who is a complete joke

The Syrian government hasn't fallen and won't, homs has been cleared out and it is just troops now.
Civilians die in war and many of the insurgents hide behind them thats why we go after that

Indeed no turning back it's been a complete path of death for them.

And no not civilians Insurgents.
Someone has been listening too much to the state run media to know what's actually happening.

Your government and army are killing thousands of civilians because they want a change of government. Stop pretending that they are "terrorists" and "insurgents"

You aren't fooling anyone. The whole world knows the truth. You are obviously brain washed.

You must hate your own people if you are supporting the murder of thousands of your own country men by your own government.
Someone has been listening too much to the state run media to know what's actually happening.

Your government and army are killing thousands of civilians because they want a change of government. Stop pretending that they are "terrorists" and "insurgents"

You aren't fooling anyone. The whole world knows the truth. You are obviously brain washed.

You must hate your own people if you are supporting the murder of thousands of your own country men by your own government.

No I haven't I don't listen to state media keep making assumpations on things you don't know of.

No we are fighting Insurgents that are bombing and attakcing our troops, Yes I mean let our troops get Bombed by the Peaceful Protestor with an AK or RPG

No you aren't fooling anyone, who is the whole world the west ? we have had countries that sided with us and called for a truce on both sides, Again assumptions you make maybe its you who has no idea or hasn't even lived in Syria to know brainwashed much ?

There is simply no hate against them stick to the path of reform the government has set and the president has had reform including he would leave if he loses it was confirmed by Syria grand mufti. yes an Anglo who wants me to Hug people who has RPGS and AK and intent on overthrowing the government just like libya.
Assad has been shelling his own cities and murdering thousands of un-armed civillians. He will go down in history along side murderous names such as Hitler, Hussein, Stalin, Gaddafi, Kim Jong-il.
الَّذِينَ قَالَ لَهُمُ النَّاسُ إِنَّ النَّاسَ قَدْ جَمَعُوا لَكُمْ فَاخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَانًا وَقَالُوا حَسْبُنَا اللَّهُ وَنِعْمَ الْوَكِيلُ (173)
فَانْقَلَبُوا بِنِعْمَةٍ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَفَضْلٍ لَمْ يَمْسَسْهُمْ سُوءٌ وَاتَّبَعُوا رِضْوَانَ اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ ذُو فَضْلٍ عَظِيمٍ (174)
إِنَّمَا ذَلِكُمُ الشَّيْطَانُ يُخَوِّفُ أَوْلِيَاءَهُ فَلَا تَخَافُوهُمْ وَخَافُونِ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ (175) }[آل عمران]
China and Russia are the only countries that support the slaughter of thousands of Syrian Citizens by the Syrian Government. The rest of the world via the UN is against the Syrian government.
God Bless Russia, like i said before Russia is the 15th province in Syria, and Syria is the 84th Federal in Russia.

Anyway, i dont think the news is accurate, maybe the ship did arrive but without forces to fight in Syria against terrorism. i hope its true tho,
You flatter yourself. Russians hate Arabs and Muslims in general, it is the Russian leadership that sees the strategic importance of using Syria and Iran against the USA.
There's a very substantial White supremacy feeling going on in Russia and their war with Chechnya didn't help with their disdain of Muslims.

If Russia did send a special unit, it's definitely not for peace keeping.
There Arms shipment is getting harder and harder, the border with Lebanon has been Mined time to finish the Regions near the Turkish and Jordanian borders, the SNC is divided now as well, and foreign intervention won't happen, time to squeeze the rest of this.

You flatter yourself. Russians hate Arabs and Muslims in general, it is the Russian leadership who see the strategic importance of using Syria and Iran against the USA.
There's a very substantial White supremacy feeling going on in Russia and their war with Chechnya didn't help with the matter.

as usual trying to divided us, the war in Chechnya has noting to do with Syria, the fact is syria is not an Islamist State and did not support it neither did Iran only saudi arabia did and the saudis who went never returned, Russias have a good view of Syrians so please cut your BS. Russia over the USA any day.
Someone has been listening too much to the state run media to know what's actually happening.

Your government and army are killing thousands of civilians because they want a change of government. Stop pretending that they are "terrorists" and "insurgents"

You aren't fooling anyone. The whole world knows the truth. You are obviously brain washed.

You must hate your own people if you are supporting the murder of thousands of your own country men by your own government.

anyone who is not retarded knows, that armed people who attack others are not called civilians. you pretend that whole world consist of retards?
anyone who is not retarded knows, that armed people who attack others are not called civilians. you pretend that whole world consist of retards?

This is expected of an Anglo with a one sided view that has never been to Syria or doesn't know any of the dynamics about it simple.
There is people arming themselves to fight back against the Syrian army who are shelling cities and killing civilians.

If the Syrian army weren't killing civilians, civilians wouldn't be arming themselves.

The whole world is against the Syrian Army via the UN, except Russia and China of course who support the slaughter of thousands of civilians and the destruction of entire cities.

I am a peaceful citizen of my country, but if my government started shelling their own cities and killing civilians at random, i would certainly arm myself to protect my family and fellow citizens.
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