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Russian Aircraft Engines Of The 5th Generation


Jan 28, 2008
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United States

In accordance with the Government decision, NPO Saturn in cooperation with other companies of the industry is the developer and manufacturer of the 5th generation engine for the Advanced Front-Line Aviation Complex (PAK FA).

On 22 December 2006, the NPO Saturn Technical Council held the meeting of general designers and technical directors of organizations and companies – developers of the advanced engine, presided by NPO Saturn Technical Director-General Designer Mikhail Kuzmenko, D.Eng.Sc. Representatives of the RF Defense Ministry, Ministry of Power Engineering, Federal Industrial Agency, Sukhoi Design Bureau, as well as general directors of the branch institutes and companies were also present at the meeting. The participants of the meeting stressed that the Joint Aircraft Cooperation (JAC) was formed to unite the companies for the advanced engine development under the head of NPO Saturn. At the meeting, the Target Interdepartmental Draft Program concerning creation of the advanced aircraft engine for PAK FA and other documents to support the specified work were also considered.
At present the participants of JAC are: NPO Saturn, OAO UMPO, FGUP NPP Motor, OAO Aviadvigatel, ОАО V.Klimov Plant, FGUP Baranov CIAM, FGUP VIAM, OAO AMNTK Soyuz, OAO Star, OAO F.Korotkov NPO Temp, UNPO Molnia, and others. The JAC is open for cooperation with other aircraft engine-building companies that have not yet joined it at the first stage.

The established Cooperation enables retention and development of the Russian engine-building potential, as well as consolidation of intellectual, financial, design and technological resources of the country. This structure, closed for foreign investors and partners, shall concentrate and realize all the latest developments for the Military Industrial Complex, which will later on be implemented in new OAK military engines. The other important socio-politic and economic objective of the Cooperation is concentration of all the state advanced engine finance sources within the framework of various federal target programs.

The participants of the meeting unanimously acknowledged the leading role of NPO Saturn which possesses highly qualified engineering staff and powerful production facilities, and has successful experience in design of generation 4, 4+, 5 aircraft engines for military (AL-31F, AL-31FN, AL-31FP, 117С engine) and civil aviation (SaM146) of the country. A very complex task facing the header when solving problems of the participants work organization, financial provision and distribution in due time, coordination of design and engineering matters was emphasized. It is evident that further solving problems of the advanced engine-building creation requires maximum support from the Government and wide branch-wise cooperation.
Thus, for the first time in the post-Soviet period goodwill is expressed to unite the largest aircraft engine-building centers of Russia for implementation of a specific break-through project of advanced engines development in the interests of the Military Industrial Complex.

Advanced engine family development concept

At NPO Saturn, the concept of the advanced common core generation 5 engine family creation has been developed. The created engines will determine the national gas-turbine engine-building potential for the nearest 25-30 years. Creation of the common core engine family enables lead-time and development cost reduction.
© NPO "Saturn" 2006-2008

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