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Russia Weighing Ban on Car Imports From U.S., EU, Japan

yeah, so smart that he ruins his peoples life, crashs economy, isolates russia and has become the new Gaddafi on world stage.

China + Russia > NATO in terms of territory and population. China and Russia can easily isolate America, which is already geographically isolated by two big oceans.
Solar is crap anyway. It's not viable technology because cost > return. Maybe in 20 years that could change.

Thats not the point of my post. Chinse corporations produced solar panels so cheap that european corporations suffered. The EU put penalty taxes on chinese solar cells...chinese solar busines collapsed. Only 4% of the original corporations exist anymore after 2 years now.

China + Russia > NATO in terms of territory and population. China and Russia can easily isolate America, which is already geographically isolated by two big oceans.

Russia is an economic dwarf. China is a completly western country. You must be relative retarded to believe that China would give up its relations with the entire west. a market several hundred billion € big...to please a nation which economy is smaller than italy alone.
yeah, so smart that he ruins his peoples life, crashs economy, isolates russia and has become the new Gaddafi on world stage.

Marcus ,Gaddafi was been African leader and in his time libya was been a state but now Libya is Ash and dust
Putin is a president of Russian federation what means huge country on 2 continents with huge natural resources,human resources....and huge military potential.
Difference is that Russians have capability to making ash and dust especially in urban areas.
That is Ace of spades in Putin's hand
Marcus ,Gaddafi was been African leader and in his time libya was been a state but now Libya is Ash and dust
Putin is a president of Russian federation what means huge country on 2 continents with huge natural resources,human resources....and huge military potential.
Difference is that Russians have capability to making ash and dust especially in urban areas.
That is Ace of spades in Putin's hand

I wonder why russia does not offer its people EU living standards and why it is so poor. How do you explain the current russian economy crash? What are Putins solutions to end this dramatic recession?
I can't speak about Russian economy because i was never been in Russia but they have problem with differences between rural and urban areas in Russian federation.
They invest a lot of money on infrastructure because for huge country is need a lot of resources, but in the past 10 years they made a big progress.
Now they are under sanction but i think that will be good for them to understand that is the time for awakening of the dream and to start with consolidation of society.
i live in Europe and honestly i see a lot of poor people across EU.
EU is not Utopia.
Everything depend of skill,luck,and sometimes of personal intuition .
I wonder why russia does not offer its people EU living standards and why it is so poor. How do you explain the current russian economy crash? What are Putins solutions to end this dramatic recession?

How so? Russia is richer than Norway.
How so? Russia is richer than Norway.

lol sorry but all this here can´t be taken serious anymore.

average yearly income in norway is 54,947 $

average yearly income in russia is 17,884 $

People in russia have an average life span almost 20 years shorter than EU citizens. Russia has basicly 3rd world status. Infact the average yearly income in russia is lower than that of Gabon.

List of countries by GDP (PPP) per capita - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I can't speak about Russian economy because i was never been in Russia but they have problem with differences between rural and urban areas in Russian federation.
They invest a lot of money on infrastructure because for huge country is need a lot of resources, but in the past 10 years they made a big progress.
Now they are under sanction but i think that will be good for them to understand that is the time for awakening of the dream and to start with consolidation of society.
i live in Europe and honestly i see a lot of poor people across EU.
EU is not Utopia.
Everything depend of skill,luck,and sometimes of personal intuition .

Last time russia was isolated it collapsed.
As report says, Tata Motor's EBITDA margin is mainly driven by Jaguar and Land rover. Unfortunately for Russia, Tata Motors’s Jaguar Land Rover unit plans to start making cars in China instead by the end of this year. Local production in China will help the carmaker reduce prices by about 15 percent, and Chinese market is more promising than Russian's, we have more buyers, since the annual auto sale in China is to reach 22 million by the year end. And maybe the Jaguar XE model is designed to compete with Audi and VW, to grab a share of the lower end of the premium segment in Chinese market.
That means that Russians can still buy the luxury cars as second hand, with a scheme for some chinese friends to buy them for them first and sell them to them afterwards.
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Iranian cars can fill up the void, also some Iranian and chinese compagnies are making car JVs.
The Iranian cars are built using the European standards, are efficient, have good qualities and enhanced safety measures.






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Russia was gaining a lot of respect recently but Putin's personal war is going to give Russia a negative image. Trust me that's now how you become a world power. Russia has no soft power, most of countries are now considering Russia a dangerous and imperialist nation ready to invade its neighbours for petty reasons.

The West started and is perpetuating this whole mess. Most people are ignorant and brainwashed but Russia shouldn't and doesn't care. Fortunately, the self-imploding West is underestimating Russia. The West has no real leaders anymore, just a bunch of morons.

you cant simple annex countries? what was kosovo what was the break up of soviet union? Most of assets in UK are gone except for traitors like abramovic who never cared about Russia in the first place.

The West is entitled to do as it pleases, don't you know yet? Laws are only for weaker nations ;)

That is how "Janbaaz" and other morons here think; The West is allowed to topple any government they dislike anytime and anywhere they want, redraw borders, sowing ethnic/sectarian division and chaos, creating/funding terrorist groups to weaken nations and so on.
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Typical russian bogus.

Most european car producers have already plants in russia. VW for example. Since those cars are build inside russia they are not affected from any sanctions. Only 6% of european cars are actually imported into the russian market.

There is a much bigger problem our car makers face in russia. The economic crash there. VW already halted production on several days a week there in the russian plant and plans to fire the workers there. Food price in russia did rise 20% last two weeks. Most russians simply cant afford a new car.

As the article here states: The kremlin fires back...and hits itself

Sanktionen gegen Russland: Warum Moskau auf stur schaltet - SPIEGEL ONLINE

last time China tried this, the EU crushed the chinese solar power industry like rats. The EU just installed such high import taxes on chinese solar cells, that the chinese corporations went down the drain.

as the propaganda states you mean. Russian ruble is devaluing so of course if these car manufacturers made half assed outsourcing to russia and just assemble the cars but importing all the parts of course they gonna lose money. If Russia banns car import it will boast russian cars sales and manufacturing of 100% made in russia.
as the propaganda states you mean. Russian ruble is devaluing so of course if these car manufacturers made half assed outsourcing to russia and just assemble the cars but importing all the parts of course they gonna lose money. If Russia banns car import it will boast russian cars sales and manufacturing of 100% made in russia.

But it wont. Nyiet, Nyiet, Nyiet !
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