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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Have you ever seen a Russian AF pilot that wasn't old and physically unfit ?

How exactly did they bring down a Su-30?

I don't think Manpad can do the job (unless the SU-30 is flying low) but even the stupidest fighter pilot would have a pretty good chance to evade a manpad with some manoeuvre....

Are there some other SAM still in use? like Buk? Or was it brought down by Air-Air engagement?
I want to ask the members here, what has Russia ever done for Pakistan other than arm India to the teeth with systems they wouldn’t be able to get from any where else? Nuclear subs etc.

They sided with Pakistan on Afghan issues because quite frankly they choose the winning side.

As to arms sales to Pak are almost nil. Used as a leverage against India. S-1 Pantsir was denied (thank god it’s a piece of crap).

We should have atleast retaliated against the S400 sale by sending a couple hundred ATGm and Manpads to Ukraine. Their shelf life is expiring anyways.
Did you forget Russian engines for JF-17?
MI-17 helos.
Etc etc
Putin should have just wait.

I don't see how the population of Ukraine will accept a Pro-Russian government? After the same government demolished their home and cause significant civilian casualty. And the more the Russian do it, the deeper the hatred it has become.

And this is the same cycle we have when we are in Afghanistan. Local hate us because we were there, and because we were there, the Taliban attacks. and because Taliban attacks, we bomb the shit out of their farm, house and so on, because we are under attacks, and because of that, they hated us.
Ukranians overthrew Russian friendly government even before this invasion. Obviously, they are unlikely to support Russian puppets after the disaster that has been meted out to them.

By staying in the country, the Ukranian government has given the local population an identity to fight for. The Ukrainian military as well has rejected Putin's request to surrender multiple times. These are obvious signs of resistance. Time will tell how successful they are!
Meanwhile aircrafts of the "second's most powerful army" are flying low altitude fearing medium and long range air defence systems (Wait,I thought Russia achieved aerial supremacy?) and because they don't even have targeting pods... they still use unguided bombs...
Confirmed losses today

- 1x Su-34 strike aircraft (pictured)
- 2x Su-25 close air support aircraft
- 1x Mi-24 attack helicopter
- 1 Mi-8 transport helicopter

A few days ago, some members were talking about air supramacy here. However, the Russian air force and army aviation began to lose approximately 1% of its active inventory every day.
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