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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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“We welcome the refusal of Kazakhstan to send its troops to participate in the Russian war in Ukraine”

—Ukraine Defense and Security council
I will tell you what that means in another thread because otherwise I will be given another warning here.

Then get your fellow Muslim brothers from being agents of Crusader Western governments when these governments want to do regime-change in progressive systems like Libya and Syria.
I don’t want to reply here because it would be derailing the thread

But Kadyrov is a dog and it’s a shame seeing Chechen’s be treated as cannon fodder by Russians in this war against Ukraine

What colony?

Chechenya has its autonomy, they practice their Sunni Islam freely without allowing certain elements to destroy their free lives. The autonomy that Indians took from Kashmir, Chechen people still have thanks to wise leadership of Kadyrov.
I support human dignity. You are a rabid russian supporter so you are blind to the fact that they are just as oppressive as the west.

I didn't quite read your condemnations of the Western governments' invasionary and destabilizing and regime-changing actions in your posts since yesterday.

lol Retard think this is 80 years ago...

His are famous last words it seems.

A true manifestation of a scum white person.

That Biden's advisor, how brainwashed can he be. :disagree:
What doesn't make sense is that why Ukraine did not see it coming and asked for military aid for last 6 months. It appears now that they are on their own with only little help from outside.
So imagine Ukraine came into ownership of the world's 3rd largest nuclear stockpile. All those yrs they were steward of immense destructive power, then all of a sudden, they were on their own. They can do whatever they want with all those nuclear warheads. They can make a lot of money with them. Or they can wield them on the world's stage for their own benefits. I doubt that Ukraine looked at their situation at the helicopter level like we are today and considered a nuclear armed Ukraine a negative factor regarding nuclear armament or disarmament. One could even excuse Ukraine if they acted selfishly with those nuclear weapons.

But then somehow, Russia convinced Ukraine to give up those nuclear guarantors of independence and security.

Buffer states walks a thin line between independence and servitude. They know they are always the first to suffer any anxious moment of the more powerful sides that they lives in-between. They very much tacitly serve two masters. Every decision, domestic or foreign, must be assessed to see if the estimated outcome could trigger a response from either master. Everyone know their lands will always be the first battlegrounds.

It is true that we really do not know. But what we do know is that once a predator had a taste of human flesh, it usually want more. Predatory nation-states are no different. Now we see Russia tasting Ukrainian flesh.

The main question here Gambit:
Why is America not helping Ukraine?

Russia is all those bad things
Ukraine is all those good things
But yet America is sitting home safely and putting mere sanctions which the Russian give zero damn about.
Where is the mighty US Army?

You see now how different the world is today than it was just 20 years ago.
What colony?

Chechenya has its autonomy, they practice their Sunni Islam freely without allowing certain elements to destroy their free lives. The autonomy that Indians took from Kashmir, Chechen people still have thanks to wise leadership of Kadyrov.
Chechnya's appointed leader Ramzan Kadyrov voluntarily gave up his republic's special status in 2010. Thus earned informal perks from the Kremlin. On July 24, 2017, the autonomy agreement signed in 1994 between Moscow and Kazan expired, making Tatarstan the last republic of Russia to lose its special status. The Russian system has been dominated by an authoritarian model of federalis with Putin. This is among the reasons for Putin's first term election success. Autonomy in Russia is only on paper. There is now a very strong central government.
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Russians must ask themselves the question why they can no longer influence even the small border countries , the method of force no longer works, it is soft power and money that matters now , the US does not even need to ask the eastern countries to join NATO, they are the ones who do it of their own free will.
Russia has the potential to become N1 in the economy and have an influence as great as the US, They have insane potential but a Third World mentality. Yet they have brains, good scientists, economists, men of culture, etc., everything needed to develop this vast territory.
Sometimes when game is rigged and rules are not fair, it’s better to flip the board then wasting time playing the game just to lose at the end.
Hope, till engines of Russian tanks are hot, they take Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania too. It wouldn't be hard and an strong massage to Finland.
Hope, till engines of Russian tanks are hot, they take Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania too. It wouldn't be hard and an strong massage to Finland.
Wishful thinking.
Russia won’t dare invade nato and risk starting a nuclear war
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