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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Bro, a german with the same perspective can say that Königsberg is the old capital of herself.
That is true but currently it is called Kaliningrad.

Russia has to make sure there is no land route into Ukraine from its north western coast lines.

Germany doesn't want to directly engage with RUssia. So the three Baltic states are the only cncern after taking over Ukraine
The main question here Gambit:
Why is America not helping Ukraine?

Russia is all those bad things
Ukraine is all those good things
But yet America is sitting home safely and putting mere sanctions which the Russian give zero damn about.
Where is the mighty US Army?

You see now how different the world is today than it was just 20 years ago.

In order for the American president to do anything, domestic and foreign, he must have legal authority, or at least the facade of such. NATO membership is that legal authority. It mean since Ukraine is not a NATO member, we cannot DIRECTLY help Ukraine. Sympathetically, the American people stands with Ukraine, but legally speaking, and I know how it sounds 'hiding' behind the legality shield, the American people are tired of sending troops to foreign lands and fight with little or no national security interests.

What we can and will do is help Ukraine INDIRECTLY via the porcupine policy, or a repeat of the Soviet occupied Afghanistan policy. We will send sophisticated weapons to the Baltic countries who will send the weapons via land routes to Ukraine. We should have done this earlier but it is not too late to arm the Ukrainians enough to make life difficult for the Russian occupation.

Been busy. I recently moved from the Wild Wild West part of the US back to the east coast nearer to my family. So I have been busy spending time with my little niece and nephew.
Spinning lies again, when Nato attacked Yugoslavia to aid the anti government rebels in 1999, did you respect the sovreignty of Yugoslavia? You just went ahead and dismembered a sovreingn country.
Putin wants Ukraine to be completed as fast as possible so that he can make quickly move on Finland. I previously thought they would have a few years of pause but he may move on Finland as quick as few months after concluding Ukraine..
Spinning lies again, when Nato attacked Yugoslavia to aid the anti government rebels in 1999, did you respect the sovreignty of Yugoslavia? You just went ahead and dismembered a sovreingn country.

Yugoslavia was a federal republic of 6 constituent states. They did not follow their own rules. Are the Serbs even complaining about the breakup ?
Been busy. I recently moved from the Wild Wild West part of the US back to the east coast nearer to my family. So I have been busy spending time with my little niece and nephew.

Do you ever think about the nieces and nephews in all the countries your illegal military and its state and non-state allies killed and injured ?
Those drone are useless against a proper military forces. They are only good against AK-47 armed ISIS fighters or militants who cant fight back against UCAV.

China is clueless about warfare fighting. Never fight a real war let alone talking about warfare strategy. All you're good at is killing your own people who are unarmed. Wait until someone shoot back at you then you will learn. This war talk is for adult, not for immature children. :disagree:
Putin wants Ukraine to be completed as fast as possible so that he can make quickly move on Finland. I previously thought they would have a few years of pause but he may move on Finland as quick as few months after concluding Ukraine..
Bro calm down, You can hardly do that even in Hearts of Iron. You need to lower the attrition first.
Yugoslavia was a federal republic of 6 constituent states. They did not follow their own rules. Are the Serbs even complaining about the breakup ?
Was Kosov part of Seibia back then? Did you respect the sovreingnty of Serbia?
Imran Khan met Kadyrov on his trip to Moscow. Without getting into the nitty gritty of who follows which sheikh, I can say that he’s done a great job of rebuilding Chechnya with Putin’s support. Putin’s policy regarding Muslims is probably better than any other European or Western country.

Here’s a recent video of a Russian YouTuber’s visit to Grozny. It’s obvious that the city is prosperous and people follow very conservative Islamic values.

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