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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The main question here Gambit:
Why is America not helping Ukraine?

Russia is all those bad things
Ukraine is all those good things
But yet America is sitting home safely and putting mere sanctions which the Russian give zero damn about.
Where is the mighty US Army?

You see now how different the world is today than it was just 20 years ago.
Gambit is a lost troll. He's a retired soldier of the past. Cold war era. Today, Putin/Russia has proved to us that this is no longer a cold war. It's a real war.
Bro calm down, You can hardly do that even in Hearts of Iron. You need to lower the attrition first.

In his speech he said that Lenin made a mistake in 1917 giving up some of the territories and guess what Finland is one of the territories Lenin released.. If people were paying attention you can notice in that speech Finland was indirectly included as one of the mistakes. I initially think he will control the attrition for few years 5-10 years before making move on Finland but he may opt to hurry that up if armament starts to flow to Finland he could drop the attrition control and make a rapid move and that is if his hands were forced but rationally he will do attrition control first but if he was absolutely forced which I can't exclude he may move immediately post-Ukraine

He is ready I think :
Wishful thinking.
Russia won’t dare invade nato and risk starting a nuclear war
There will be no risk of a nuclear war. No nuclear state is going to nuke another nuclear armed state over a third party. This is ridiculous. Do you think the US, the UK or France would ever dare to nuke Russia over some joke of a country like Albania, Lithuania, Estonia or North Macedonia? At best, it will be some limited conventional strikes on Russia and more severe economic sanctions.
China is clueless about warfare fighting. Never fight a real war let alone talking about warfare strategy. All you're good at is killing your own people who are unarmed. Wait until someone shoot back at you then you will learn. This war talk is for adult, not for immature children. :disagree:
LOL... Are you the immature children? I guess must be supernatural power help PLA defeat US and India in 1953 and 1962 warfare. You comment just show u are a shallow frog living in your own well.

Well whilst scanning C/W frequencies I managed to pick up an ATIS Station broadcast for an airport, unable to figure out which Airport. 12740 kHz -6Db. I am including the audio file :).

China is clueless about warfare fighting. Never fight a real war let alone talking about warfare strategy. All you're good at is killing your own people who are unarmed. Wait until someone shoot back at you then you will learn. This war talk is for adult, not for immature children. :disagree:

bla bla bla

Yeah, China didn’t know anything about war. But they can slaughter and humiliated the army that almost in constant war with their neighbour for the last 50 years :enjoy:

Russians must ask themselves the question why they can no longer influence even the small border countries , the method of force no longer works, it is soft power and money that matters now , the US does not even need to ask the eastern countries to join NATO, they are the ones who do it of their own free will.
Russia has the potential to become N1 in the economy and have an influence as great as the US, They have insane potential but a Third World mentality. Yet they have brains, good scientists, economists, men of culture, etc., everything needed to develop this vast territory.
Because Russians are too selfish.
View attachment 818800

Well whilst scanning C/W frequencies I managed to pick up an ATIS Station broadcast for an airport, unable to figure out which Airport. 12740 kHz -6Db. I am including the audio file :).

Not related to this war but your postings of these radio listenings reminds me of when I would listen on shortwave to Radio Netherlands, BBC World Service and occasionally Radio France International, and on FM to Vividh Bharti ( All India Radio ). For a few years Radio Netherlands would seen me bi-monthly booklets about forthcoming programs and more info about current programs.
LOL... Are you the immature children? I guess must be supernatural power help PLA defeat US and India in 1953 and 1962 warfare. You comment just show u are a shallow frog living in your own well.

I am not saying China is useless otherwise I would be lying but these drones are doing damage and confirmed by the Ukrainian side. They have destroyed convoys and just because there is no video release doesn't mean they aren't and in fact Drones are doing most damage on both sides now... Russian drones have also destroyed convoys and tit for tat.. But Ukraine doesn't have more then 20-30 pieces but in truth you need to put 1000s upon 10000s in air supported by strong jamming systems they will rip thru even a 10 chinese division within hours
bla bla bla

Yeah, China didn’t know anything about war. But they can slaughter and humiliated the army that almost in constant war with their neighbour for the last 50 years :enjoy:

View attachment 818801
He will claim its photoshop by Chinese. India killed 5000 Chinese soldiers. Western is too strong for PRC but they still recognized one China policy and no recognized of Taiwan independent, :lol:
Putin wants Ukraine to be completed as fast as possible so that he can make quickly move on Finland. I previously thought they would have a few years of pause but he may move on Finland as quick as few months after concluding Ukraine..
Doubt it very much, they can't have a burning insurgency behind them in Ukraine else it might turn into a wild fire. Ukraine would need to be totally subdued and then Russia may look into the next phase . Act in haste will make Russia suffer at leisure.
I am not saying China is useless otherwise I would be lying but these drones are doing damage and confirmed by the Ukrainian side. They have destroyed convoys and just because there is no video release doesn't mean they aren't and in fact Drones are doing most damage on both sides now... Russian drones have also destroyed convoys and tit for tat.. But Ukraine doesn't have more then 20-30 pieces but in truth you need to but 1000s in air supported by strong jamming systems they will rip thru even a 10 chinese divisions
@The Eagle @WebMaster

clone account spotted. This account same as @frequency

This one try to do propaganda here and create a scene of group of people but same one to support his view.
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