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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Go tell Xi Jinping to start a war with USA right now. I'm waiting for him. If your master can't prove himself, then the result is China is still weak. I'm actually looking forward to Xi Jinping declare war with USA.

Why doesn't USA declare war on China? Guess USA is weaker than China by your logic?

Why doesn't India declare war on China? We were waiting for India to go to war. Amit Shah said himself in 2018 that he will make India take Aksai Chin. So far we have made all the steel that will shred your Jai Hinds into pieces and waiting for them but so far the Jai Hinds only ran into rivers and surrendered in their hundreds. Jaishankar then cried to the Australians about how the Chinese are not weak and did not hand Aksai Chin over but rather even had the daring to reinforce western China with more military presence in response to India's aggression and the inbalance in forces. India couldn't go to war even with more forces than China. That's real weakness.


big hordes of Jai Hindi bindis very brave with their equipments and weapons when they haven't started fighting

Then fighting against the Chinese and the Indians surrendered and captured in hundreds. Even dozens of INSAS rifles captured.





lol at saying China can't fight.

China fucked the indians up without taking off a glove.

China beat the US back from China's borders during Korea war and fought the entire US coalition forces and carved out an entire country when China was not 1/10 the country it is now.

Instead of saying China is weak because China doesn't dare declare war on USA. Why not ask why should China declare war on USA? China is making trillions from selling to USA which is increasing every year.

USA pays China interest in the multi billions every year from the debt USA owes China and the volume of US bonds China holds.

Why should China declare war on the country that is half already China's bitch. The bitch can cry to other bitches about how being a bitch is a shit thing but end of the day China benefits from this set up.

Why doesn't USA declare war on China? Instead of only the bitchfest it could muster the strength up for? Why only propaganda war? Clearly your logic is off. It is USA that is showing weakness rather than China by refusing to do anything more than constant daily bitching about China.

China barely even bothers to respond to the bitching that's how big the true power gap is.

The above response from me is fair (although arrogant and not what I actually think is sensible) for something as stupid as this below...

"Go tell Xi Jinping to start a war with USA right now. I'm waiting for him. If your master can't prove himself, then the result is China is still weak. I'm actually looking forward to Xi Jinping declare war with USA."

It's like someone telling you to go cut your hand off to prove you're a man and brave. Otherwise you're a pussy. You think China and Chinese are this stupid like yourself? Lol good luck. This is why USA cries all day about losing more and more power to China. Because we're not morons and know which battles to fight and which to ignore and which to respond to in what kind of ways.

And this is why despite being starting with more money and institutions and development, India today has 50% of its people shitting on streets and wiping their dirty asses with their hands. 30% of Indians are undernourished and living in poverty, double digit percentages of Indians in abject extreme poverty. You see your provocations don't work. Your ways with words and propaganda don't work to incite war between the two superpowers so your pathetic little india can get a bit more. You got nothing. We ain't going to war over nothing. If any of us get hurt, you streetshitters will get your consequences too for playing provocateur and propagandist all over the world.
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Man, the whole tragedy of the war is a source of sadness for all of us, but on the other hand, we're really starting to see something funny things again...

Russian uncle gets angry with his nephews...
ATGM are still in their racks inside, there were reports earlier on TRT that some vehicles have been simply abandoned because of engine troubles. This could be one such vehicle, also reports that Russian soldiers are removing their clothes and dressing up as civilians to try and blend in.

Whatever happens, this is now going to become a long and protracted mess.
US recognized PRC only. US respect one China policy and never establish official ties with Taiwan. Why would China need to start war with USA? USA already failed in Ukraine. You must be very upset and emotional unstable. Taiwan will share the same fate like Ukraine. US no balls to fight China.

It is you who need to prove US has the balls to take on PRC China.

It's USA who created China. Not the other way around. You seem to forget history. Oh right, you erased history and try to make your own. I'm still waiting for you to call your master, Xi, to invade USA. Let's go, I'm waiting. Let me know when you have the courage.

I dunno man. China beat the US coalition in Korea. US coalition took the entire country of Korea. China entered the Korean war. Fought against a much more technologically advanced coalition of forces to the highest life exchange rate ever experienced by US after WW2 and to this day the US never lost so many soldiers, and fought them back to the midway line where the US was first to ask for a ceasefire in the Korean war and for both sides to pause at this line.

That's not clueless about warfighting. Korea is the forgotten war because it's hard to remember how such a poor backwards and undeveloped nation that just came out of revolution and civil war along with wars of invasion could fight so well.
2 seconds is not a war. Again, you only proved to be incompetent the more you talk. LOL
Was Kosov part of Seibia back then? Did you respect the sovreingnty of Serbia?

Kosovo was not part of Serbia, it was a part of Yugoslavia, a western imperial project. And the west, just as it made Yugoslavia, dismantled Yugoslavia. And everyone is happier because if this. So no one harmed Serbian territorial integrity.
ATGM are still in their racks inside, there were reports earlier on TRT that some vehicles have been simply abandoned because of engine troubles. This could be one such vehicle, also reports that Russian soldiers are removing their clothes and dressing up as civilians to try and blend in.

Whatever happens, this is now going to become a long and protracted mess.
Swamp. low cost for the USA, high cost for Russia.

Also, other problems may arise in Syria.

If I understand correctly; The US strategy of basically swapping roles with Russia can create a really interesting reality. However, Russia may become even more aggressive (like the nuclear threat) and turn this into a struggle for existence.
It's USA who created China. Not the other way around. You seem to forget history. Oh right, you erased history and try to make your own. I'm still waiting for you to call your master, Xi, to invade USA. Let's go, I'm waiting. Let me know when you have the courage.

2 seconds is not a war. Again, you only proved to be incompetent the more you talk. LOL

Nah why declare war on the country that owes us so much money and pays on time every time? No thanks, better to own the USA than to declare war on it. Maybe that's why you hide behind flags. Your kind and your people have achieved nothing and done nothing while making shit up about others. Deep down you know... you know who you are and you don't even want to show your real flag but pose behind a Canadian one. China's weak and has no balls because it doesn't want to go to war with the USA?? ... lmao.

Korean war lasted for over 2 years... I think everyone can see who is the incompetent one.

Go back to holding your ears.

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