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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Chechens have aligned themselves with Russia. I suppose that was the sane thing to do. Also, Putin seems to be more receptive to Muslims' concerns as opposed to other Europeans. Chechens did well resisting Russians, but the war became pointless after destruction of Grozny. This may shock us, but Chechens are serving their own interests.

Nice to see your post. I had not seen you around in what seems like a very long time.
Yes, but what about the cost to the Chechen people in loss of lives? If they lose too many soldiers this could endanger the Chechnyan republic and risk what little independence they have. Russians should send their own children to war, Muslims should stay out of it.
I have read your posts before. I know why you say that.
Good. You understand then that I don’t stay silent and support any oppressor be it China or Russia or usa.
I have a video of kadyrov’s dogs where they got killed. One of them that is recording is like wtf are we doing here. Too graphic to show. @The Eagle is a weird guy. He deletes everything on this thread but allows all kinds of pictures of blf dead and mutilated.

It’s whatever but kadyrov is a kafir and a pig. Real chechens are followers of sheikh mansur and killing russians in Ukraine. They never forgot the atrocities the ruskis committed against them and want to skin kadyrov alive.
I agree real Chechens are followers of Sheikh Mansur.
You must be talking about Abu Omar Al-Shishani (Checheni).

What a Mujahid btw, they raped the captured women in the name of Islam. Ever heard of Jihad-Nikah and Jihad-Livat? In their concept of Jihad even men could marry to men. What kind of Jihad was that if i may ask? How could one woman sleep with tens of men in one night calling it Jihad?

Kadyrov is a good man, under him Chechenya is a normal republic with its own autonomy.
Kadyrov is a dog who sold out to oppressors and now is a oppressor.
“Jihad-Nikah” and that type of propaganda by west Is similar to the type of propaganda india does as “love jihad”.
Your probably talking about Russian puppets who did that but real mujahids never did.
Under Kadyrov Chechnya is no more then a Russian colony

Calling all american SJWs to duty for the captive cat! This is unacceptable.

I am a cat person and I hope that cat and all cats in Ukraine are safe.

Russian state only allows “traditional” Islam, whatever that is suppose to mean. Wear a niqab in Russia you’ll be labelled a wahabi and their banned in Russia along with “political” Islam, whatever that is suppose to mean.

I will tell you what that means in another thread because otherwise I will be given another warning here.

All I want is my fellow Muslim brothers not to be oppressed, not to be treated as cannon fodder and especially not be cannon fodder for a tyrannical regime which butchered their forefathers and don’t even give them complete religious freedom.

Then get your fellow Muslim brothers to stop being agents of Crusader Western governments when these governments want to do regime-change in progressive Muslim-majority systems like Libya and Syria.

It’s whatever but kadyrov is a kafir and a pig. Real chechens are followers of sheikh mansur and killing russians in Ukraine. They never forgot the atrocities the ruskis committed against them and want to skin kadyrov alive.

And what are you, a supporter of Al Qaeda ?
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I am a cat person and I hope that cat and all cats in Ukraine are safe.

I will tell you what that means in another thread because otherwise I will be given another warning here.

Then get your fellow Muslim brothers from being agents of Crusader Western governments when these governments want to do regime-change in progressive systems like Libya and Syria.

And what are you, a supporter of Al Qaeda ?

I support human dignity. You are a rabid russian supporter so you are blind to the fact that they are just as oppressive as the west.
Kadyrov is a dog who sold out to oppressors and now is a oppressor.
“Jihad-Nikah” and that type of propaganda by west Is similar to the type of propaganda india does as “love jihad”.
Your probably talking about Russian puppets who did that but real mujahids never did.
Under Kadyrov Chechnya is no more then a Russian colony
What colony?

Chechenya has its autonomy, they practice their Sunni Islam freely without allowing certain elements to destroy their free lives. The autonomy that Indians took from Kashmir, Chechen people still have thanks to wise leadership of Kadyrov.
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