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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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That's anti air gun tracer rounds. After rocket motor flameout I don't think you can see a SAM anymore.
Yes anti air guns, we lost aircraft to that. You don't see anything like that in Ukraine. Not to mention multiple SAMs firing at the aircraft, famous one was the F-16 with 6 SAM missiles fired at it and able to dodged them.
Have you not seen how formidable Iraq's SAMs and other air defense systems were?

You don't see this crap in Ukraine.

Both US and EU want to give him an off ramp. But will the autocrat be able to keep his position in the throne after taking a face saving exit? Will he not fear the sharks around him?

Time will tell :-)

He's an autocrat for sure. There is no Nancy Pelosi or General Milley to stop him unlike Trump was supposed to be stopped. And that makes Putin extremely dangerous. WTH can the West do if Putin really activates his nukes and put them on trigger alert??? I don't know why people are missing that??
A 'face saving exit' is the least Putin needs. Those like @thetutle sitting in a VERY far off country willing to say, as he said above, that Europe is willing to take a chance are too comfortable in their own remote environments to realize what might happen.

Here in a map as I keep saying, Pakistan is ONLY one country from Europe, depending on your definition of Europe and radiation doesn't know geographical boundaries! Pakistan is closer to Europe than Ireland! Much more!

Kyiv Is probably about to be leveled in a massive artillery barrage over the course of the next few days. The world didn’t stop the Russians in Grozny and Allepo, and now this has come to Kyiv.
Russian tactics doesn’t allow them to attack cities until it’s encircled which they are attempting to do to Kiev.
Thats surprising, I saw some videos showing building damage, but I assumed they hit the runways as well, but the people recording probably couldn't access the runways so couldn't show the possible damage.

I can’t tell if we’ve just grossly overestimated Russian capabilities or the US is royally screwing with Russian targeting capability. This is not the first time this has happened. It also occurred with their Iskanders
I can’t tell if we’ve just grossly overestimated Russian capabilities or the US is royally screwing with Russian targeting capability. This is not the first time this has happened. It also occurred with their Iskanders
Don't think so. Could just be the guidance problems, not to mention didn't want to waste their precious and scarce missiles to try to destroy the whole airport. Just like targeting an airbase with only 6 missiles.

Apples and watermelons..In 1991, most allied fighters had chaff and flare for self defense, no self protection suite, no towed decoy , no missile approach warning..

The Iraqis had hundreds of batteries of Russian and European SAMS - Ukraine does not. In 1991 Iraq had IADS on a fiber optic backbone, Ukraine does not.

Thats surprising, I saw some videos showing building damage, but I assumed they hit the runways as well, but the people recording probably couldn't access the runways so couldn't show the possible damage.


Cruise missiles are used for hitting buildings. the Tomahawk strike on Syria in 2017 also did not damage the runways.

U.S. Central Command stated in a press release that Tomahawk missiles hit "aircraft, hardened aircraft shelters, petroleum and logistical storage, ammunition supply bunkers, defense systems, and radars".[30] Initial U.S. reports claimed "approximately 20 planes" were destroyed, and that 58 out of the 59 cruise missiles launched "severely degraded or destroyed" their intended target.[31][32] According to the satellite images the runways[33] and the taxiways have been reportedly undamaged and combat flights from the attacked airbase resumed on 7 April a few hours after the attack, although U.S. officials did not state that the runway was a target.[34][35] In a later statement on 10 April 2017, the US Secretary of Defense James Mattis claimed that the strike destroyed about 20% of the Syrian government's operational aircraft and the base had lost the ability to refuel or rearm aircraft.[36]
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