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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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But the separatists(or should i call them terrorists if trowing nazi all around is so normal or better nazi terrorist sounds perfect for them ) from lugansk and donetsk use them
The whatever the hell you want to call them DPR and LPR use captured Ukrainian equipment. Russia retired them all in 1992 on wards
back on topic of the deal offered:

So by your logic, because Russia would lose in an insurgency, Zelensky should refuse the deal. OK. Let's see what that means:

1. Zelensky refuses the deal.

If Ukraine loses Zelensky won't be a president of a whole Ukraine. He'll be president of a rump state at best. At worst he'll be an insurgent leader living horribly or living in exile with no power. Ukrainians will get killed in disproportionate numbers and their civilians will be at the mercy of the Russians. Their resources will get carted away to Russia. Their economy will be exploited by Russians. Then maybe in 50-60 years, Ukraine might gain independence again, after decades of exploitation and suffering.

2. Zelensky takes the deal.

Zelensky gets to keep ruling Ukraine in Kiev. He is a recognized president living in luxury. Ukrainians stop dying. Russian soldiers return to Russia. Ukrainian resources remain Ukrainian. The war lasts less than a month. He signs away territories Ukraine mostly didn't control anyways, and only a bit more than the status quo. He's remembered as a peacemaker that made the worst of a bad situation. He may or may not get voted out but even if he does, he's at least in no physical danger.

Hmmm. So are you saying option 1 is better? He should refuse the deal?
I DID NOT say Zelenskyy refused this deal because he believe he will win an insurgency, I said he did not ask for "Surrendering" on day 1-11. why now?

This is not about Zelenskyy, this is about Ukraine, and what you failed to see is Ukraine is behind Zelenskyy, not the other way around. I don't think Zelenskyy even care about his Presidency at this point, If he did, he would had already done a Ghani and leave with the first plane available and start an "Exile" government. He is staying not because he has some sort of death wish, and that's because his people want him to, that's why I can say for certainty that there are going to be an active insurgency in Ukraine, and if you really believe Ukraine would just roll over as soon as Russian occupied Kyiv (Which is another certainty) then you fail to interpret the entire situation.
i wish he wouldn’t do that with the barrel of his FNC.

Off topic: those boots look like Altbergs, fantastic boots.
I DID NOT say Zelenskyy refused this deal because he believe he will win an insurgency, I said he did not ask for "Surrendering" on day 1-11. why now?

This is not about Zelenskyy, this is about Ukraine, and what you failed to see is Ukraine is behind Zelenskyy, not the other way around. I don't think Zelenskyy even care about his Presidency at this point, If he did, he would had already done a Ghani and leave with the first plane available and start an "Exile" government. He is staying not because he has some sort of death wish, and that's because his people want him to, that's why I can say for certainty that there are going to be an active insurgency in Ukraine, and if you really believe Ukraine would just roll over as soon as Russian occupied Kyiv (Which is another certainty) then you fail to interpret the entire situation.
it doesn't matter what the reasons for refusing the deal are. Those are the bottom line end results:

Deal refused: ok, war keeps going. Russia won't be militarily defeated as you admitted. They'll continue escalating if things don't go their way. Every second the war goes on, Ukraine's GDP and living standard drops.

Deal accepted: ok, war ends, Ukraine loses only a little bit and can rebuild.

If I were Zelensky I'd take the deal now. Even if it's unpopular, even if it's technically a surrender, I'd take it. Live to fight another day. He doesn't care about the presidency? Great. More reason to take the deal.

That is an old image documented in this story in 2021.


(the last free German)

In this Ukrainian crisis the European puppets still do not explain the Big question: what is/was so terrible about conceding Ukraine's neutrality.

What the Russian government was asking for was fair, reasonable and beneficial for all (except for the fanatics in London and Washington).

Once again the Germans deceived by the Anglo-Empire as in 1914

If the Russian government had asked for 900 billion Euros and half of the Western females ... then I could understand that maybe the price was a bit high. But what was the cost of granting something as fair and reasonable as (1) no more killing Russian-Ukrainians and (2) a neutral Ukraine
it doesn't matter what the reasons for refusing the deal are. Those are the bottom line end results:

Deal refused: ok, war keeps going. Russia won't be militarily defeated as you admitted. They'll continue escalating if things don't go their way. Every second the war goes on, Ukraine's GDP and living standard drops.

Deal accepted: ok, war ends, Ukraine loses only a little bit and can rebuild.

If I were Zelensky I'd take the deal now. Even if it's unpopular, even if it's technically a surrender, I'd take it. Live to fight another day. He doesn't care about the presidency? Great. More reason to take the deal.

I can only say you are not Zelenskyy, and you probably should not ever be in any command position.
That is an old image documented in this story in 2021.


These are the gps terminals used by Russians in Ukraine.
The whatever the hell you want to call them DPR and LPR use captured Ukrainian equipment. Russia retired them all in 1992 on wards
They are fighting there on russian side ... " In 2014, Russia had approximately 2,000 of t-64 which it had phased out of service and slated for destruction" so they send them guess where and guess where they are ussed now ...

Insurgencies work when they know that there's a chance of the occupiers leaving if enough casualties are inflicted.

But insurgencies can also be demoralized and crushed.especially if the occupiers simply refuse to lose and escalate the brutality.

Simple example: India vs. Kashmir. Kashmiris fought. They failed. They have resigned themselves to the Indian boot. India won. Kashmir got fully annexed. There was no further resistance.

What do you mean Kashmir annexed? You mean JK? but it has always been with India (since 1947) It is a half province. Besides there is scale to this. The kashmiris number less then a million. Hence the insurgency is technically not even an insurgency but sporadic hit and run once in a month kind of thing more like BLA and India is large country with 1.5B hence they can just feed constripts to it for eternity if they want. Jammu and Kashmir is a province part of India for more then continued 75 years.

You can't compare that to a country of 44m vs invader 140m where the scale is very good for insurgency or continued conflicts conventional wars
i wish he wouldn’t do that with the barrel of his FNC. View attachment 821887

Off topic: those boots look like Altbergs, fantastic boots.
Got a pair of Albergs. I use them for hiking in the mountains. Best boots ever. Better than the crappy hiking boots i had previously spent hundreds on
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