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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Well, taking those city DOES NOT mean the end of this war. Especially if you are talking about an Active "Insurgency", which is undoubtedly going to start. Sure Russia can take Crimea, Donbas or even the Entire Ukraine by force in this campaign, I am not disagreeing with you. But can they hold them and can they last an insurgency war with Ukrainian is another matter.

US took the entire Afghanistan from Taliban in 2001 in 4 months, tell me who is now in control of Afghanistan now in 2022? If you want to bet, then you will need to make this bet 10 or 20 years long, and I have no interest in this.
Insurgencies work when they know that there's a chance of the occupiers leaving if enough casualties are inflicted.

But insurgencies can also be demoralized and crushed.especially if the occupiers simply refuse to lose and escalate the brutality.

Simple example: India vs. Kashmir. Kashmiris fought. They failed. They have resigned themselves to the Indian boot. India won. Kashmir got fully annexed. There was no further resistance.
Russia has no T64BV
But the separatists(or should i call them terrorists if trowing nazi all around is so normal or better nazi terrorist sounds perfect for them ) from lugansk and donetsk use them
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Bro you're basically gonna have to sanction most of the non white world at this point lmao 😂
Anyone supplying Russia with the means to expand its territory will have to pay an economic price, or be regime changed. There is little chance any country reliant on America will be able to profit from this situation. They just wont allow it.
Insurgencies work when they know that there's a chance of the occupiers leaving if enough casualties are inflicted.

But insurgencies can also be demoralized and crushed.especially if the occupiers simply refuse to lose and escalate the brutality.

Simple example: India vs. Kashmir. Kashmiris fought. They failed. They have resigned themselves to the Indian boot. India won. Kashmir got fully annexed. There was no further resistance.
Insurgency work as long as there are support, either local support or international support. Insurgency have nothing to do with Occupier because as long as they are designated as Occupied, that mean they are a "Foreign" force, which mean they would have to leave some time.

Russia in this case is NOT annexing the entire Ukraine, which mean whatever they are not annexing would be delegated to a puppet government, which depends on the support of the local population and whether or not any insurgency is supported by outside factor. And I can almost certainly guarantee you that Ukrainian will NOT support a Russian Puppet and NATO and EU is going to finance a Ukrainian Insurgency. These two factors dictate whether or not an insurgency is successful or not. Not whether or not the "Occupier" would vacate.

Kashmir is not a good example for you, because India only control half of Kashmir, Pakistan control 1/3 while the rest are still in an Active Insurgency

Insurgency work as long as there are support, either local support or international support. Insurgency have nothing to do with Occupier because as long as they are designated as Occupied, that mean they are a "Foreign" force, which mean they would have to leave some time.

Russia in this case is NOT annexing the entire Ukraine, which mean whatever they are not annexing would be delegated to a puppet government, which depends on the support of the local population and whether or not any insurgency is supported by outside factor. These two factors dictate whether or not an insurgency is successful or not. Not whether or not the "Occupier" would vacate.

Kashmir is not a good example for you, because India only control half of Kashmir, Pakistan control 1/3 while the rest are still in an Insurgency

back on topic of the deal offered:

So by your logic, because Russia would lose in an insurgency, Zelensky should refuse the deal. OK. Let's see what that means:

1. Zelensky refuses the deal.

If Ukraine loses Zelensky won't be a president of a whole Ukraine. He'll be president of a rump state at best. At worst he'll be an insurgent leader living horribly or living in exile with no power. Ukrainians will be at the mercy of the Russians. Their resources will get carted away to Russia. Their economy will be exploited by Russians. Then maybe in 50-60 years, Ukraine might gain independence again, after decades of exploitation and suffering. Or maybe not, maybe they'll remain under the Russian boot, that's always a possibility.

2. Zelensky takes the deal.

Zelensky gets to keep ruling Ukraine in Kiev. He is a recognized president living in luxury. Ukrainians stop dying. Russian soldiers return to Russia. Ukrainian resources remain Ukrainian. The war lasts less than a month. He signs away territories Ukraine mostly didn't control anyways, and only a bit more than the status quo. He's remembered as a peacemaker that made the best of a bad situation. He may or may not get voted out but even if he does, he's at least in no physical danger.

Hmmm. So are you saying option 1 is better? He should refuse the deal?
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