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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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that's your opinion. I know when to take a small hit so I can come back later. It's all about patience. Finland did it in 1944 and 1948. They agreed to those exact terms: they gave up territory lost in the Soviet counterattack against them in WW2 since they were allies with Nazi Germany, they agreed to neutrality. Now where is Finland? They've basically won in the end.

By your logic they shouldn't have surrendered in 1944. They should've fought to the death alongside Nazi Germany. No surrender. But what would that have gotten them?

That is not what I mean.

First of all, Finland/Soviet Union war in 1941 is different than Ukrainian War in 2022.

Finland cannot do anything BUT ask to finish (pun intended) a deal with Soviet Union. Because 2 things, 1.) The instability of its government, risk a wider war with other Allies nation (SU is in the Allies back then)

And I don't see Finland "win" at the end, had they win, they would have Karelia, Pechengsky District returned to Finland.

Second of all, had Zelenskyy taken this "Deal" what guarantee the Russian will not back track on it? They cannot join NATO if the agree on this deal, so this is basically up to Russia to tore up that agreement when they see fits.

In case you had not noticed, Putin changes his mind more frequent than I changes girlfriend...
Donbass region can be given high autonomy similar to other examples in various countries. However some problems need to be solved. North Iraq region for example is also rich in natural resources sells oil without central govt share or control. This creates problems. High autonomy and some share of donbass mining resources profit with Ukraine central govt can rebuild those areas as well as war torn Ukraine.

Crimea recognized as Russia would be more difficult but not only for Ukraine. Any area with some ethnicity can make referandum to join somewhere else and create wars between countries. This will result in population shifts mass forced migrations and similar issues seeing this as a threat by many countries. Russia has many ethnic based regions daghestan, ingushetia chechnia etc. that can make referandums to join somewhere else. China has xingjiang region. Also what if kurdish regions join together making referandum in Syria and Iraq. It will be very complicated for majority of countries having diverse ethnic backgrounds and nonhomogeneous distribution of these population. It is crazy for Russia forcing it over Ukraine shooting themselves as well.

High autonomy like Donbass. accepting existing Russian bases there and non agression guarantee as a war outcome can be a solution in my opinion for Crimea.
But why do you think they are failing at all of those things stated?

Considering their fleet, shouldn't they be able to achieve that?
If you have one thousand soldiers but 500 swords, how many swordsmen can you send to battle? Now expand that analogy to logistics, from bombs to missiles to tires to rifles and so on. After 12 days, even the most conservative of analysts, armchair generals, and real generals have been forced to the logistics path -- that the Russian military is bad at it. When I said 'conservative' I do not mean the political context but the reserves they have before speaking.

Here is the US Air Force perspective...

In January 1944, the new commander of Eighth Air Force, Maj. Gen. James H. Doolittle, was visiting his subordinate commander, Maj. Gen. William A. Kepner, at VIII Fighter Command, when he noticed a slogan on the wall. It read: “The first duty of Eighth Air Force fighters is to bring the bombers back alive.” Kepner said the sign was there when he got there. Doolittle told him to take it down, that it was wrong.​
A new sign went up: “The first duty of Eighth Air Force fighters is to destroy German fighters.”
This was considerably more than a moment of fighter pilot bravado. It marked a key change in strategy in the air war in Europe.​
“As far as I’m concerned, this was the most important and far-reaching military decision I made during the war.” Doolittle said. “It was also the most controversial.”​
The fighters were no longer constrained to holding close formation with bombers. Instead, they would fly ahead, look for German fighters, and attack them where they found them.​
Bomber crews were dismayed at first, but the results were dramatic. Within a few months, the Allies had seized air superiority from the Germans and held it for the rest of the war. The average monthly loss rate for Eighth Air Force heavy bombers fell from 5.1 percent in 1943 to 1.9 percent in 1944.
The highlighted is more than important, it is CRITICAL. Fighters are hunter-killers. Bombers, and everyone else, are preys. If you want everyone else to survive, you must kill the killers. Doolittle changed the mindset of the Eight Air Force from that of passivity -- protection -- to that of proactive -- hunt. That mindset never changed since WW II. It is even more noticeable that the world's air forces are filled with fighter-bombers, principally because few countries can afford diverse platforms like how the US or the Soviet Union can. That mean if you are a pilot, of any air force, and if you are not flying transports, your primary air skills must be ACM.

The Russian Air Force can reach just about all of Ukraine from inside Russia. Not only that, every air base can host other squadrons and even that of different platforms. So in theory, the VKS can have its entire fleet at Ukraine's borders which also in theory, should have achieved air superiority over Ukraine on the first day.

If I have to do this on a LIMITED aircraft budget...

Day 1. Strike all Ukrainian air fields with most Ukrainian fighters either destroyed or damaged while grounded. I will have the pilots do hot refuel and rearm if necessary to strike as many airfields as many times as possible.​
Day 2. Runway denial. Even though the MIG and Su platforms can take off from improvised runways. I would already know that and would damage associated areas that can be build up or already built as improvised runways.​
Day 3. Major airspace denial. This mean combat air patrol (CAP) over areas that the army required, major cities, and critical infrastructures. I want to preserve bridges and finished roads for the army.​

The longer the absence of the VKS over Ukraine, the more protracted and bloody the ground war will become for both sides because Russian artillery and ballistic missiles will replace the VKS but they are less accurate and precise. Not only that, without air suppression the Ukrainians will gain more experience with MANPADS and the Javelins which are pouring in essentially unchecked. The lower the flight altitude, the less situational awareness you have, and if you are a Russian Army helo pilot flying at treetop level, you will not have any time to avoid a MANPADS rocket as that video showed.
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Putin's goal is to cut off 🇺🇦 form Black sea access by "claiming" a russian territory from Odessa to Mariupol! Then by insurgents in Moldova to topple the government and by infiltrating more insurgents
That is not what I mean.

First of all, Finland/Soviet Union war in 1941 is different than Ukrainian War in 2022.

Finland cannot do anything BUT ask to finish (pun intended) a deal with Soviet Union. Because 2 things, 1.) The instability of its government, risk a wider war with other Allies nation (SU is in the Allies back then)

And I don't see Finland "win" at the end, had they win, they would have Karelia, Pechengsky District returned to Finland.

Second of all, had Zelenskyy taken this "Deal" what guarantee the Russian will not back track on it? They cannot join NATO if the agree on this deal, so this is basically up to Russia to tore up that agreement when they see fits.

In case you had not noticed, Putin changes his mind more frequent than I changes girlfriend...
Finland also had no real guarantee. But they took the deal.

Finland won in the end because they are now a developed country with high standards of living and kept most of their territory.

Ukraine could still join EU under the deal. They can still become a developed country. They've spent decades stagnating. They had about the same GDP as today, back in 2006. Aren't they tired of this shit? What's to say that if they take this deal, they won't be like Finland and become a developed country in 20-30 years?
Changing the constitution to make Ukraine neutral is the most basic part of the deal,along with Crimea recognized as Russian land.

He wants to surrender but Putin wants Odessa to Luhansk meaning I don't see him settling for Donbass

Finland also had no real guarantee. But they took the deal.

Finland won in the end because they are now a developed country with high standards of living and kept most of their territory.

Ukraine could still join EU under the deal. They can still become a developed country. They've spent decades stagnating. They had about the same GDP as today, back in 2006. Aren't they tired of this shit? What's to say that if they take this deal, they won't be like Finland and become a developed country in 20-30 years?
Finland does not have guarantee, but it have a choice. They can join anyone, anytime, there are no restriction

And no, Ukraine do not have guarantee, nor choice, Ukraine will not be able to join ANY union, and have to remain neutral (The point read "Including neutrality in the constitution", I am pretty sure joining EU is not Neutral.) That is for both Political and Military Union, EU is the former.

And I would disagree your definition o Finnish "Won". It's like you are saying South Korea has "Won" the Korean war because they became a developed country with high living standard......
That action broke the bond of trust that makes a bank a bank. And while effective – Russia can’t get access to hundreds of billions of foreign dollars it has painstakingly built up to buy supplies and support the ruble on currency markets – it can only be done at this scale once.

Broke the bond of trust? lol, Please dont tell me Russia thought that it could use western banks to help it expand its empire. Thats pretty naive.

Freezing foreign reserves has been done before – but only to the less powerful nations like Iran, Afghanistan and Venezuela. This is the first time it’s ever been done to a member of the G20 or the UN Security Council.

this was only done to the less powerful before? Now that its done to Russia, does it mean its being done to the powerful countries? or have western countries concluded that Russia is not that powerful?

Russia has blocked Russians from sending money abroad, stopped paying foreigners interest payments on government debt and required every Russian firm earning dollars to hand over 80% of them in exchange for rubles.

What happened to that sacred bond and trust, between financial institutions and customers? How much will this encourage others to buy Russian debt? Would you buy Russian debt with your own money?

The global financial system changed when the West did the barely thinkable on February 27. It’s hard to see a way back.
It was always going to happen, Putin didnt see it the sae way sadder didnt see it, and gadhaffi didnt see it, and Assad didnt see it despite it happening to all the others. In the same way Putin didnt see it. And china wont learn any lesson, they hold all the American debt. they have trillions of American debt. If china fights the west, which it wont hopefully, US will just not pay any of the debt back. Thats how it works when you control the world financial system.

but there is no need to be in the world financial system, you can set up your own right? do it. Who is stopping anyone?
In this Ukrainian crisis (which began in 2008 and 2014) it has become clear that the so-called "The West" is not a rational actor, but a religious cult. The Taliban leaders are by comparison reasonable people who are capable of compromise.
Finland does not have guarantee, but it have a choice. They can join anyone, anytime, there are no restriction

And no, Ukraine do not have guarantee, nor choice, Ukraine will not be able to join ANY union, and have to remain neutral (The point read "Including neutrality in the constitution", I am pretty sure joining EU is not Neutral.) That is for both Political and Military Union, EU is the former.
ok, that means can still keep their economic association with EU. Like I said, aren't they tired of economic stagnation and struggling?
Finland does not have guarantee, but it have a choice. They can join anyone, anytime, there are no restriction

And no, Ukraine do not have guarantee, nor choice, Ukraine will not be able to join ANY union, and have to remain neutral (The point read "Including neutrality in the constitution", I am pretty sure joining EU is not Neutral.) That is for both Political and Military Union, EU is the former.
I read somewhere that the Russia deal include the demand that the Ukrainian PM be approved by Russia, essentially making the Ukrainian president, whoever he/she maybe, a puppet. So why should Zelensky take that deal when he would condemn Ukraine to become a vassal state anyway?
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