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UK will not look away from Russia invasion in Ukraine - PM​

By Mary O'Connor
BBC News

Published1 minute ago
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Watch Boris Johnson call the Ukraine invasion "wanton and reckless aggression" by Russia.
The UK "cannot and will not just look away" at Russia's "hideous and barbaric" attack on Ukraine, Boris Johnson has said.
The PM said President Vladimir Putin had launched a "vast invasion by land, by sea and by air" without provocation.
He said the UK and allies will launch a "massive package" of sanctions to "hobble" Russia's economy.
The prime minister will outline the further economic sanctions against Russia in the Commons at 17:00 GMT.
In a pre-recorded TV statement, Mr Johnson stressed that Ukraine was "not some faraway country of which we know little".
He added: "We have Ukrainian friends in this country, neighbours, co-workers. Ukraine is a country that for decades has enjoyed freedom and democracy and the right to choose its own destiny."

Mr Johnson said the UK and its allies would agree a "massive package of economic sanctions" in a bid to "hobble" the Russian economy, warning that the West would need to cease its dependence on Russian oil and gas.
"Our mission is clear: diplomatically, politically, economically and eventually militarily, this hideous and barbaric venture of Vladimir Putin must end in failure," Mr Johnson said.
Ukrainians hold a protest against the Russian invasion of Ukraine outside Downing Street
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There are around 35,000 Ukrainian-born people living in the UK, according to the most-recent ONS data
Mr Johnson's comments come after Russian forces launched an assault on Ukraine, crossing its borders and bombing military targets near big cities.
Ukraine announced that martial law - which means the military takes control temporarily - has been imposed across the whole of the country.
Traffic jams have built up as people attempt to flee the capital Kyiv.
Russian military vehicles are reported to have breached Ukraine's border in a number of places, in the north, south and east, including from Belarus.

At least seven people are known to have been killed by Russian shelling, including civilians. A Ukrainian presidential adviser said that more than 40 soldiers had died and dozens more were wounded, but this has not been independently confirmed.

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WATCH: Gunfire and explosions heard in Ukrainian cities
Addressing the Ukrainian people directly, Mr Johnson said: "In this moment of agony, we're with you, we're praying for you and your families and we are on your side."
The prime minister also sought to reassure the British public, pledging to do "everything to keep our country safe" and work with allies "for however long it takes" to restore Ukraine's sovereignty and independence.
"Because this act of wanton and reckless aggression is an attack not just on Ukraine, it's an attack on democracy and freedom in eastern Europe and around the world."
Ukrainian protesters gathered outside Downing Street on Thursday afternoon to call for more action from the UK and the international community.
Natalia Ravlyuk, a volunteer who helped organise the protest, said: "We feel very angry, we feel very anxious and we feel betrayed by democratic states because we have been talking about this war for eight years."

Ukrainian protesters outside Downing Street
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Ukrainian protesters gathered outside Downing Street on Thursday afternoon
Mr Johnson is now speaking to leaders of the G7 group of wealthy nations about the situation. Earlier, he said on Twitter that the invasion was a "catastrophe for our continent".
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer said the UK should brace itself for the "economic pain" the country will experience by imposing sanctions against Russia.
In a televised address, Sir Keir said: "We will see economic pain as we free Europe from dependence on Russian gas and clean our institutions from money stolen from the Russian people.
"But the British public have always been willing to make sacrifices to defend democracy on our continent and we will again."

Sanctions and assistance but no boots on the ground​

Analysis box by Nick Eardley, political correspondent

Senior ministers in London are spending the next few hours speaking to their counterparts in the capitals of wealthy G7 nations.
The government intends to announce what is says is a severe sanctions package later this afternoon - when the prime minister will address Parliament. The government wants it to be done in line with allies.
After criticism the initial sanctions package did not go far enough, ministers made clear they had more waiting to be used at the right time.
It is likely that will involve travel bans and asset freezes on more individuals and sanctions on more banks. It could also extend to key Russian industries like technology, energy and chemicals.
Ministers have also been discussing ways to restrict Russian access to UK financial systems. Labour wants Russia banned from the Swift system for international payments.
The UK is also planning to provide military assistance to Ukraine - but that will not involve boots on the ground.

Foreign Secretary Liz Truss summoned Russia's ambassador to the UK, Andrei Kelin, for the second time this week to ask him to explain the "illegal, unprovoked invasion of Ukraine".
A source told BBC political correspondent Nick Eardley the meeting was "tempestuous" and ended early after Ms Truss said the ambassador should be "ashamed" of Russia's behaviour in Ukraine, adding that the Kremlin had lied repeatedly.

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Watch: Putin government must face hardest possible sanctions, says Sir Keir Starmer
Meanwhile the head of the Western defensive alliance Nato, Jens Stoltenberg, condemned the invasion as a "blatant violation" of international law and said he is calling a virtual summit of alliance leaders on Friday to discuss the "serious threat" to security in the region.
"This is a grave moment for the security of Europe. Russia's unprovoked and unjustified attack on Ukraine is putting countless lives at risk," he said.
In a pre-dawn TV statement on Thursday, President Putin said Russia did not plan to occupy Ukraine, but demanded its soldiers lay down their weapons, before warning that Moscow's response would be "instant" if anyone tried to take on Russia.
The prospect of further UK sanctions against Russia comes a day after the prime minister announced that five Russian banks had had their assets frozen and three Russian billionaires would have travel bans imposed.
UK nationals were advised two weeks ago to leave Ukraine while commercial flights were still available. Those remaining have again been urged to leave Ukraine immediately - if they judge it is safe to do so.
Ukraine has closed its airspace to civilian flights. Wizz Air and Ryanair have suspended all flights to the country.

Where have Russian troops attacked and why?​

Airports and military headquarters were hit first, near cities across Ukraine, including the main Boryspil international airport in Kyiv. Then tanks and troops rolled into Ukraine in the north-east, near Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million people; in the east near Luhansk, and from neighbouring Belarus in the north. Russian troops landed in Ukraine's big port cities of Odesa and Mariupol too.

Moments before the invasion began, President Putin went on TV declaring that Russia could not feel "safe, develop and exist" because of what he called a constant threat from modern Ukraine.

Map of explosions

President Putin has frequently accused Ukraine of being taken over by extremists, ever since its pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted in 2014 after months of protests against his rule. Russia then retaliated by seizing the southern region of Crimea and triggering a rebellion in the east by Russian-backed separatists who have fought Ukrainian forces in a war that has claimed 14,000 lives.

Late in 2021 he began deploying big numbers of Russian troops close to Ukraine's borders. Then this week he scrapped a 2015 peace deal for the east and recognised areas under rebel control as independent.

Russia has long resisted Ukraine's move towards the European Union and the West's defensive military alliance Nato. Announcing Russia's invasion, he accused Nato of threatening "our historic future as a nation".

Multiple military helicopters passing through the sky (left), the person filming says he counted "at least 30," and they are marked with a Russian flag. Later the NEXTA channel on Telegram shared a video of what it purports is one of the downed Russian military helicopters (right).
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Multiple military helicopters passing through the sky (left), the person filming says he counted "at least 30," and they are marked with a Russian flag. Later the NEXTA channel on Telegram shared a video of what it purports is one of the downed Russian military helicopters (right).
This one has been confirmed by multiple sources.
⚠️ East Ukraine: Ukrainian FM on AJN stating the Russians are trying to take over Chernobyl Nuclear Powerplant.

Ukraine's president says Russian forces are attempting to seize control of Chernobyl nuclear power plant​

From CNN’s Anastasia Graham-Yooll in London and Gul Tuysuz in Kyiv

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky tweeted that Russian forces are attempting to seize control of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant.
“Russian occupation forces are trying to seize the Chernobyl [Nuclear Power Plant]. Our defenders are sacrificing their lives so that the tragedy of 1986 will not be repeated,” Zelensky tweeted.

Where have Russian troops attacked and why?​

Airports and military headquarters were hit first, near cities across Ukraine, including the main Boryspil international airport in Kyiv. Then tanks and troops rolled into Ukraine in the north-east, near Kharkiv, a city of 1.4 million people; in the east near Luhansk, and from neighbouring Belarus in the north. Russian troops landed in Ukraine's big port cities of Odesa and Mariupol too.

Moments before the invasion began, President Putin went on TV declaring that Russia could not feel "safe, develop and exist" because of what he called a constant threat from modern Ukraine.

Map of explosions

President Putin has frequently accused Ukraine of being taken over by extremists, ever since its pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych, was ousted in 2014 after months of protests against his rule. Russia then retaliated by seizing the southern region of Crimea and triggering a rebellion in the east by Russian-backed separatists who have fought Ukrainian forces in a war that has claimed 14,000 lives.

Late in 2021 he began deploying big numbers of Russian troops close to Ukraine's borders. Then this week he scrapped a 2015 peace deal for the east and recognised areas under rebel control as independent.

Russia has long resisted Ukraine's move towards the European Union and the West's defensive military alliance Nato. Announcing Russia's invasion, he accused Nato of threatening "our historic future as a nation".

Ghazi... do not share without link/credit to the source.
Let's not forget that the Russians also sent a fleet to stop them. How convenient we forget certain facts in our anger towards someone.
Despite the Russian fleet, the Americans drew a red line against invading West Pakistan otherwise the Indian Army would have inflicted serious damage on an already devastated country (morally); and least we forget, even the UK sent an Aircraft Carrier.......otherwise what was there to stop the Indians from opening up this front and taking back Kashmir once and for all?
Denazify............. this is exactly why I was looking for some Ukrainian volunteers' training footage with swastika flags. How come someone support a country that hosts Nazi mindset? At-least, Russia was not going to tolerate such thing in the neighbour and interestingly, West/US or Israel had no issue with those groups in Ukraine.


Brother most Slavic nations have a history of racism and anti-Semitism. People forget about the role Ukrainians played in the Nazi death squads known as Einstazgruppen (deployment groups)

Ukrainians don't seem to be putting up much of a fight. The west is not coming to their aid, if they want to be free they have to fight for it themselves.
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