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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Donbass separatists are expanding control. A militia member admitted facing unexpected heavy resistance. Putin needs to funnel more men and material to these groups because they more ideologically committed then average Russian army conscript.

More than 20K volunteers (as of now) from all over the world are helping Ukraine in its struggle against the Russian invader.

And meanwhile your own country France is checking every bus/train leaving towards the border to make sure there is no extremist nutcases who are going to take part in the Ukraine war.

UK, Germany are doing the same.

This is called pragmatism, eh?

And you my friend can keep living in a parallel univers by creating an alternate reality, :- )
@jhungary hey man.

Would like to read your take on Russian war plan and where did it go wrong as per your opinion. Thanks in advance.

Uncle Sam to Poland:


"Give your Migs to Ukraine."

Poland to Uncle Sam:


"These are my toys, I don't want to." (Uaaan Uaaan)
Really? what do you think we had the Cold War about? And the west won, and freed Europe.

Now we have Ukraine, Belarus and Russia to go.

You are seriously deluded if you think europeans will allow Russia troops to conquer
You are seriously deluded if you think europeans will allow Russia troops to conquer
Just like they did allow Germans to conquer! But why did they allow germans to conquer? Because Then germans slapped them and asked them if they want to say " Yes sir" Until Russians stopped the germans.
Mankind is probably 60000-150000 year old! How many people claiming they haven't allowed conquest are alive! None!
Shit Happens! Like it happened to USA in Afghanistan
Dont over dramatize it.

There is no way Russia can ever occupy Germany/France or other European countries without WW3 (in which case there wont be any winners anyway).
yes, well then thats fine. if they stay in Russia its no problem.
Russia will STOP invasion if Ukraine agrees to the following demands:
- Constitutional amendment ruling out membership of any blocs (NATO)
- Ukraine must recognise CRIMEA as Russian and Donetsk and Lugansk as Independent states.

So Russia does not want the de-weaponization and de-nazification anymore?! With a little bit more time, Putin may just want some assurances against Ukranians joining NATO :laugh:

Ukraine will not accept ceding territory but a ceasefire should be coming along those lines. Once Putin is gone, Russia, from the west of the Urals, will become part of Europe. Let time take care of all this. Stop the killing.
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