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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russia annexes Crimea,invades and funds terrorists in eastern Ukraine yet ask why Ukraine is looking westward and do not trust the Russians anymore. :)

Sorry for forgetting once :rolleyes:

I have no allegiance with Russia or Putin but find it distasteful when members stoop to putting smile emojis when discussing death of those soldiers that are simply following orders. Do you feel an urge of satisfaction and happiness knowing that sons daughters partners and parents (ordinary people) have lost loved ones? Its down right poor and shows plenty of your mindset.

The West have often been the instigators of wars - sometimes thousands of miles away from their borders - interfering and encouraging on loss of life, often disregarding whether its innocent or non innocent. Now Russia has reason to find extreme concern to their security on their border - the west are attempting to portray them as the "lunatic and rogue" nation? The irony is an eye opener.

Its like the school bully that goes round throwing bricks at anybody that refuses to hand over the dinner money - when someone else throws litter - they scream and rant "foul play".

Your last comment is another lie. You havent forgotten - you never forget - it just in your nature to troll.
American tanks are more well protected than Russian ones but also weak at the top, on the sides, from the back. I think they may fare a bit better but against Ukraine, not so much.

There is no comparison between Ukraine and Iraq. USA operated with air superiority and bombed those Iraqi cities and spared more resources to help ground forces. They can afford to in a way Russia simply cannot.

It's like asking a poor country to spend the same amount on an item as a rich country and purchase many thousands of that item for let's say a public good. The poor country realistically cannot afford to and must settle for cheaper item. The "cost" of that cheaper item is lower serviceability but that is the nature of being poorer. Russia cannot afford to shell this building because there is suspicious movement and activity within. USA bombed and shelled more liberally than Russia has for multiple reasons. Same for APS. Russia has APS but cannot afford to put them on every tank.

If it was USA in Russia's boots now but operating as USA, if they didn't bomb and shell any more than Russia has, I think their losses may not be so much better. Who knows. US tanks are better armored but a modern ATGM will go through M1A2's top, side, back armor just as much as it would a T-72. From the front and angled frontal shots, the M1 is a lot better. Then there are the APS systems and superior infantry equipment to support operations and to provide better situational awareness.

No doubt Russia is not as well equipped or anywhere near as rich. They prefer some old brute force military doctrines but I don't think US in that position would fare that much better. Iraq bombarded and shelled is not the same as Ukraine that has been less shelled and bombed than US preliminary strikes on Iraq.

I think Ukraine has always been considerably stronger than Iraq.
If this was the US who are fighting Ukraine, the first thing they will not is not to send Javelin to Ukraine and ask NATO member not to as well.

There are only 1 (ONE) way you don't suffer heavy casualty fighting in Urban environment, and that is by using Shock and Awe tactics, you strike them hard before any meaningful defence is setup, the opening strike would need to work with other support element and taken out tactical target before you start your invasion, anything that can organise defences have to go. That is how we avoid fighting in Baghdad street by street twice (in 1991 and 2003)

This is what Russia planned to replicated, but they can't, for various reason, now they are facing a what we called an determined and entrenched enemy, this is going to mean a massive lost of live on both side.

Old T-72's goodbye, new armata welcome $💵

( I do not support this war just want to highlight how Europe is paying for the war in Europe at the behest of US/UK, not only they are paying for this war but also will pay for Anglo slavery in terms of higher cost LNG shipments from US in future).
Europe and to a lesser extent, the US economy is going to get wrecked. Russia will be the most damaged but the West is going to be hit hard by inflation as well. Not to mention that dollar dominance is going to gradually decline further with a chain of events that these sanctions will put in place. The great middle class of Europe and the US will rapidly shrink.
Europe and to a lesser extent, the US economy is going to get wrecked. Russia will be the most damaged but the West is going to be hit hard by inflation as well. Not to mention that dollar dominance is going to gradually decline further with a chain of events that these sanctions will put in place. The great middle class of Europe and the US will rapidly shrink.

Price of energy will go 2x to 10x in short term future.

Energy is what all nations are built on and require. Every task, every business, every motion.

Saudi Arabia and UAE are not going to help them much. Iran won't either.
I wonder if the fighting will escalate to a point where Ukrainian forces are using weaponry that was just made in the factory to fight the Russians. Similar to what the USSR did in ww2
I wonder if the fighting will escalate to a point where Ukrainian forces are using weaponry that was just made in the factory to fight the Russians. Similar to what the USSR did in ww2
With the way things are going, there won’t be any Ukrainian factories. The weapons have to be smuggled from nato.
The MIGHTY Russian Armata MBT spotted anywhere?
You will know when one of those Ukrainian farmer is towing it to their farm......and an ad the next day.

"Brand New Armata, never been fired only towed once."
you do realize that Ukraine is outnumbering Russia 400k to 200k yet unable to stop the shelling of their major population centers? that's not what winning looks like.
There will be no winners except the west if this continues. Ukraine has already lost maybe trillions of dollars of infrastructure and maybe 15,000 lives. But denying Russia the resources of this massive land and its 45 million population is the goal and if that is achieved, the west wins and Ukraine will be fee and then they will rebuild with the help of the west. They have done it many times before and they'll do it again. Ukraine will not have a classic total victory, noone has ever suggested that. IF they are lucky they will get their freedom and a ruined country. But one if they are willing to sacrifice 100k to 300k lives for it.

I think its worth it if I was a Ukrainian.
There will be no winners except the west if this continues. Ukraine has already lost maybe trillions of dollars of infrastructure and maybe 15,000 lives. But denying Russia the resources of this massive land and its 45 million population is the goal and if that is achieved, the west wins and Ukraine will be fee and then they will rebuild with the help of the west. They have done it many times before and they'll do it again. Ukraine will not have a classic total victory, noone has ever suggested that. IF they are lucky they will get their freedom and a ruined country. But one if they are willing to sacrifice 100k to 300k lives for it.

I think its worth it if I was a Ukrainian.
Russia will be wrecked by this no doubt. But so will the west, especially Europe. I know that the western media has distorted facts about the global reality so long that most westerners are out of touch with the way the world is changing but Europe’s economy is about to be majorly wrecked. I am talking about the dissipation of much of the middle class.
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