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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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@RescueRanger Why Russia is not attacking the areas near Poland where all the weapons are coming from?
I mean usage of ballistic or cruise missiles.
Brother Poland is part of NATO that will trigger all out war. Russians aren’t suicidal. Yet…
A CIA sponsored coup to take out Putin will put a end to the Russian assault right away....

Coup? Russia is no Guatemala, it has a spy, and a secret policeman behind every corner. It may likely have a lot more of these than China.
@RescueRanger Why Russia is not attacking the areas near Poland where all the weapons are coming from?
I mean usage of ballistic or cruise missiles.
Umm...think of the U.S. trying to stop the supplies, weapons and men going through Cambodia to South Vietnam during the war. It's kind of like that.
lmao why do you keep posting when you're often proven to be factually wrong? Do you not get embarassed when you're proven wrong? You know about Grozny? they leveled the city with artillery and bombers.

Ukrainian forces outnumber Russian forces in theater 2:1 yet they're unable to repel an attack on their own soil. Are they winning?

They're supposedly "winning" yet are flooding reservoirs, releasing prisoners and handing out guns to children. Why do this if you're winning conventionally?

If you had made any effort to research things up, you would've known that Russians also initially tried to blitzkrieg Grozni, and were crushed.

Only after that, did they resort to levelling the city, while their land forces were still there fighting
Yeah but wouldn't paint a good picture for the Ukrainians. But since the cat is out of the bag, Putin will have to do it if he thinks he can get them to surrender which I doubt.
Ukrainians will just protest anyway so he thinks the bombardment will make them reconsider protesting if they survived.

Besieged city. Just cutting the power and water will make the city fall within a week.
But russians haven't really targeted transmission lines and water supply for now, let's see if it gets to that.
For now Russian offense seems to be limited to military infra only.
I suspect they want to lure in as many as possible and then they will cut off.
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