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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I agree, entrapment isn't yet fully complete and lot of western hardware coming in. It is another matter to see how much of it will actually make it to kyiv.
It will likely take a week to 10 days more.
If they are just reaching Kiev but not doing anything and their supply line gets constantly disrupted, the whole Russian forces in the North and East can fall as well. In other words, they are the ones being besieged. It be like in the movie Kingdom of Heaven and the Jerusalem Army was wiped out by the Muslim forces led by Saladin.
Well the problem with besieging a city is you have to have your forces all spread out around the city, it's not like a medieval castle or something like the Alamo where it only takes a few thousand troops and surround it on all sides. Cutting power and water is one way to do it. But as you have seen, the Russian forces are having a hard time just going around because there are Ukrainian units waiting for them there. And they can resupply and repair. I mean just look at Starlink satellites, try to cut off the internet, Ukrainians have satellite access internet. Who knows what else they can do...
I agree, entrapment isn't yet fully complete and lot of western hardware coming in. It is another matter to yet see how much of it will actually make it to kyiv.
It will likely take a week to 10 days
If they are just reaching Kiev but not doing anything and their supply line gets constantly disrupted, the whole Russian forces in the North and East can fall as well. In other words, they are the ones being besieged. It be like in the movie Kingdom of Heaven and the Jerusalem Army was wiped out by the Muslim forces lead by Saladin.
Let's revisit the situation in a weeks time.
Russia annexes Crimea,invades and funds terrorists in eastern Ukraine yet ask why Ukraine is looking westward and do not trust the Russians anymore. :)

So what part of add a spoiler to dead bodies don’t you understand ? @LeGenD

It’s a simple rule we are all abiding by please add a spoiler to that video as it shows Deceased bodies.

Sorry for forgetting once :rolleyes:
The complete blindness of the US empire's lackeys

Can anyone explain why it was so terrible and costly to grant Ukraine neutrality?
Because neutrality does not secure independence and sovereignty.
The complete blindness of the US empire's lackeys

Can anyone explain why it was so terrible and costly to grant Ukraine neutrality?
If your not growing your are losing, not capitalizing on Russian weakness to stabilize Europe. Like they use to tell the US troops in Germany; the mission is “Keep the Russians out, US in, and Germans Down”.

The goal is, globally in general but in Europe specially; Pax Americana

I wonder if foreign countries will start pulling their foreign reserves out of foreign banks considering how vulnerable they are to being seized, and dump the Euro alongside the dollar because western sanctions are more and more tied together.

Btw, considering basically all western entities are pulling out of Russia, and there are threats to stop importing Russian oil and gas, what do you suppose the real Russian GDP is now?

If Adidas is basically shutting down in Russia what will happen to the iconic Russian Gopniks (the de facto “casual wear” of the Russian paramilitaries :p:) ?

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The aggressiveness of the West is such that it does not accept any agreement. We have seen it first hand.

A German Admiral expressed an ordinary and even biased opinion towards the West and had to resign. The chairman of the Finnish parliament's foreign affairs committee was forced to resign because of a very reasonable sentence, a single sentence.

The West is a religious sect, a bunch of fanatics. Torquemada was an amateur

Russia annexes Crimea,invades and funds terrorists in eastern Ukraine yet ask why Ukraine is looking westward and do not trust the Russians anymore. :)

Sorry for forgetting once :rolleyes:
It’s not once I’ve actually tolerated a lot of people ignore if this rule but the rules apply to us all.

And it’s not hard to remember - spoiler- we’ve mentioned it multiple times in the thread.
@RescueRanger Why Russia is not attacking the areas near Poland where all the weapons are coming from?
I mean usage of ballistic or cruise missiles.
Because neutrality does not secure independence and sovereignty.
Neutrality is not the same as being Russia's puppet as we have seen since Russia taking Crimea and trying to take Donbass and Luhansk.
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