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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukrainians will just protest anyway so he thinks the bombardment will make them reconsider protesting if they survived.
They will protest and overthrow Putin's installed government if it ever came to that, and then he will have to invade Ukraine again!
I think so too.

There are too many ATGMs around for Russian to use so much armor without clearing infantry. If Russia uses lots of infantry, the losses in lives are huge.

Urban warfare is impossible for the invader and invader that depends on armor. If we put USA in Russia's position, the outcome would be severe losses as well. To perform such a takeover of a well defended city full of ATGMs and snipers in their tens of thousands of troops if not more, the only real way to do it is paradigm shift weapons or strategy. Some suggest drones, robotic infantry with more advanced sensors to counter snipers and ATGMs but in this sort of warfare, no one has proven a way.
You sure about that? American Tanks are much better armored than Russian Tanks. They can also be equipped with TUSK and Trophy APS for operations in urban warfare in current times.

American Tanks proved their mettle in Najaf (2003), Baghdad (2003), and Fallujah (2004) respectively. Tank losses were low in each.

Baghdad is a big city with substantial population base. American 3rd Infantry Division (and Marines) were able to fight their way to key locations of Baghdad in spite of heavy resistance and also surprised Iraqi defenders in some locations with their pace (Thunder Run tactics). Americans used A10 Warthogs in Baghdad as well although 1 was lost in the process.

Both USAF and USN are much better equipped than Russian Air Force as well. American jet fighters reduced Raqqa (ISIS stronghold in Syria) to a pile of rubble in 2017. US-backed Kurdish militia helped clear the city from ISIS fighters on the ground in tandem. Performance of US-led forces in Raqqa shocked and impressed even Russians (apparent in RT coverage of the time).

US-led forces also liberated Mosul (ISIS stronghold in Iraq) in 2017. New Iraqi army armed with M1A1M Abrams Tanks helped clear the city from ISIS fighters in this battle.

Russian armed forces are not in the league of American armed forces TBH. Too much difference in technology and funding available to both.
Not Poland but Ukraine. I mean near their border where the logistics is coming from.
Because it would overstretch their military and their supply lines are non-existent for example the land mass of Kyiv Oblast alone is 28,121 Km2... That puts things in perspective how much land has to be covered.
They will protest and overthrow Putin's installed government if it ever came to that, and then he will have to invade Ukraine again!
Putin is more interested in the Donbass and Luhansk region and the sea of Azov.
News report about Russian losing 2 Colonels when Ukraine retake Chuhuiv (North Eastern Ukraine)

'Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Safronov, Commander of the 61st Separate Marine Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, and Lieutenant Colonel Denis Glebov, Deputy Commander of the 11th Separate Airborne Assault Brigade of the Russian Armed Forces, were killed.'


Judaism was in Greek and Roman times a widespread religion "all over the world" (Flavius Josephus) and in particular it spread like wildfire among women. It was a very widespread religion and spread very widely "throughout all the nations" until the end of the Late Antique period, when under Christian and Islamic pressure it was closed down, giving way over time to a religion-ethnicity.

Of the three branches (Mizrahim, Sefardim, Askenazim) the last one thrived most in the Polish-Lithuanian that stretched halfway across actual Ukraine.

Its success was due to occupying an intermediate position in the "totem pole": (A) Catholic ruling class (B) Yiddish people (C) Christian peasantry.

I think so too.

There are too many ATGMs around for Russian to use so much armor without clearing infantry. If Russia uses lots of infantry, the losses in lives are huge.

Urban warfare is impossible for the invader and invader that depends on armor. If we put USA in Russia's position, the outcome would be severe losses as well. To perform such a takeover of a well defended city full of ATGMs and snipers in their tens of thousands of troops if not more, the only real way to do it is paradigm shift weapons or strategy. Some suggest drones, robotic infantry with more advanced sensors to counter snipers and ATGMs but in this sort of warfare, no one has proven a way.

We will not use Tank in Build Up area, period. If you use a single tank, you need at least a squad of soldier (10) to be the tanks eyes and ears.

We will just leave the tank on the outskirt act as a blocking force and fight urban battle on foot.
What exactly is Russian command structure for the operation now?
Well, Lt Col would have been middle management, midway between Company Officer and Field Officer.

Which mean they are going to be in charge of either a Brigade or maybe a Battalion.

Those people would have been in the CIC or TOC when they were killed (If they were indeed killed), which mean they either did not retreat or have no time to retreat.
You sure about that? American Tanks are much better armored than Russian Tanks. They can also be equipped with TUSK and Trophy APS for operations in urban warfare in current times.

American Tanks proved their mettle in Najaf (2003), Baghdad (2003), and Fallujah (2004) respectively. Tank losses were low in each.

Baghdad is a big city with substantial population base. American 3rd Infantry Division (and Marines) were able to fight their way to key locations of Baghdad in spite of heavy resistance and also surprised Iraqi defenders in some locations with their pace (Thunder Run tactics). Americans used A10 Warthogs in Baghdad as well although 1 was lost in the process.

Both USAF and USN are much better equipped than Russian Air Force as well. American jet fighters reduced Raqqa (ISIS stronghold in Syria) to a pile of rubble in 2017. US-backed Kurdish militia helped clear the city from ISIS fighters on the ground in tandem. Performance of US-led forces in Raqqa shocked and impressed even Russians (apparent in RT coverage of the time).

US-led forces also liberated Mosul (ISIS stronghold in Iraq) in 2017. New Iraqi army armed with M1A1M Abrams Tanks helped clear the city from ISIS fighters in this battle.

Russian armed forces are not in the league of American armed forces TBH. Too much difference in technology and funding available to both.

American tanks are more well protected than Russian ones but also weak at the top, on the sides, from the back. I think they may fare a bit better but against Ukraine, not so much.

There is no comparison between Ukraine and Iraq. USA operated with air superiority and bombed those Iraqi cities and spared more resources to help ground forces. They can afford to in a way Russia simply cannot.

It's like asking a poor country to spend the same amount on an item as a rich country and purchase many thousands of that item for let's say a public good. The poor country realistically cannot afford to and must settle for cheaper item. The "cost" of that cheaper item is lower serviceability but that is the nature of being poorer. Russia cannot afford to shell this building because there is suspicious movement and activity within. USA bombed and shelled more liberally than Russia has for multiple reasons. Same for APS. Russia has APS but cannot afford to put them on every tank.

If it was USA in Russia's boots now but operating as USA, if they didn't bomb and shell any more than Russia has, I think their losses may not be so much better. Who knows. US tanks are better armored but a modern ATGM will go through M1A2's top, side, back armor just as much as it would a T-72. From the front and angled frontal shots, the M1 is a lot better. Then there are the APS systems and superior infantry equipment to support operations and to provide better situational awareness.

No doubt Russia is not as well equipped or anywhere near as rich. They prefer some old brute force military doctrines but I don't think US in that position would fare that much better. Iraq bombarded and shelled is not the same as Ukraine that has been less shelled and bombed than US preliminary strikes on Iraq.

I think Ukraine has always been considerably stronger than Iraq.
Russia annexes Crimea,invades and funds terrorists in eastern Ukraine yet ask why Ukraine is looking westward and do not trust the Russians anymore. :)

:lol: If you think the so-called Libyan and Syrian rebels who are actually AQ and "M"B terrorists / criminals can be funded by your French government to fight against the governance systems there for 11 long years now why can't actual rebels in Ukraine be supported by Russia to fight against Zelensky's government ?
I think Ukraine has always been considerably stronger than Iraq.

You also have to keep in mind that Iraq was way far in the past.. 2003 while this is 2022 invasion hence the technology and weapons are much better today then yesterday where the US had somewhat of an unfair advantage but that advantage is closing down everywhere
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