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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Is this a joke ? Survival ? Have you any idea how much power Russia have ?

This is not a war of survival but a war of ego !

One look at this table tells you what it is all about :


does this seem normal to you ?

It's social distancing for the outbreak of nerve gas
And even if they will hit that "the war is lost moment," they will wrap up, and regroup in a few years with draft covering for all lost troops. Even without military hardware, Russia still has 140 million people, of which most are rather obedient, and well educated to man sophisticated weapons.

Unless Ukraine can really capture territory from Russia, they cannot set a long term defensible line.

In other words, Putin will keep coming back matter what, unless Moscow falls.
I think this is an acceptable outcome. Let them regroup and start conscripting civvies. Ukraine will be retrained and resupplied and do it over and over until someone gives up.

The end outcome is a Russia that is not a threat to anyone and the economy the size of north korea.

From bombing Syrians to bombing Ukrainian. ,Russian pilot taken prisoner :



I think this is an acceptable outcome. Let them regroup and start conscripting civvies. Ukraine will be retrained and resupplied and do it over and over until someone gives up.

The end outcome is a Russia that is not a threat to anyone and the economy the size of north korea.
Sounds good from Australia. Not so good when the average Ukrainian is on the receiving end.
Article also confirms the giant stalled Russian convoy has been hit by Javelins and drone strikes

Thoughts on 17,000 anti tank missiles being delivered to Ukraine in last 6 days?

How many are fire and forget? overall a good start. hopefully it lasts till the end of the month.
I think this is an acceptable outcome. Let them regroup and start conscripting civvies. Ukraine will be retrained and resupplied and do it over and over until someone gives up.

The end outcome is a Russia that is not a threat to anyone and the economy the size of north korea.
you do realize that Ukraine is outnumbering Russia 400k to 200k yet unable to stop the shelling of their major population centers? that's not what winning looks like.
And the whole Russian AF was shot down by 1 Mig 29 over Kiev......yet at the same time Ukraine is desperate for for more AC and SAMs.....something is not right with this picture.

For me I will wait one month before I can gauge who is winning or losing. At this point the Russians are making steady gains against stiff resistance. I expect the Russians to encircle and destroy large amounts of Ukrainian forces over the next weeks. Major urban areas will be turned to rubble.
The Ghost of Kyiv story is discussed and debunked in this thread many pages ago. Maybe concentrate on latest developments?

I have also created a related thread in which Facts & Figures are highlighted and propaganda is ummasked.

Members are allowed provide their own updates in this thread.
spot the differences .

Zalenski with his minister of defense , Putin with his . . .

The top looks like a serious discussion

Bottom looks like a selfie on set of a sitcom with a comedian.

View attachment 821550

Explaining the war..

The war was in the making for a along time. These are not just random mercenaries but were prepared for this in advance.
I am amazed how someone can be so stupid to become a puppet and sacrificial lamb for someone else based on very hollow promises?
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Although Russians have a better pain tolerance to these tactics than compared to say Poland, Germany or France.
Not sure if you call it better pain tolerance with planes getting blown up and schools being taken by the terrorists.

The top looks like a serious discussion

Bottom looks like a selfie on set of a sitcom with a comedian.

I am amazed how someone can be so stupid to become a puppet and sacrificial lamb for someone else based on very hollow promises?
Just remember who the puppet is like Belarus to allow an invasion of Ukraine in north. Maybe Ukraine has a puppet installed and Russia can attack Poland next. Right now we have Belarusian volunteers coming to help Ukraine and some military officers refusing to invade Ukraine.
you do realize that Ukraine is outnumbering Russia 400k to 200k yet unable to stop the shelling of their major population centers? that's not what winning looks like.

Really is not about winning . I don't think there is an argument that Russia is much stronger than Ukraine and they can always pour more planes and troops into the conflict and take Ukraine . The Question is at what cost ?

If they devastate Ukraine how will they rule their afterword's ?

I think most expected Ukraine to fold after a few days. But they did not and are fighting a lot harder than people expected.

The Ghost of Kyiv story is discussed and debunked in this thread many pages ago. Maybe concentrate on latest developments?

I have also created a related thread in which Facts & Figures are highlighted and propaganda is ummasked.

Members are allowed provide their own updates in this thread.
name of thread sir ?
There is a website which does killcount verification on both sides

But your claim was that most Russian tanks were probably taken out without firing a shot.

Please link to the count website. How can we trust the numbers on the count website?

How plausible is this scenario? It sounds a bit farfetched tbh.

You didn't quote my post in entirety and I think you missed the point. I wasn't saying Russia is losing 5% to 10% forces in every send out mission but was questioning it. I'm not saying that's not the case, we simply don't know. They would deplete entire Russian military within 3 weeks from now if this is the case or the send out on each mission becoming so little that the loss ratio becomes much more than 5% to 10%.

5% to 10% ratio would require some seriously capable Ukrainian air deployment but it's doable for Ukrainian forces because they have geurlla war advantage and home ground advantage. They have lots of good manpads and ATGMs so taking out 5% to 10% of Russian forces that are going into a city for example, is entirely possible.

I just doubt that Ukrainian forces are taking out nearly all Russian tanks before Russian tanks even fire a single shot. For that, they wouldn't just need incredible amount of ATGMs in well trained and positioned troops but also lot's more air capability that is certainly not the case.
But your claim was that most Russian tanks were probably taken out without firing a shot.

Please link to the count website. How can we trust the numbers on the count website?

You didn't quote my post in entirety and I think you missed the point. I wasn't saying Russia is losing 5% to 10% forces in every send out mission but was questioning it. I'm not saying that's not the case, we simply don't know. They would deplete entire Russian military within 3 weeks from now if this is the case or the send out on each mission becoming so little that the loss ratio becomes much more than 5% to 10%.

5% to 10% ratio would require some seriously capable Ukrainian air deployment but it's doable for Ukrainian forces because they have geurlla war advantage and home ground advantage. They have lots of good manpads and ATGMs so taking out 5% to 10% of Russian forces that are going into a city for example, is entirely possible.

I just doubt that Ukrainian forces are taking out nearly all Russian tanks before Russian tanks even fire a single shot. For that, they wouldn't just need incredible amount of ATGMs in well trained and positioned troops but also lot's more air capability that is certainly not the case.
If the Russians try to penetrate into Kiev with heavy armor assault, I guarantee you the loss ratio will be higher, at least 50%. You notice there are no videos of Javelins being used...?
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